MS & Neuropathy

=^. .^=

Hello List,

I have two friends who have been dx'd with the conditions of pheriphial neuropathy and multiple sclerosis. The one with MS is on interferon theraphy once a week shots and the one with neuropathy is on neurotin. I have been speaking to them about the fo/cc but because I have nothing other than this list or my own expericences with fo they are hesitant to let go of the chemo and meds.

My questions is there anyone here who has/had either of these conditions and have had their life improved with fo/cc ?? Or anyone here who knows of someone??



ALA/Prostate cancer

Mike & Jane

Hello everyone:

This is Jane, not Mike this time. I feel compelled to comment on this discussion, for I am often asked on what I think about whether or not flax oil is helpful or harmful regarding prostate cancer. I don't have time to read all the previous posts, so I apologize up front if I have repeated anything other people have contributed.

Dr. Charlie Myers writes a very convincing message and certainly does not tell you the whole picture. Here are some examples:
1) when he talks about the population studies, he fails to tell you that the populations that had a higher rate of prostate cancer and higher intakes of ALA(alpha-linolenic acid---the omega-3 fat found in flax), the ALA source was NOT FLAXSEED. The ALA source was from high intakes of red meat in the diet. So, making the assumption that flax oil will cause prostate cancer is wrong.

2) when he talks about the cell culture work where ALA is found to increase proliferation rate in prostate cancer cell lines. Given the instability of ALA and the fact that when you perform cell culture, you basically use purified fatty acids and then allow them to cook for several days in the incubator, it would not surprise anyone that highly unsaturated fatty acids wouldn't behave the same way. It is doubtful that you can take this cell culture work and assume that this would occur in vivo studies.

I find it very encouraging to hear testimonials from people on this list, because it tells researchers that we don't have enough studies yet to really make those hasty conclusions. Everyone makes a valuable contribution on this list. Please keep those comments coming!

Jane Reinhardt-Martin, RD, LD
Author: Flax Your Way to Better Health

Re: Digest Number 691

Mike & Jane

Hi All

This is an interesting article regarding Cox-2 inhibition. But remember your already inhibiting Cox-2 expression by using flax products. Reducing dietary amounts of Omega-6 (bad) fats in another way to inhibit Cox-2 as well as taking asparin.


----- Original Message -----
From: foxhillers@...
To: FlaxSeedOil2@...
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Digest Number 691

Very interesting site, but no link to the COX-2/cancer connection. I have
grown Holy Basil and ginger for decades and have never suspected these other

In a message dated 3/21/03 4:01:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,
FlaxSeedOil2@... writes:

> I can't imagine any way to starve tumor except the new theories involving
> COX2 inhibition. This is supposed to actually "shrink" the blood vessels
> to
> tumors. I found an interesting article on
> I have since begun to drink tea a
> blend of decaffienated black tea and green tea. I really don't like the
> way
> green tea tastes. There are other herbals mentioned in this article.
> I'd also like to hear other's thoughts on this.

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Re: ALA/Prostate cancer

Mike & Jane


I obtained the actual research articles so I could read what the researchers found, not what Dr. Myers thought. If I have a hard time understanding a particular article, I contact the actual researchers themselves. That is what I did for my first book, and that is what I will continue to do when I update this first book since it is based on a lot of research studies. The second book, my cookbook, is soley a cookbook with very little text & research articles. I recommend that if you are ever in doubt, get the actual studies themselves. Many times you can get them right off the internet. If not, contact a local medical library and they usually can locate it for you. Good luck!!

Jane Reinhardt-Martin, RD, LD
Author: Flax Your Way to Better Health

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Fackelmann
To: FlaxSeedOil2@...
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] ALA/Prostate cancer

Jane -

your examples show the weak/wrong basis of Dr Myers' statements.
Could you advise where to get the (complete?) texts?

Thank you


At 22:04 Uhr +0100 01.01.1998, Mike & Jane wrote:
>Hello everyone:
>This is Jane, not Mike this time. I feel compelled to comment on this
>discussion, for I am often asked on what I think about whether or not flax
>oil is helpful or harmful regarding prostate cancer. I don't have time to
>read all the previous posts, so I apologize up front if I have repeated
>anything other people have contributed.
>Dr. Charlie Myers writes a very convincing message and certainly does not
>tell you the whole picture. Here are some examples:
>1) when he talks about the population studies, he fails to tell you that
>the populations that had a higher rate of prostate cancer and higher
>intakes of ALA(alpha-linolenic acid---the omega-3 fat found in flax), the
>ALA source was NOT FLAXSEED. The ALA source was from high intakes of red
>meat in the diet. So, making the assumption that flax oil will cause
>prostate cancer is wrong.
>2) when he talks about the cell culture work where ALA is found to
>increase proliferation rate in prostate cancer cell lines. Given the
>instability of ALA and the fact that when you perform cell culture, you
>basically use purified fatty acids and then allow them to cook for several
>days in the incubator, it would not surprise anyone that highly
>unsaturated fatty acids wouldn't behave the same way. It is doubtful that
>you can take this cell culture work and assume that this would occur in
>vivo studies.
>I find it very encouraging to hear testimonials from people on this list,
>because it tells researchers that we don't have enough studies yet to
>really make those hasty conclusions. Everyone makes a valuable
>contribution on this list. Please keep those comments coming!
>Jane Reinhardt-Martin, RD, LD
>Author: Flax Your Way to Better Health

