
This group is for users of the software EchoLink! It allows Amateur Radio operators from around the world to connect with other operators via the worldwide EchoLink System utilizing Voice-Over-IP technology gateways and client software created by Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD. This facet of Amateur Radio joins the power of the internet with our radio hobby!

This is a support and discussion group for users of the EchoLink service, it's client and sysop modes, and it's smart device apps.  Please do not post Nets, Conference announcements or similar.  These are considered "advertisements". Above all, stay on topic and civility rules.  SIGN YOUR MESSAGES!  If you have an admin issue, contact the Group Owner at the address listed below, do not address the Group.

This is an advertisement free list owned by Joe Sammartino N2QOJ in partnership with EchoLink Yahoo Group Founder Leonard Signoretti Jr. N2LEN. 
The Moderator Team: Greg KC3MN, Kevin KD5WX, John N5API, Tony VK3JED, Johnny KD8DVR, Frank WA2AQQ, Scott, KB3JQQ, & Mike WB6WUI.

Thank you to Jonathan Taylor, creator of EchoLink, for his tremendous contribution to the amateur radio community. Among Jonathan's other achievements: Author of ARRL book, "VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs". received 2002 ARRL Technical Innovation Award, received 2003 Hamvention Special Achievement Award in Dayton, named to CQ Magazine Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (2005), and is ARRL Technical Advisor, New England Division.

Please state your valid amateur radio call sign when requesting to join and always sign your message posts. Thank you!

Some Related Links (Updated)

Echolink Proxy List
EchoLink Login Status Page
EchoIRLP Info
Internet Radio Linking Project
CQiNet Home of the Bridge and EchoLinux
VOIP-WXNET Support Site

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  • Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
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  • Архів доступний лише для користувачів.
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  • Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.

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