Re: xBitX RPi questions
1. The pi on the zBitx does not come with a heatsink. We found that the Pi runs normally without one and we haven't faced any problems so far. As Farhan said earlier, n one of our software is
Support HF Signal
Re: sBitX V3 Microphone input
Hi Charles,
The tip goes to microphone element, ring to the PTT switch, and the sleeve to ground. When you ground the ring (PTT) to sleeve (ground), the radio goes into transmit.
This is mentioned
Re: Zbitx
I looked briefly at some of his VOLUMINOUS work. Amazing. Each of us only have so many hours, and some of these folks have really blazed a trail for us. I'm AMAZED at how much dynamic
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: Zbitx
Hi Steve,
OM Farhan VU2ESE presented a prototype at the Annual LARC at Hyderabad,
india on the 14th December, 2024.
About a year ago he discussed the concept with block diagrams etc.
Kind regards and
Sudipta Ghose VU2UT
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
I kept thinking that the software could also have a problem. So I flashed the 4.2 software and sure enough it works now.
At 50% drive on 20 meters I am getting 10 watts out with the mic set at 50. CW
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
I have some other radios. xiegu x6100 good enough. I have some 50v ceramic caps. I have a 100 pf.
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
OK, so you’ve got some DC connectivity
Do you have another receiver anywhere?
Do you have a capacitor somewhere, anywhere between 100 pF and 0.1 Uf that is rated for 50 V or more? If you do, we
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
I set the bias with my amp meter. That seemed to work. There is no output on the external swr meter. It doesn't show anything it the 2 watt mode.
I have a good volt meter. The cans do get warm. They
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
Great going Gordon , hope these lessons continue to it's logical conclusion.
It'll surely help someone and me offcourse.
<docvacuumtubes@...> wrote:
Charudatt Uplap
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
1. I’m assuming you were able to adjust the idle current with the bias potentiometer and get expected results. If not, then there could be a DC disconnection somewhere in the power amplifier
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: zBitx features SWR / Power meter
Thanks Ashhar
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
It receives fine. I can hear everything that it should with an antenna.
When I transmit in any mode I see that it looks like it is transmitting on the screen but it shows 0 watts and 1.0 SWR. Doesn't
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
We all understand!!
1. Does it RECEIVE? If you put an antenna on it, do you HEAR
recognizable signals?
2. What exactly does it do when you try to transmit (specify mode, and
what you see on the
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
That's a bit over my head. I would rather buy a new board than go that deep. I'll dig around a bit but if it requires equipment I don't have it's over.
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
time to break out the oscilloscope or build an "rf probe" if you don't have
one, so you can begin to diagnose with a simple $6 digital voltmeter.
Lots of learning opportunities! There are some
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
One of the legs broke on one diode. So I ordered more. Only problem is I put everything back together and set the bias. Still no power out. Starting to think I blew another fet or maybe there is a
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
For what it's worth, they are right that standard diodes have some continuity measured in one direction and nothing in the other direction. TVS diodes like the ones used in the sBitx V3s don't show
Joel Caulkins/N6ALT
sBitX V3 Microphone input
I’ve been trying different microphone combos with the microphone input and the thing is — I can’t figure out how to get the PTT on the mike line to work (running Dexx’s 4.2 btw).
The ring on
Charles Guerin
Re: Operating FT8 from a different country
Yes you are right, changing settings by
Shawn Rutledge K7IHZ
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