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Re: making quark from goat milk
Hi Julie,
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Thank you so much for letting us know. Sending out a prayer and good thoughts for Sandra to heal up quickly. Jenny On Nov 23, 2024, at 1:28 PM, Todd St John via <todd.stjohn@...> wrote:
Re: making quark from goat milk
Hi Julie Thank you for the update. I thought there might have been a problem. It was unusual to not see any notes from Sandra, not just the guidelines email. Thank you again. I wish Sandra well and I hope she is on her way to recovery soon. Todd
On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 07:48:21 AM EST, jfanciullacci via <jfanciullacci@...> wrote:
Hi Todd, and all group members,
During July, Sandra fell and broke her right arm and shoulder as well as weakening her right leg.
Since then, she has been focused on working with physical therapists to learn to type (her hands and fingers shake), to stand (her right leg is still very weak after all these months), and to walk a few steps with a walker. This change has been overwhelming. Basically, she is confined to bed and rest.
Luckily, her daughter lives with her and helps her every day.
She also has a second helper when her daughter is away from home. Plus, her son visits every weekend. She thinks all of you daily and wishes you the best.
Best wishes to all.
Julie, moderator
Re: making quark from goat milk
Best wishes and quick recovery to Sandra. Cheers Goran
On Saturday, 23 November 2024 at 01:48:21 am NZDT, jfanciullacci via <jfanciullacci@...> wrote:
Hi Todd, and all group members,
During July, Sandra fell and broke her right arm and shoulder as well as weakening her right leg.
Since then, she has been focused on working with physical therapists to learn to type (her hands and fingers shake), to stand (her right leg is still very weak after all these months), and to walk a few steps with a walker. This change has been overwhelming. Basically, she is confined to bed and rest.
Luckily, her daughter lives with her and helps her every day.
She also has a second helper when her daughter is away from home. Plus, her son visits every weekend. She thinks all of you daily and wishes you the best.
Best wishes to all.
Julie, moderator
Re: making quark from goat milk
Thank you for letting us know Julie. Sending Sandra all the healing vibes for a speedy recovery! Yours in good health, Andrea
On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 07:33:55 a.m. MST, Joost <joost@...> wrote:
Wish her all the best. Thanks, Joost Op 22-11-2024 om 13:48 schreef jfanciullacci via > Hi Todd, and all group members, > During July, Sandra fell and broke her right arm and shoulder as well > as weakening her right leg. > Since then, she has been focused on working with physical therapists > to learn to type (her hands and fingers shake), to stand (her right > leg is still very weak after all these months), and to walk a few > steps with a walker. This change has been overwhelming. Basically, she > is confined to bed and rest. > Luckily, her daughter lives with her and helps her every day. > She also has a second helper when her daughter is away from home. > Plus, her son visits every weekend. She thinks all of you daily and > wishes you the best. > Best wishes to all. > Julie, moderator > |
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
There are several references to vitamin D. She also indicated that it was okay to take vit D in place of sunshine in winter in colder areas in order to get enough vit D. I didn't spend much time in the sun at all and healed stage 4 lung cancer with BP and some other things I added on my own. I live in MN which negates sunbathing for about half the year, and I am self employed and time is money as they say, so I didn't have a lot of time to spare. Sunshine also has other benefits, but I always understood vit D was the main reason relative to the protocol. Rod in MN/USA On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 08:35:50 AM CST, sara.weisel via <sara.weisel@...> wrote: Thanks for posting. Can you please explain or cite the source for vitamin D being the reason Budwig included sunbathing in her protocol? The translated books of Johanna Budwig and Om Vern that I’ve read make no mention of Vitamin. d. They speak of the importance of getting sun for the purpose of it activating the electrons in the FOCC after it’s been eaten. And so I’m wondering where you are getting your information from. Thanks, Sara On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 8:08 AM jfanciullacci via <> wrote:
1 Людина сподобалось це
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Thanks for posting. Can you please explain or cite the source for vitamin D being the reason Budwig included sunbathing in her protocol? The translated books of Johanna Budwig and Om Vern that I’ve read make no mention of Vitamin. d. They speak of the importance of getting sun for the purpose of it activating the electrons in the FOCC after it’s been eaten. And so I’m wondering where you are getting your information from. Thanks, Sara On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 8:08 AM jfanciullacci via <> wrote:
Re: making quark from goat milk
Wish her all the best.
