Re: I wondered when this would happen.

Bernardino J. Buenaobra

analogspiceman wrote:

LTC's competitors must be feeling the heat. TI has apparently
just de-hobbled their circuit simulator offering by removing its
former artificial limitations on circuit size. I downloaded it
to have a look-see, but so far I am not impressed. It has a 100
Mb! footprint and the user interface seems much more cumbersome
(to be fair, I love the LTspice U/I and haven't yet put in enough
time to really learn the TINA-TI U/I).

Like LTspice, it comes with numerous examples and has "some" built
in SMPS support (don't know if it is a core function or just a
superficial add-on to please marketing). I think I read somewhere
that it allows component values to be changed "on the fly" in the
middle of a long transient simulation, but I haven't tried it.

TINA-TI is supposed to accept raw netlists as input, so it would
be interesting to benchmark it against LTspice, especially if they
can run an equivalent basic SMPS design.

I would love to see the comments of any LTspice users who are also
current or recently former TINA users. - a.s.
__________________________________________________________ <>

Now Available: TINA-TI Version 7.0!

TINA is an easy-to-use, but powerful, circuit simulation program
based on a SPICE engine. TINA-TI is a fully functional version
of TINA, loaded with a library of TI macromodels plus passive
and active models.

TINA-TI's new version 7.0 has changes from Version 6.0 in the
following areas:

* TINA-TI provides support for switching power supply devices.
* TINA-TI has no limit to circuit size.
* TINA-TI has more SPICE models and example circuits included.
* User will be notified when an update is available for the tool
. . and TI model library.
* TINA-TI now supports SMPS simulation capability.
* Circuits developed in TINA-TI 7.0 will work with TINA Industrial
. . version 7.

Based on a SPICE engine, TINA-TI provides all the conventional DC,
transient and frequency domain analysis of SPICE and much more.
TINA has extensive post-processing capability that allows you to
format results the way you want them. Virtual instruments allow
you to select input waveforms and probe circuit nodes voltages
and waveforms. TINA's schematic capture is truly intuitive - a
real "quickstart."

This complimentary version, TINA-TI, is fully functional but does
not support some other features available with the full version
of TINA.

TINA-TI installation requires approximately 100MB. Installation
is straight-forward and it can be uninstalled easily, if you wish.
We bet that you won't. [... continues - see web page. Oh, and I
bet I will.]


So now they finally changed it! I was wrestling with serious interlocking limitations of it when they asked me to teach them in their product engineers last year's summer! During that time I could'nt help to show them my LTSpice example for ECG signal processing because TINA can't even read PWL files? Anyway let me take a look.

Berns B.

Welcome to the Group

Ralph R. Reinhold

I've been using LTspice to model a few things and was surprised to
find out that there wasn't a users group. I've invited a few people to
join who have contributed a lot in sci.electronics.cad and about SwitcherCAD III / LTspice.

Feel free to post schematics, symbols, models, subcircuits and so
forth in 'Files'; add to the Links; ask questions in the messages;


Custom Symbols Guide

Ralph R. Reinhold

I have posted a custom symbols guide in the Files. It is in the 'Tut'

Thanks to Mike Englehardt for his comments.

Arbitrary behavioral sources in spicecad3


I used a B source to make an inverter gate.
.subckt inv 1 2
b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))
r1 3 2 100
c1 2 0 10P
.ends inv
vin 10 0 pulse 0 10 1m 1n 1n 2m 4m
x1 10 20 inv ic=0
r1 20 0 1meg
.tran 100u 10m 0m 100u

The behavior of the circuit seems to be ok but I got in the "spice
error log" the following message:

Circuit: sim

Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"Date: Sun Oct 13 22:16:06 2002
Total elapsed time: 0.050 seconds.

tnom = 27
temp = 27
method = modified trap
totiter = 792
traniter = 789
equations = 6
tranpoints = 383
accept = 357
rejected = 26
trancuriters = 0

I have no idea about this error, someone can give me an help?

