CNXVGA problem

Tony Golden

Ok, I guess I'll start it.

I am trying to view a PC's vga output on a touchscreen. I can see the PC's screen, but the image is terrible. It's even worse than the same PC's output modulated through the CATV for all televisions in the house.

I have tried a different CNXVGA -- same thing. I tried changing the settings in the touchpanel's setup (S-Video, Fast Motion, etc) -- no improvement. The problem occurs with two different touchpanels, both VT-3500s. I've also tried different cables, RG6 on the BNC Video output, and flat 8-conductor on the RJ-45. Nothing seems to make a difference.

This is my first time installing a CNXVGA, so I don't know what it's "supposed" to look like, but I know it should be better than it is now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Tony Golden

Intro and VT Pro Problems

Before I get into my problems, I figured I would introduce myself:

I'm both the programmer and end user of my own Crestron system. My
system consists of a ST-1500C touch screen, a ST-CP control processor,
1 ST-CS (current sensor), 1 ST-PC (power controller), a couple of
ST-SPL's (IR splitters), and a bunch of ST-IRP's. The system
currently is only used to control my home theater system, but will
eventually be expanded to control lighting and other items in the

I'm using the current version of VisionTools Pro (version 1.2.4) to
program my system, as my system is pretty simple for now. SIMPL
Windows isn't a reasonable option for me - mostly because proper
documentation and/or training isn't available to me as an end user
(and it would be overkill for my current needs).

My day job is software development, primarily writing C++ Windows
applications using Microsoft's Visual C++. I've been doing this full
time since graduating from college around 9 years ago.

Enough with the introduction and on to my problems that will hopefully
generate some discussion on this list (and help solve my problem if
I'm lucky). The problems are listed in order of decreasing importance
to me.

1) I sometimes have trouble getting my touch panel and ST-CP to
communicate properly. The symptom when this happens is that the RF
light on the ST-CP will blink rather than stay on constantly if I
press and hold a button on the touch screen. For most purposes, this
isn't a big problem, but some functions on my devices require an
extended press.

Example 1: One of my VCR's has 2 fast forward / rewind speeds. Press
the button once and the VCR will go into a "slow" fast forward mode.
Press and hold the button for a few seconds, and the VCR will go into
a "fast" fast forward mode. However, when the communication between
the touch panel and the ST-CP is not working properly, the VCR gets
multiple "slow" fast forward commands which will usually put the VCR
back into play mode.

Example 2: The volume control for my preamp accelerates after it has
been held down for a few seconds. When the communications aren't
working properly, the ST-CP will think that it received a bunch of
individual volume up commands and continue to raise the volume for
several seconds after I release the button. This case has the
potential to damage my speakers, as the volume control can go crazy
when this happens.

The ST-CP and the touch panel have been sent to Crestron for testing
and they were unable to reproduce the problem. The dealer that sent
the equipment to Crestron also checked the units with me present after
they came back from Crestron and they worked fine. The only
conclusion we have collectively been able to come up with is RF
interference from something in the neighborhood. Does anyone know
what would be on a frequency that would interfere with the Crestron
equipment? This problem only happens occasionally, but often enough
to be very annoying. I don't have a clue how to track down the source
of RF interference, and neither does the dealer (who is not the dealer
I purchased the equipment from - that's another story...).

2) I have a series of macros defined in my VT Pro project that will do
things such as turn my system on configured for a given device (VCR1,
VCR2, DVD, LD, etc.), turn my entire system off, and select various
cable TV channels.

Aside from the macros being very limited in VT Pro, my biggest problem
with these is that the system off macro behaves strangely sometimes.
Most of my devices have discrete power on and power off commands
available, so that my need for current sensors is pretty minimal.
However, my TV is one of the devices that doesn't have discrete
commands. If the TV_OFF command is in the middle of the macro, the TV
will shut off in the appropriate order. However, it will come back on
a few seconds later and then shut back off in another few seconds.
It's as though the ST-CP or ST-CS is getting confused. If I move the
TV_OFF command to the end of the macro, the TV shuts off and stays
off. This problem has been relayed to Crestron support through email,
but never responded to.

This problem isn't a show stopper by any stretch, but I'd like to
understand what is going on here.

