Updated photo album Fraser CNC #photo-notice
fraserneville@... updated the photo album Fraser CNC ( https://groups.io/g/MachCNC/album?id=299410 ) : Some views of my 3D printed machine. The controller is an Arduino using the V3
Від Group Notification <noreply@...> · #155595 ·
Re: Leaving MachCNC behind me.
I've just added a folder with 5 pics. cheers N
Від fraserneville@... · #155594 ·
Added photo album Fraser CNC #photo-notice
fraserneville@... added the photo album Fraser CNC ( https://groups.io/g/MachCNC/album?id=299410 ) : general view of my #D printed machine.
Від Group Notification <noreply@...> · #155593 ·
Re: Leaving MachCNC behind me.
ANy pic's of yer new setup ? thanks animal
Від mike allen · #155592 ·
Leaving MachCNC behind me.
Hi all. Firstly, thanks to all those whose advice helped me all those years ago setting up my first CNC machine. Two disasters impacted my early use- my laptop with a parallel port got stolen and
Від fraserneville@... · #155591 ·
Re: script brain
Hello everyone I'm struggling with my brain, but I've made progress. My relay works as I want, but I'm stuck on the lighting of the led linked to the relay. This led has the code OEMled=1011 and I
Від perso.gilles@... · #155590 ·
Re: script brain
hello thanks for the macro example i will read this carefully and i will not fail to come back to you as my english is mediocre i will tie myself in knots ++ gilles
Від perso.gilles@... · #155589 ·
Re: script brain
On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 04:14 AM, Stephen Muscato wrote: hello everyone in the meantime, I racked my brain :o) and I managed to make my relay work I just renamed the OEM code of a led on the "Ports
Від perso.gilles@... · #155588 ·
Re: script brain
I have various macros and have attached a pdf of them that may help you sort it out. You will need to get the Input and output numbers from the mach3 manual.
Від Ross Babcock · #155587 ·
Re: script brain
I wrote a script many years ago and don't remember much. Have you tried "Ports & Pins" you can select outputs there. Could you describe in more detail what you are trying to do? I understand activate
Від Stephen Muscato · #155586 ·
script brain
hi i'm starting the brain script and i'm stuck on how to activate a relay when a led is on a helping hand please ++
Від perso.gilles@... · #155585 ·
Micro Switch CNC Shield V3
-- Hi everyone , I need some help with the home_sense and the pins associated for micro switches. The page says that the correct pins are GPIO 18 and GPIO21 (CNC Shield V3) but the last one doesnt
Від juanlusiruizbellido@... · #155584 ·
Is the wxtimer working as in the older versions of mach4 i still see the wxpanel and wxtimer event in the screenload script, but if i create a button and do a timer:Start(10) i get a message box
Від Gary · #155583 ·
Is there a way to check if any axis is in motion, after you excited a mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute command in a coroutine so the motion is finished before another  mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute is excited ? or
Від Gary · #155582 ·
Re: angle calculation g68
Atan[3]/[20] works in Mach3 Gcode, not in an external card. If you have Mach3 on a PC with no connection to a controller or machine then you can use: G90 #50=Atan[3]/[20] g0 A#50 and the DRO for the
Від Martin Connelly · #155581 ·
Re: angle calculation g68
hello Martin I thank you very much for the time you take to help me I managed to turn the drawing on the screen with the following commands Code “G68 A0 B0 R” & Final result Sleep(150) doOEMButton
Від res.amazonite@... · #155580 ·
Re: angle calculation g68
Glad I could help with the angle calculation. Here is something to consider. If you are not currently using the A axis you can make use of it. The A axis is rotation about the linear X axis and uses
Re: angle calculation g68
hello Martin I implemented the function calls the Taylor series it worked well now, I don't think the measurements for angles less/greater than 20° are justified for me the maximum could be less
Від res.amazonite@... · #155578 ·
Re: angle calculation g68
It never occurred to me that they did not implement Atan in Mach3 scripts since it is a standard VB function. There is a simple work around though using what are known as the Taylor Series for trig
Re: angle calculation g68
Hi after several attempts Atan is not taken into account in the GCode, it is possible that the function is not implemented in the controller card (Chinese) I fell back on this formula AB = 100'
Від res.amazonite@... · #155576 ·