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Thanks, Joost Op 22-11-2024 om 13:48 schreef jfanciullacci via Hi Todd, and all group members, |
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Hi all
In response to Todd’s message, here is the post written by Sandra:
Below are Guidelines in brief of the Budwig Diet – you don’t have to consume all the foods on this list. Membership to our site, gives you videos or articles in detail about each item below. This information is from Dr. Budwig’s books. 1. 1st thing in AM–Sauerkraut Juice, preferably raw & homemade [We have a video on our site showing how to make it] . Raw unheated kraut has enzymes, probiotics and vitamins which help the digestive system metabolize foods & improve immunity. Most sauerkraut sold in stores is pasteurized [heated] and nutrients are damaged. It won’t help as much. 2. Just before breakfast– green or herbal tea 3. Breakfast–3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese+ 3 Tbs. milk if needed for thinning, well blended, after blending, add 2 Tbsp flax seeds, freshly ground, add fresh fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp raw honey. Afterward, if hungry, choose whole grain bread, raw vegetables, & an oz of quality cheese: Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler, Sbrinz or Camembert. 4. Mid-morning – Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrots, beets w/lemon or apple) . Homemade carrot or beet juices are very important cancer-fighters. 5. Before Lunch – Champagne or sparkling wine with 1 Tbs of flaxseeds[freshly ground] OR ground flax seeds in small glass of fruit juice. The champagne helps with absorption of the seeds. 6. SUNBATHING outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon [weather permitting] without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible. Avoid washing with soap after sunbathing. Give the vitamin D time to be made and absorbed[24-48 hours] 7. Lunch – raw vegetable salad with a variety of raw greens and vegetables + Budwig dressing using 1tbs flaxseed oil, 2tbs fruit juice, 1tsp mustard. If still hungry, boiled or steamed veggies, grains and beans, lentils, or potatoes. [If a member of this site, see “DINNER” in the Menu for over 25 recipes] 8. Lunch Dessert – It’s important to have a 2nd serving of 3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese with a little milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, raw honey and/or other flavors you like. You can also use non-sweetened cocoa for a dark chocolate flavor. Dark chocolate fights cancer if used in small amounts. It cannot contain sugar. 9. Mid-afternoon – 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground & added to 3 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store bought. 10. STRESS REDUCTION/RELAXATION PRACTICE — Meditation to relax the mind, EFT to change thinking, & other techniques that reduce stress as shown on the Budwig-Videos website for those who join. [EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique]. Chronic stress can be very damaging. [We have a video for relaxation methods for members of this site.] 11. Late afternoon – Papaya or pineapple juice, 3 to 8 oz, with 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground. 12. Dinner – Cooked grains and nutritional yeast flakes such as Red Mill Nutritional Yeast with B12 or grains with vegetables w/oleolux, nutritional yeast flakes & spices. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, & cabbage add cancer-fighting nutrition. Grains suggested by Dr. Budwig: brown rice, buckwheat, millet and oats. Dine early. 13. Evening – 1 glass Red Wine [optional]. Go to sleep early – before 10pm if possible. 14. AVOID chemicals, preservatives, damaging fats, meats/poultry/eggs/fish, sugar, sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, most supplements, ozone treatments, dental infections and wean off drugs if possible [under doctor’s care] 15. Most people do not need ELDI oils, which Dr. Budwig created mainly for patients who are too weak to eat. These oils are sold in Germany. They are rubbed on the skin or used as an enema if needed. [Some people make a version of ELDI oil at home by mixing 75% flax oil with 25% wheat germ oil to help preserve it. ] |
Re: making quark from goat milk
Hi Todd, and all group members,
During July, Sandra fell and broke her right arm and shoulder as well as weakening her right leg.
Since then, she has been focused on working with physical therapists to learn to type (her hands and fingers shake), to stand (her right leg is still very weak after all these months), and to walk a few steps with a walker. This change has been overwhelming. Basically, she is confined to bed and rest.
Luckily, her daughter lives with her and helps her every day.
She also has a second helper when her daughter is away from home. Plus, her son visits every weekend. She thinks all of you daily and wishes you the best.
Best wishes to all.