3) I found a bug in VT Pro where certain bitmap width/height ratios
won't display properly on a touch panel. This was reported to
Crestron and it is now acknowledged as a known problem in the VT Pro
release notes. I haven't taken the time to figure out what ratios
cause problems, and they haven't given me any further information to
work with. I found this problem while creating bitmaps for my
favorite cable channels.

I'm not really looking for feedback on this, but thought it might help
others to know that the problem exists.
Geoffrey Reynolds


"Claus Lok Mortensen" <

Hi all

I guess I'm going to use this group, so I will make a short introduction
and then ask some questions.

I'm the programmer and end-user of a Crestron system consisting of one
CNMSX-PRO (for all panels), one CNMSX-AV (for light control), one
VT3500 (main panel in livingroom), one ST-1550C (kitchen), two CNPI-48I
(interface to lighting relays) and soon one CT-1600 (bedroom).

This system is controlling ALL my house, and when I will be finished,
it will control all audio and video with two 16x16 switch matrix. The
CNMSX is going to control my home theater too.

I could talk long about this, but my biggest problem is the CNPI-48s.
They are SLOW! All the low power buttons for controlling the lights are
routed to the CNPI-48s and then back to the relays. When pressing a
button, you can easily feel a delay (my guess is between 150ms and 300ms)
before the light changes. This is long, because the controller should
be transparent to the user (myself!). I think it is the communication
between CNPI and CNMSX-AV. Somehow the CNPI must be the master, because
there is no communication on the CRESNET before pressing a buttom.
I will try to measure the delay if I instead use one of the digital
input (this should tell the processing time), but I really don't know
what to do about it.

Another question is regarding Crestron prices in the USA. Living in
Denmark, Crestron is very expensive, and I saw an interview with a
Crestron guy saying CNMSX-AV cost $1000. That is half the price and
we have to pay 25% in VAT!
I was looking for price on CT-1600 and perhaps VT-3500. Also I need
a CNX Gateway. Do someone know a dealer willing to ship overseas?

That's it for know.

Kind regards

Claus Lok Mortensen

Volume control

To: greynols

The only portion of your problems I can think of a solution to is the one regarding your volume ruining your speakers.

Make sure you have percentages in your analog scaler. This will make sure that, even when the bar on the touch panel shows volume at the maximum or minimum, the ACTUAL volume on the unit being controlled is not maxed out. This will at least save your speakers. (I suggest 33% & 51%)

As for the multiple signals being shot to the controller, I have no suggestions. Limiting the scaler should help until you have the problem corrected.

Re: Volume control

On 8 Sep 1999 12:58:00 -0000, s-anderson@... wrote:

The only portion of your problems I can think of a solution to is
the one regarding your volume ruining your speakers.

Make sure you have percentages in your analog scaler. This will
make sure that, even when the bar on the touch panel shows volume at
the maximum or minimum, the ACTUAL volume on the unit being
controlled is not maxed out. This will at least save your speakers.
(I suggest 33% & 51%)
I assume an analog scaler is something I would use in SIMPL Windows?
I'm using Visiontools Pro with the least sophisticated color
touchpanel that Crestron makes, the ST-1500c (replaced by the

Actually, I can limit the maximum volume on my preamp, so that isn't
the big concern - I was just trying to provide a few examples of where
the problem comes into play. The fast fast forward/rewind problems
(where you have to hold the button down for a few seconds for the
feature to engage on the VCR) are perhaps better examples of why it's
a problem.

As for the multiple signals being shot to the controller, I have no
suggestions. Limiting the scaler should help until you have the
problem corrected.
Unfortunately, since Crestron can't reproduce the problem (nor can the
dealer in his showroom), it is highly likely that something in the
neighborhood is causing intermittent RF interference. Unfortunately,
no one I've spoken with has a clue how to track it down. I'd be happy
to at least know what is causing the problem - even if it can't be
fixed (though being able to fix it would be ideal).

Anyone else out there have any suggestions?
Geoffrey Reynolds

Intro and problem

My name is Chris Stephens. One of my many hats that I ware is VT-Pro programmer.
We do 2-3 crestron system a month. Mostly its ST-CP & stuff with the ST-1500, 1500C
1550 & 1550C's. Ive been doing Crestron STS for 3+ years. Ive done ALOT of systems.
I feel ive seen about everything.

Ive noticed a problem today thats really frustrating.