Re: Arbitrary behavioral sources in spicecad3



[...]Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"[...]
I have no idea about this error, someone can
give me an help?
It's a spurious error message, and I've implemented
the fix in the source code for the next maintenance
release. In the meanwhile, you can either ignore
the message or or rewrite

b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))


b1 3 0 v=inv(v(1))


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Re: Arbitrary behavioral sources in spicecad3


Thank you very much!

Stefano Delfiore

--- Panama Mike <panamatex@...> wrote:

[...]Error: unknown token in: "[!](v(1))"[...]
I have no idea about this error, someone can
give me an help?
It's a spurious error message, and I've implemented
the fix in the source code for the next maintenance
release. In the meanwhile, you can either ignore
the message or or rewrite

b1 3 0 v=!(v(1))


b1 3 0 v=inv(v(1))


Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

The "potentiometer" model


The potentiometer model in the file area is missing the subcircuit.
Only the .asy fil is there - in both directories


Re: The "potentiometer" model

Ralph R. Reinhold

Thanks Larry. It should be fixed now.

--- In LTspice@y..., "ve3crx" <ve3crx@r...> wrote:
The potentiometer model in the file area is missing the subcircuit.
Only the .asy fil is there - in both directories


Re: The "potentiometer" model


--- In LTspice@y..., "Ralph R. Reinhold" <rreinhold@a...> wrote:
Thanks Larry. It should be fixed now.
--- In LTspice@y..., "ve3crx" <ve3crx@r...> wrote:
The potentiometer model in the file area is missing the
Only the .asy fil is there - in both directories

Ralph where is this potentiometer.
I can't seem to find it.

Re: The "potentiometer" model

Ralph R. Reinhold

It is in files under lib then sub. The symbol is under lib then sym.
I tried to stick to the format of the files loaded with LTSpice.

Ralph where is this potentiometer.
I can't seem to find it.

Re: The "potentiometer" model


--- In LTspice@y..., "Ralph R. Reinhold" <rreinhold@a...> wrote:
It is in files under lib then sub. The symbol is under lib then
I tried to stick to the format of the files loaded with LTSpice.

Ralph where is this potentiometer.
I can't seem to find it.
Ralph, I still can't seem to find it.
I downloaded the last version of SWCADD.
What is the potentiometer file names.
Also in a post last month you mentioned
something about a TUT folder. I don't have
that folder in my SWCADD file folder as well.
Is there somewhere I could down load this

Re: The "potentiometer" model

Ralph R. Reinhold

You're looking on your computer. Look in the Yahoo Groups.

How to debug 'unknown device' message?

Mike Cowlishaw


I'm experimenting with adding a custom model to use in SwitcherCADiii (I'm
adding a Max931, but with a 'DIP8' symbol and using the Spice model from
Maxim -- almost the same as an LTC1540). I have the symbol part working
(Ralph's guide was very useful, I have some experiences to add about the
semantics of PINs and their ordering if anyone interesting).

I'm now as far as having the model start to run, but just get a message box:

Spice error
Error: Unknown device type in: xu1 n003 n002 n001 0 n002 n002 out 0
max931.fam max931

(which just looks like the call to the subcircuit with the filename and
Value added). There's no additional information in the .log file.

Anyone know how I can get more detailed information on the unknown device
type, or do I just have to plough through the model 'by eye'?

Mike Cowlishaw
Coventry, UK

Re: How to debug 'unknown device' message?

Ralph R. Reinhold

It looks like you may have not included a ".lib" command line in the
schematic. For example,

.lib standard.opamp

.lib dly-line.sub

.lib potentiometer.sub

My guess is that you may need an include statement for this particular
case to call the library.

.include max931.fam

But, I haven't used that command yet.


--- In LTspice@y..., "Mike Cowlishaw" <mfcowli@a...> wrote:

I'm experimenting with adding a custom model to use in
SwitcherCADiii (I'm
adding a Max931, but with a 'DIP8' symbol and using the Spice model
Maxim -- almost the same as an LTC1540). I have the symbol part
(Ralph's guide was very useful, I have some experiences to add about
semantics of PINs and their ordering if anyone interesting).

