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#buying NanoVNA models with MAX2870/MAX2871 PLL
Does anyone know of any currently-on-the-market NanoVNA hardware revisions with MAX2870/MAX2871 PLL's? Seems like they have better performance at higher frequencies than the ADF4350/4351, etc... Considering single quantities for a MAX chip are ~$14 USD from Mouser, I'd be willing to pay the money for a better performing model if software is available to support the part.
On 3/21/23 8:50 AM, Eitan Tsur wrote:
Does anyone know of any currently-on-the-market NanoVNA hardware revisions with MAX2870/MAX2871 PLL's? Seems like they have better performance at higher frequencies than the ADF4350/4351, etc... Considering single quantities for a MAX chip are ~$14 USD from Mouser, I'd be willing to pay the money for a better performing model if software is available to support the part.Changing PLL is a major redesign of both hardware and firmware (that is, it's not a pin for pin drop in). The MAX2870 only goes down to 23.5 MHz which is fairly important for a lot of users. For that matter the ADF4350 only goes down to 137.5 MHz The register map is quite different between the parts. The NanoVNA uses a Si5351 part which is a clock generator that goes 2.5 kHz to 200 MHz (it will actually go higher), and costs $2.44 in single quantity. The design of a VNA using either the MAX or ADF parts would be quite different. So it's not the parts cost that's the driver - it's the design cost - And I'd expect that the parts cost on something covering microwave frequencies to be substantially higher than the parts going into the NanoVNA. For example, you're going to need a better reference oscillator to go to 4 GHz, since the phase noise starts to be a bigger part of the noise budget, and that 20log(N) bites pretty hard. You'll also need to deal with layout and substrate issues - at 300 MHz, regular old FR4 works pretty well, and the small variations don't make much difference (or will calibrate out). Start getting up to 3-4 GHz and FR4 works, but it's lossy, and the piece to piece variability gets bigger. Some calibrates out, some doesn't. All this can be solved in one way or another, but it's a fair amount of work. |
NanoVNA-F uses an ADF4350 already. Good point about register maps being
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different, but the MAX and ADF are pin compatible last I checked On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 11:22 AM Jim Lux <jimlux@...> wrote:
On 3/21/23 8:50 AM, Eitan Tsur wrote:Does anyone know of any currently-on-the-market NanoVNA hardwarerevisions with MAX2870/MAX2871 PLL's? Seems like they have better |
On 3/21/23 11:29 AM, Eitan Tsur wrote:
NanoVNA-F uses an ADF4350 already. Good point about register maps beingpins may have the same definitions, but is the supporting circuitry the same. FWIW, pin 16 on the MAX is Vcc-rf, and Vvco on the ADF. Vvco is pin 17 on the MAX. It's also Vvco on the ADF (it's on two pins) Pin 19 is NOISE_FILT on MAX, TEMP compensation ADF. So similar, but not the same. The other difference, at first, is that RFoutA on the ADF is pulled up to Vvco through inductors/chokes, while it's pulled up by resistors on the MAX. Maybe the same would work, but it's a bit different. The loop filter circuitry is a bit different, too - the MAX seems to want a split in the resistor to ground, taken to SW (pin 6) And it might want different values. |
Fair enough. Sounds like rather than design my own mods I'm better off with
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a LiteVNA 64 On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 12:27 PM Jim Lux <jimlux@...> wrote:
On 3/21/23 11:29 AM, Eitan Tsur wrote:NanoVNA-F uses an ADF4350 already. Good point about register maps beingpins may have the same definitions, but is the supporting circuitry the |
On 3/21/23 12:48 PM, Eitan Tsur wrote:
Fair enough. Sounds like rather than design my own mods I'm better off withDepends on what you like doing for fun, doesn't it? I *like* designing things and seeing them work, and going through the iterative process of optimizing the design. For years, that's essentially what my job was (get paid to do what's fun!) - These days, I get paid to manage others doing the design and implementation which isn't quite as much fun. |
can one use a v2 hw and replace the pll chip (and use lite fw)?? are they pin compatible??
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just thinking if i could replace that pll chip only (bridge performace and channel isolation is a different beast) dg9bfc sigi Am 21.03.2023 um 19:00 schrieb DiSlord: See LiteVNA64 |
sure the board may be different ... (its a new design)
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i was asking if theoretically that could be done happy coding and have a nice day dg9bfc sigi Am 22.03.2023 um 18:55 schrieb DiSlord: No, LiteVNA use different board |
LiteVNA contain SD card and RTC and use hardware i2c bus control
So V2 and Lite use equual VNA software but different hardware control Yes possible build V2 firmware and add MAX2871 generator control, but you can`t just replace it, need also tune elements around it. This all done in Lite So most easy and low cost way order it (LiteVNA cost near 100$) |
and then use last fw from dislord!!!!
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best fw modder ever hi hi dg9bfc sigi Am 22.03.2023 um 19:06 schrieb DiSlord: LiteVNA contain SD card and RTC and use hardware i2c bus control |
On 3/22/23 10:58 AM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
sure the board may be different ... (its a new design)probably not - the pinouts are "close but not the same" but the other issue is the software that controls the synthesizer. The register maps for the two devices are different. My practical experience doing just this kind of thing (old PLL chip no longer available, new chip is almost pin compatible, with a few white wire jumpers) is that there's a lot of fiddly other aspects to the circuit that will take time to figure out. You might wind up adding/removing some supporting components, changing some of those "other parameters" on the chip (like charge pump current levels, filter constants, etc.) So theoretically it could be done, in the same sense that any engine can be swapped into any car, with enough fabrication, modification, and work. |
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