I purchased a new laptop in july. A Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD. 400Mhz + DVD rom.
192 Meg of ram with a 12Gig HD. I couldn't get a second hard disk right away and
was stuck using windows 98. This worked fairly well. This last weekend i got a second
hard disk and am now able to get onto NT rather then 98. I was very happy, much &#92;
faster and more stable.


I started working hard on a STS system using VT Pro 1.24. Bessides the usall graphics bug
on the radius buttons, i noticed that when i brought up the system part of a project copied
over from 98 that the window under the system devices where you assign the project to the system
the place where it should say which touch panel the project is it was garbled. Every time i bring
up the system it will be garbled in a different way.

EVERY SINGLE aspect of the NT install works correctly.

This didn't really bother me UNTIL..

I could draw a button, assign a function to it and although the RF lite would lite
the IR lite never would. All of the work in the project before this works ok.

I went back to our shop where i had a backup copy from when it was on 98, upon opening
in the NT machine at the office the same corruption would occur the the file.

Because this happend on two seperate machines, it cant be the machine.

Im wondering if anyone else has had a problem where you can clearly assign a button an IR command
and it doesn't lite up the corresponding port IR led ?

Anyone else using NT and VT PRO out there ??..

Re: Intro and problem

Chris@... wrote:

My name is Chris Stephens. One of my many hats that I ware is VT-Pro programmer.
We do 2-3 crestron system a month. Mostly its ST-CP & stuff with the ST-1500, 1500C
1550 & 1550C's. Ive been doing Crestron STS for 3+ years. Ive done ALOT of systems.
I feel ive seen about everything.
Given that you're a VT-Pro guy, do you have any suggestions about the
problems I've been having? You can find them in Digest 0 at:

Ive noticed a problem today thats really frustrating.

EVERY SINGLE aspect of the NT install works correctly.

This didn't really bother me UNTIL..

Anyone else using NT and VT PRO out there ??..
This probably isn't overly helpful, but I have 2 Windows NT Server
machines at work, 1 of which I have VT-Pro (version 1.2.4) installed
on. Even though I've never tried uploading my program from the NT
machine to my Crestron system, I have edited my program on the NT
machine from time to time and then brought it home to my Windows 98
machine without any NT related problems. My experience has been that
VT-Pro has the same set of bugs on both operating systems.

Am I correct to assume that you reinstalled VT-Pro after you installed
NT? If not, I would strongly suggest doing so, as the NT install
could have overwritten something that was critical to VT-Pro (not
likely, but it's worth double checking).
Geoffrey Reynolds

Programming Old Equipment

Cody Christensen


I just got started programming Crestron systems fairly recently, and have
completed one job using a SmartTouch system (ST-CP, ST-1500, ST-IO, ST-VS).
Now I've been asked to learn how to program the "big" systems, and have been
given the following two pieces as my platform to learn with:

1) Cresnet IIP Media Control System
2) CTP-1000DST2 Command Center

My employer had these pieces laying around, and they appear to be fairly
old. Neither seems to be supported in the latest versions of Vision Tools
Pro and SIMPL Windows. I was able to find the CNP in an old DOS version of
Cresnet Workshop, but not the other piece. The CNP seems to be essentially
an older version of the CNMS, and the Command Center is some sort of
in-wall, wired touchpanel.

Does anybody have any ideas how I can use these pieces, or am I stuck with
some new paper weights?

- Cody Christensen

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Programming Old Equipment

Tony Golden


You should be able to define both pieces in Cresnet Workshop (SIMPL DOS).
Sometimes you can substitute similar models (at least with touchpanels). I
once did a system with a CTP1000EL (very old), and had to define it in CNWS
as a CTP3000. You may also be able to upgrade the EPROM and/or OPS firmware
to use SIMPL Windows. Check with Tech Support.

Tony Golden

----- Original Message -----
From: Cody Christensen <cody_christensen@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 6:48 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Programming Old Equipment

From: "Cody Christensen" <cody_christensen@...>


I just got started programming Crestron systems fairly recently, and have
completed one job using a SmartTouch system (ST-CP, ST-1500, ST-IO,
Now I've been asked to learn how to program the "big" systems, and have
given the following two pieces as my platform to learn with:

1) Cresnet IIP Media Control System
2) CTP-1000DST2 Command Center

My employer had these pieces laying around, and they appear to be fairly
old. Neither seems to be supported in the latest versions of Vision Tools
Pro and SIMPL Windows. I was able to find the CNP in an old DOS version of
Cresnet Workshop, but not the other piece. The CNP seems to be essentially
an older version of the CNMS, and the Command Center is some sort of
in-wall, wired touchpanel.

