TSR-310 Continual System Disconnects & Fav CH not functioning #cp4

Michael S Moran

My system is comprised of a CP4-R and two TSR-310 remotes.  I am controlling the local Family Room DTV Sat Receiver via IP. The Family Rm audio is deployed as Zone 3 on a Denon AVR-X8500 receiver and it too is being controlled 
via IP.  TV is an LG C2 OLED 42".

TSR is continuously disconnecting from the Processor and then reconnects.  Almost daily, I have to perform a hard reboot of the processor to make the FAV Channels function again.  Once the reboot is completed, they work perfectly until the next episode...again nearly a daily requirement.  Often, the Family Rm System will initialize but the Sat will fail to fire-up and require utilizing the DTV Remote to turn on the SAT Rec'r.  This is not as frequent as the FAV CH issue nor the constant remote disconnect/reconnect dance.     

Someone posted a possible approach and or remedy with a link but I apparently deleted that post.  any and all insights are greatly appreciated.  In closing, I am capable of dealing with this nagging issue but if it were deployed in a customer's home, the 
discussions would quickly become unbearable and possibly involve legal ramifications?

Thaks again for everyones insights.

Mike Moran


Is the firmware on both the TSR-310 and CP4-R up to date? The past few TSR-310 releases specifically address some connection and favorite issues.

What access points are you using and how is signal strength in the room? If you suspect wifi issues you could try to lock it to the closest AP or certain band.

Michael S Moran


Thanks for the input. the FW is up to date and I do check that on a regular basis.  Signal strength is OK and I also performed a "Health Check" of the remote (in question) and that test indicated that it was healthy?
That said, the signal is definitely weaker.  I am presently not utilizing a dedicated WAP.  Previously, I had a TP Link Wall-Wart Extender located in the Fam Rm and it literally sucked the battery dry very quickly so I removed it.  I am presently relying on the main Router, which is a Linksys MR 9600 Wi-Fi 6 AND Mesh compliant Giddy-Up.  I have not deployed any Mesh Extenders, yet.

I did forget to mention that I am also experiencing frequent "System Crashes.  The APP asks what was or did happen and the answer is I don't know becasue I receive the message upon opening the APP.  Cleary, it is a great puzzlement!  I did ask the question as to exactly what a "system Crash" indicates.  Is it a momentary interruption in the "Force"...Wi-Fi or Ethernet connectivity to the WAN, possibly, or some other yet to be determined cause?  If it is a Wi-Fi signal concern, I can easily add a MESH Extender to that zone.
However, the CP4-R is connected via Ethernet to my Luxul 26/24 Port PoE E-Switch and that has always been very robust and relaible.  Mr. Cornfused

There was a TSR build posted to the CH Beta forum ~3 days ago (3/7/23) regarding some of your reported behaviors.


I would also recommend setting up a dedicated SSID for the TSRs at just the 2.4g freq. 
In larger systems with multiple APs, I would also have unique SSIDs on each AP and tie the TSRs to the closest AP to each of them.
They are not designed to be roaming devices...

I agree that this is not excellent in its design...


TSR-310 v2.001.0174 (10/10/23) has some major improvements regarding WiFi & "Connecting to System" behavior in CH.
Please update your remotes and refer to release notes for more information.