GLXX-2DIM8 - Channels 5 through 8 not outputting 120vac #crestron #greenlight #lighting #modules


So I'm having an issue with two (2) GLXX-2DIM8 units where on both of them the channels/relays 5 through 8 are not outputting 120vac when they are turned on. 1 through 4 work perfectly though (through its local control and CH application).

I've made sure the unit is receiving 120vac on both of its phases. 

The LED on those channels light up when pressing its respective button or when being controlled via CRESTRON HOME, but electrically, its not sending 120vac on those channels.

Also, both units are discoverable and configurable via TOOLBOX, SIMPL and CRESTRON HOME, so it would seem the modules are not damaged.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Make sure they are the same phase for 1-4 and 5-8 on same 2x8 module.

On May 16, 2023, at 3:39 PM, David Chramcow <dchramcow@...> wrote:

So I'm having an issue with two (2) GLXX-2DIM8 units where on both of them the channels/relays 5 through 8 are not outputting 120vac when they are turned on. 1 through 4 work perfectly though (through its local control and CH application).

I've made sure the unit is receiving 120vac on both of its phases. 

The LED on those channels light up when pressing its respective button or when being controlled via CRESTRON HOME, but electrically, its not sending 120vac on those channels.

Also, both units are discoverable and configurable via TOOLBOX, SIMPL and CRESTRON HOME, so it would seem the modules are not damaged.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have tried using the same phase for all channels and using two separate phases for channels 1-4 and 5-8. Neither seem to work.

It's like channels 5-8 are somehow blocked/protected electrically.