Julie, moderator |
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Thank you everyone!! I very much appreciate each of you taking the time to reply. Wishing you all best health, Andrea
On Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 04:12:10 a.m. MST, sara.weisel via <sara.weisel@...> wrote:
If you look up Dr. Brooke Goldner on Facebook (Smoothie Solutions) you will be able to find testimonials from people who have been helped to heal from MS. And many other inflammation based illnesses. She cured herself of Lupus nephritis. She has a fairly simple protocol using nutrition (greens, flax seeds and water) that have helped numerous people with autoimmune conditions and other illnesses. She has a live Q and A every wednesday on Facebook, youtube and instagram where she takes questions from people. She works with people one on one and in groups for a fee but you can also just read her books and heal with simple supermarket foods (and stopping to eat all animals and processed food and oils). She is really awesome and down to earth and has a genuine interest in helping others. Hope this is helpful. Sara
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
If you look up Dr. Brooke Goldner on Facebook (Smoothie Solutions) you will be able to find testimonials from people who have been helped to heal from MS. And many other inflammation based illnesses. She cured herself of Lupus nephritis. She has a fairly simple protocol using nutrition (greens, flax seeds and water) that have helped numerous people with autoimmune conditions and other illnesses. She has a live Q and A every wednesday on Facebook, youtube and instagram where she takes questions from people. She works with people one on one and in groups for a fee but you can also just read her books and heal with simple supermarket foods (and stopping to eat all animals and processed food and oils). She is really awesome and down to earth and has a genuine interest in helping others. Hope this is helpful. Sara
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Thanks for sharing!! On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM jfanciullacci via <> wrote:
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Hi Andrea
I did a quick search through previous messages and came across this post, written by Denise, a member of the group using the protocol for cancer. She wrote:
" I met a woman who achieved dramatic results with actually curing her advanced MS with the BP. She was confined to a wheelchair as a result of the disease's progression. At that point, her prognosis was poor and the disease was advancing rapidly. She made a decision to change everything and abruptly fired her numerous M.D.'s. At the same time, she discontinued all of her medications and adopted the full BP. I met her one year later while hiking on Mt. Shasta in California. She and her husband were carrying full backpacks and were just embarking on a week long backpacking trip up to the mountain top in celebration of her full return to health. She was middle aged and absolutely sparkled. Not only was she fit and strong, there was not even the slightest evidence of a limp. "
Quite a testimonial!
Best wishes
Julie, UK |
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Look up LDN for MS. It has been shown to stop the progression of MS.
On Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 11:41:38 AM MST, Andrea Forhan via <aforhan8@...> wrote:
Thanks Tom, I appreciate the extra info!
On Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 12:27:03 a.m. MST, Tom via <thomas.carroll20@...> wrote:
Not sure it works for that, never heard any testimonials for MS with Budwig, I have read of many MS sufferers using the Gerson therapy to heal MS though! On 12 Nov 2024, at 23:21, Andrea Forhan via <aforhan8@...> wrote:
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Thanks Tom, I appreciate the extra info!
On Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 12:27:03 a.m. MST, Tom via <thomas.carroll20@...> wrote:
Not sure it works for that, never heard any testimonials for MS with Budwig, I have read of many MS sufferers using the Gerson therapy to heal MS though! On 12 Nov 2024, at 23:21, Andrea Forhan via <aforhan8@...> wrote:
Re: 15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Not sure it works for that, never heard any testimonials for MS with Budwig, I have read of many MS sufferers using the Gerson therapy to heal MS though!
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On 12 Nov 2024, at 23:21, Andrea Forhan via <aforhan8@...> wrote:
Simplify Your Journey to Wellness with the Task Triage Toolkit!
Hi, all!
As we all know, navigating health challenges and managing the daily tasks required for wellness can be overwhelming. With the need to balance diet, sun therapy, stress reduction, and ELDI oils, it’s easy to feel swamped. That’s why I’m excited to share a resource I came across that can help you prioritize and streamline your daily activities: the Task Triage Toolkit. I'm unaffiliated - I just thought y'all would relate!
This toolkit helps take the emotion out of decision-making, reducing overwhelm and making it easier to stay on track with my wellness journey. What this Toolkits helps with:
As a dedicated follower of the Budwig Protocol, I have occasionally found myself overwhelmed with the numerous daily tasks required to adhere to the diet and lifestyle changes, and managing complex medical conditions. The Task Triage Toolkit was a game-changer for me. It helped me break down my tasks, prioritize them, and create a manageable daily schedule. This not only made it easier to stick to the Protocol but also allowed me to enjoy the process without feeling stressed.
Thank you for being part of this incredible community dedicated to health and healing. I hope this Toolkit helps you as much as it has helped me. Stay well, Marni |
Re: AutoImmune Thyroid disease - Hashimoto
I've checked for testimonials in the files section, and through previous messages. We don't have any testimonials for Hashimotos disease.
However, others with Hashimotos and other autoimmune conditions, reported feeling much better on the Budwig Protocol.
It's such a healthy diet, give it a go and report back?
Best wishes
Julie, UK 1 Людина сподобалось це