Master Installer Wont Connect to FTP Site #crestron


Is anyone else having issues using master installer since the update to SFTP? Using my account that I have had for years I get a message saying "password authentication error" when putting in my login info. I also can not connect to the SFTP site using filezilla. I spoke with crestron who had me try to change my username and password (which I had already done to no avail) but the only thing that seemed to work was creating an entire new account using another email address from my company. I spoke with another colleague from a different company who was able to login with filezilla but not through master installer.

Just wondering if anyone has this issue and if they know how to fix it.


Just checked and it looks like my account is broken too. Neither master installer nor sftp work for me today but did last friday.


And 5 minutes later it fixed itself... guess I just needed to complain about it.


We have had this issue resolved by updating master installer to v 4.00.10. Hope this will help.


Crestron MasterInstaller – Common Troubleshooting Tips
When troubleshooting MasterInstaller software downloads, please check the following:
1) Software Version
Please ensure the latest MasterInstaller v4.00.11 [Dec.2021] is being used.
This version is required to supports the server’s new SFTP requirements.
2) Credentials
When prompted for login, specify the username found on the My Profile page.
The username is case-sensitive, and must match what’s shown in the “Your Username” field.
During troubleshooting the “Your Username” and “Email” fields can be set to match, and use all lowercase.
Passwords can also be changed from this page, if needed.
3) Network Access
Please confirm the network you're on isn't blocking FTP/SFTP traffic.
Using a cell phone hotspot, etc. is a good way to eliminate the network as a variable.
You should be able to manually connect to Crestron's server using a FTP client.
On networks where FTP/SFTP is blocked, Crestron software can be manually downloaded from the website.
Use the links at the bottom of the following Online Help article to find the latest versions.
4) Firewall Access
Please ensure MasterInstaller is allowed through any firewall software that is running on your PC.
In some instances Windows Firewall blocking MasterInstaller can result in a Blue Screen error/crash.
5) UAC Permissions / Run As Administrator / Folder Selection
By default MasterInstaller saves files to and runs installers from C:\Program Files (x86)\Crestron\Downloads. 
Windows User Account Controls protects the \Program Files (x86)\ folder, so MasterInstaller must have sufficient UAC privileges to utilize that folder.
You may set MasterInstaller to Always Run As Administrator, or select a different destination folder for your downloads in the step between file selection and download/install.
5) Problematic Partial Download Files
If MasterInstaller appears to be stuck downloading certain software, please exit the program and delete the corresponding partial download files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Crestron\Downloads. 
When partial download files are present in this folder, MasterInstaller tries to scan them and resume the download. 
Deleting these files allows MasterInstaller to restart the download fresh when it’s next launched.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 08:10 AM, AJones wrote:
"password authentication error"

That particular message is most frequently attributed to username case-sensitivity mismatch.
Please check what was typed against the "Your Username" field on the My Profile page.

During troubleshooting the “Your Username” and “Email” fields can be set to match, and use all lowercase.
Passwords can also be changed from this page, if needed.


Thank you for the help. These are the same steps that I went over with the Crestron support agent. It worked perfect when I used a new account but is still blocking me using my original account.

This is happening in Master Installer and using FileZilla