I'm now as far as having the model start to run, but just get a
message box:

Spice error
Error: Unknown device type in: xu1 n003 n002 n001 0 n002 n002 out
max931.fam max931

(which just looks like the call to the subcircuit with the filename
Value added). There's no additional information in the .log file.

Anyone know how I can get more detailed information on the unknown
type, or do I just have to plough through the model 'by eye'?

Mike Cowlishaw
Coventry, UK

Re: How to debug 'unknown device' message?

Mike Cowlishaw

Ralph R. Reinhold wrote:
It looks like you may have not included a ".lib" command line in the
OK, will investigate ... thanks! Though I think it is finding the file OK,
because it complained when I had the wrong number of parameters on the
.subckt statement.

Mike Cowlishaw

Re: How to debug 'unknown device' message?


--- Mike Cowlishaw <mfcowli@...> schrieb: >
Ralph R. Reinhold wrote:
It looks like you may have not included a ".lib"
command line in the
OK, will investigate ... thanks! Though I think it
is finding the file OK,
because it complained when I had the wrong number of
parameters on the
.subckt statement.

Mike Cowlishaw
Hello Mike,
sorry for the late response, but I am more in open
newsgroups until now. There I often help people
starting with LTspice.

If you still have problem with that MAX931 model, then
let me know and I will do it as an example for you.

Best Regards


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Re: How to debug 'unknown device' message?

Mike Cowlishaw

Helmut Sennewald wrote:
Hello Mike,
sorry for the late response, but I am more in open
newsgroups until now. There I often help people
starting with LTspice.
Hi .. thanks for the reply! Which newsgroup do you suggest?
I only went for the yahoo list because the LTspiceman
pointed me towards it.

If you still have problem with that MAX931 model, then
let me know and I will do it as an example for you.
That's very kind of you, I may take you up on that.
(For now, I've switched to an LT device.)


LTSPice super utility is ready. #LTSPUTIL


I have written a utilty program that makes the LTSpice program
even more useful.

The features are:

Merge as many raw files you want into one raw file.
The advantage is that you can have different simulations in one graph.

Extract data to your spreadsheet or favorite graph program.
You select the signals you want ang get a column based output.

Equalize time steps of .TRAN simulation.
Normally you have never exact the time steps you want in a raw file.
This can become necessary if you want export data to other programs.

These are the most important functions of the program.

If you ever have experienced different simulations in one plot or
easy exporting data to another graphic program, you will be impressed.

I hope that in some future time, all these features are implented in

Thanks to Mike Engelhardt for the great LTSpice and the support.

Enjoy the program!


Converting PSpice MOSFET models


I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some additional MOSFET models
(for example, )
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the standard.mos file
but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter is "Rg". The manual
states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic resistance". But in the PSpice model
the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7 10.013". Now since every other line
in the standard.mos file has Rg=3 I'm totally confused on how to

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to import these?


Re: Converting PSpice MOSFET models


--- In LTspice@..., "ravton <ravton@y...>" <ravton@y...>
I've only been using LTSpice for a couple of weeks and have finally
gotten stuck. I'm trying to import some additional MOSFET models
(for example, )
and am at a loss on how to do it.

I've waded through the online manuals and googled forever. I tried
just copying values from the PSpice model into the standard.mos
but it's not clear what to copy.

For example, in standard.mos the first parameter is "Rg". The
states that "Rg" is "Gate ohmic resistance". But in the PSpice
the only line with Rg is "RG 2 7 10.013". Now since every other
in the standard.mos file has Rg=3 I'm totally confused on how to

Can anyone provide any hints of guidance on how to import these?
Hello ravton,
the provided model is a subcircuit. You can make a symbol like you
would do it for a specific opamp.
Another option is to use a more generalized symbol like my x-models.
I have uploaded these x-models this evening to this group's
files/library menues. There is also a help file there.
Anyway I will send you an example with your model directly.
If you still have problems with it, let me know.

Best Regards