Does anybody have any ideas how I can use these pieces, or am I stuck with
some new paper weights?

- Cody Christensen

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

IMPORTANT!!!!!! VTPro-e and Windows NT System Failure

I installed VisionTools Pro-e v2.0 on a Windows NT Server 4.0 (Service
Pack 4) machine yesterday afternoon. Since then, I receive the
following error message each time I try to reboot:

STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly
with a status of: 0x00000080 (0x00000000 0x00000000).
The system has been shut down.

Beginning dump of physical memory
Dumping physical memory to disk: ...

According to the system administrator people here at work, this is
caused by installing the Microsoft Virtual Machine on NT, which
appears to be part of the installation of the new software.
Apparently, they've had to rebuild a large number of machines around
the office after this application (Microsoft VM) has been installed.
There doesn't appear to be a way for me to boot this machine (last
known configuration doesn't work, and system repair disk also fails).


Hopefully, this message will save some of you from a disaster.
Geoffrey Reynolds

Using Sony Control-S Drivers

Hello all,

I have a Sony DVD player with a S-Link port on the back. Can one use
the Sony Control-S drivers simply by connecting an IR output port on
the ST-CP to the S-Link (or Control-S) port on a device? My
understanding is that S-Link is a superset of Control-S and some other
Sony interfaces and that Control-S is the same as the IR signal with
the carrier stripped.

If this is how it's done, is it OK to share this port on the ST-CP
with non-Sony devices that are using IR emitters (with a splitter,
ST-SPL)? I ask this since the ST-CP only has 4 IR outputs, 2 of which
I have ST-SPL's connected to.

If this isn't how it's done, how does one make use of the Crestron
Control-S drivers with a ST-CP?
Geoffrey Reynolds

Cresnet II speed?

"Claus Lok Mortensen" <

Hi Crestron users

Does someone know the speed and technical specification of the Cresnet II RS485 communication?
I think it is a seriel connection running at 38400 baud but I'm not sure. I know it is a multimaster system but what about collisions? If I use a two-way seriel driver, there is a "break" input. What is this for?
I was thinking about connecting the Cresnet II to a one of the seriel ports on a CNMSX-PRO and then use a seriel debugger to see what is going on.

The reason for asking is because I need to make a multichannel DAC that is compatible to one of the modules Crestron is offering. It is a 20 channel 0-10V DAC for driving all my dimmers.

Happy New Year from Denmark.



Signal jamming

I am programming a CT 3200 and a CNMSX-Pro to run with VCR, DVD, Laserdisc,audio components.

When I compile the program, it warns me that my digital and analog siganls are being jammed. This happens when I add my DVD (Sony dvp s530)unit to the program in SIMPL. Has anyone run into this??

Re: Signal jamming

Tony Golden

Normally, you can't have more than one digital output signal going to a
single input. There are a few exceptions to this, like when using a buffer,
or touchpanel buttons.

When you compile the program, and it gives you the warning, another box
should appear (usually in the left corner of the screen) that will list the
signals causing the errors.

Tony Golden

----- Original Message -----
From: <john.mcmahon@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 11:27 AM
Subject: [Crestron] Signal jamming

From: john.mcmahon@...

I am programming a CT 3200 and a CNMSX-Pro to run with VCR, DVD,
Laserdisc,audio components.

When I compile the program, it warns me that my digital and analog siganls
are being jammed. This happens when I add my DVD (Sony dvp s530)unit to the
program in SIMPL. Has anyone run into this??

Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

Re: Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop

You can purchase on large power supply and tap off of it for each device
look at the current draw for eall of the devices and add 20% to 30 % and
that is the size power supply you will need.

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

eGroups' Valentine's Day Gift Guide - Shop Here Now:
<a href=" ">Click Here</a>


Re: Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

While that would work, not all of the units are in the same cabinet
and it would be nice to be able to make use of the power feed through
the network cable (which has already been run).

My understanding is that moving up to one of the CNX control systems
would also solve my problem, as they have built in power supplies that
will feed network devices. However, I have a hunch that these cost
enough money that I won't be making this upgrade anytime soon, as I
don't have a real need for the bigger control system for now.

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:48:15 -0500, you wrote:

From: "Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop" <audio@...>

You can purchase on large power supply and tap off of it for each device
look at the current draw for eall of the devices and add 20% to 30 % and
that is the size power supply you will need.

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

eGroups' Valentine's Day Gift Guide - Shop Here Now:
<a href=" ">Click Here</a>


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

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Visit eGroups Valentine Gift Guide
<a href=" ">Click Here</a>

Geoffrey Reynolds

Re: Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

Michael Braithwaite

MSRP CNMSX-PRO - $2175.00, CNMSX-AV $1500.00,
CNRACKX $2250.00
CNXENET $525.00

I Hope this helps.

237-2041 x 341


----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

eGroups' Valentine's Day Gift Guide - Shop Here Now:
<a href=" ">Click Here</a>


Re: Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop

If you do not have a problem cutting the control cable the outer conductors
are the power and ground. Crestron will fax you the diagram. I believe
that the power will loop through the ST devices accept for the Processor.

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

While that would work, not all of the units are in the same cabinet
and it would be nice to be able to make use of the power feed through
the network cable (which has already been run).

My understanding is that moving up to one of the CNX control systems
would also solve my problem, as they have built in power supplies that
will feed network devices. However, I have a hunch that these cost
enough money that I won't be making this upgrade anytime soon, as I
don't have a real need for the bigger control system for now.

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:48:15 -0500, you wrote:

From: "Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop"

You can purchase on large power supply and tap off of it for each device
look at the current draw for eall of the devices and add 20% to 30 % and
that is the size power supply you will need.

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

--------------------------- ONElist
Sponsor ----------------------------

eGroups' Valentine's Day Gift Guide - Shop Here Now:
<a href=" ">Click

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

Want To Be Showered With Kisses?
Visit eGroups Valentine Gift Guide
<a href=" ">Click Here</a>

Geoffrey Reynolds

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

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<a href=" ">Click Here</a>


Re: Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: "Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop"

If you do not have a problem cutting the control cable the outer
conductors are the power and ground. Crestron will fax you the
diagram. I believe that the power will loop through the ST devices
accept for the Processor.
What I was thinking was wiring it up as follows:

- ST-CP Network output to a CNRJ11
- CNRJ11 to the input on the CNPWS-75
- The output from the CNPWS-75 to another CNRJ11
- The rest of the network would connect to the CNRJ11 and get it's
power from the CNPWS-75

My understanding is that the CNPWS-75 doesn't have specific inputs and
outputs - it just loads the power lines (and passes the Y and Z
signals along). Would I be wise to make sure that only the Y and Z
pins from the ST-CP are connected to the rest of the system?

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

While that would work, not all of the units are in the same cabinet
and it would be nice to be able to make use of the power feed through
the network cable (which has already been run).

My understanding is that moving up to one of the CNX control systems
would also solve my problem, as they have built in power supplies that
will feed network devices. However, I have a hunch that these cost
enough money that I won't be making this upgrade anytime soon, as I
don't have a real need for the bigger control system for now.

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:48:15 -0500, you wrote:

From: "Michael DePaola -The Home Theater Shop"

You can purchase on large power supply and tap off of it for each device
look at the current draw for eall of the devices and add 20% to 30 % and
that is the size power supply you will need.

----- Original Message -----
From: <greynolds@...>
To: <Crestron@...>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [Crestron] Eliminating "wall warts" in a Smartouch system

From: greynolds@...

I'm starting to run out of outlets to plug things into, primarily
because so many devices use "wall warts." My preferred solution is to
not continue to add more power strips, but to find a way to reduce the
number of things that need power sockets. I currently have a ST-CP,
ST-CS, ST-PC, and ST-IO, all of which have their own power supply.

My understanding is that the ST-CP needs it's own power supply, but
the other units can get power off the network if it's available. Is
this as simple as getting a CNPWS-75 (External Power Supply) and
either a pair of CNRJ11's (4 Wire to RJ11 "One to One" Converter) or a
ST-CNB (SmarTouch / Cresnet Terminal Expander)? Any of you know what
the US list prices are on these items?

Also, while on the subject of list prices, what are the list prices of
the CNMSX-PRO, CNMSX-AV, and CNRACKX control systems, and the CNXENET
ethernet card? I'm considering moving up from the ST-CP over time
(need to learn SMPL Windows somewhere along the way...), depending on
the cost.

Geoffrey Reynolds

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