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Re: test

Mike & Jane

----- Original Message -----
From: kirsten somers <kirsten121222@...>
To: <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] bacon

grin! my poor hubs is very sick....but thank you!
mkathryn59 <mkathryn59@...> wrote:Here is something that I have had
for years that my mother had.
Enjoy it.

by John Reagan

Psalm 84:11
Do you think, brother, that in God's great plan
When He was prescribing the best food for man,
That Lie made a mistake in leaving the swine out
For he was not good from his tail to his snout~
1 Cor. 3:17
Oh, the carcass of an old dead horse or a cow
Don't get too rotten for a dirty old sow;
Though we holler a lot about boils and gout,
We eat Miss Piggy from her tail to her snout.
Ezek. 33:11
We couldn't eat the buzzard; we'd think it a crime
But how much more filthy is he than the swine.
That we make into pie, or we cook him with kraut,
And eat him or die, from his tail to his snout.
Lsa.66:2- 4
We cook him with cabbage or boil hint with greens,
With his mangy old hide we season our beans:
With his scabs and his boils within and without
Sweet Piggy we eat from his tail to his snout.
Isa. 55:2
On filth they feast, while in stink-holes they lay,
And for their carcass our money we pay;
The preacher, professor, or the judge on his bench,
Eat the carrion-eater, his filth, and his stench.
Ezek. 22:26
In the filth you can see him clear up to his eyes,
His slimy old carcass all covered with flies
;Most dead with cholera,(due to butcher, no doubt)
We still think him good from his tail to his snout.
2 Cor. 6:17
We eat the old grunter; we eat the young shoat;
The fat that we fancied may be pus or bloat:
It would smell good, and as healthy no doubt
As the hoofs and the hide, the tail and the snout.
Isa.66: 17
We may like him lean, or we may like him best fat;
Just as well eat the dog, or else eat the cat;
Just as well eat the buzzard, the owl, or the bat,
The lizard or the snake, the mouse or the rat.
Our most sensitive natures would almost run wild,
If we handled the corpse of a man or a child,
But we sit at our tables and cram down our throat,
With the greatest of relish, the corpse of a shoat.
Deut. 14:8
God made him a scavenger; He says he is unclean,
What other creature is as filthy and mean?
If we eat his flesh, to touch his dead carcass
With sin and disease it surely will mark us.
Lev. 11:78
Tis sad, brother, although God's word is just,
We eat the slop-eater, for eat him we must:
The dirtest of beasts we will not do without,
But eat them we will, from his tail to his snout.
Matt. 15:8
Now we sing and we talk of God's love so divine
Like vultures, then feast on the dirty old swine:
We might shun many ills, and diseases, no doubt,
By not eating him-from his tail to his snout.
I Cor. 10:31
Yes, we worship the Lord, and pray and shout,
But that old hog flavor, we can't do without;
For ham, bacon, and sausage, we go the whole route,
And eat the whole hog from his tail to his snout.
2 Peter2:22
In God's Word we find he is classed with the dog,
No matter how highbred he is still a hog.
Though you wash him, or teach if you will,
He still will go hack to his mire and his swill.
Gen. 1:29
We'd be better off is we obeyed (God's command,
And ate vegetables, grain and fruit of the land,
Then it wouldn't take half the tonic and pills
To relieve all mankind of their swine fed ills.
Gen. 9:5
You may think of fresh pork as very rare treat,
But our bodies are made of just what we eat
And the food he has eaten, the filth of the land,
Goes into our bodies as food, second-hand.
3 John 2
No wonder we are weak and heartbeats are slow,
Sanitariums full, hospitals over flow,
For we eat such unclean abominable things,
That are creeping, crawling, or flying with wings.
Psalm 119:105
God forbade us to eat these dirty old creatures,
No matter what is the theory of preachers:
If left to man's opinion--we'd not know the right,
But thank the Lord, in His Word there is light.
Luke 4: 2,3,4
And now my brother, you may no doubt recall,
Indulgence of appetite caused Adam's fall;
Our Savior was tempted on this point, no doubt,
Then why do we eat from his tail to his snout?
Rom 22:11,12
Now I've told you my story, recited my piece;
If you can eat pork with your conscience at case,
If sin, filth, or disease, you care little about--
Keep on eating the beast,

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Re: test

Mike & Jane



Eugene Prizer

Hi, Could you please re-phrase the last sentence? It is not clear to me.

Gene Prizer

From: Rhoda Mead
My cancer is a direct result of having root canals. I had both teeth with them extracted. One stank, and the other had a pus-filled cyst beneath it. However, the biological dentist wiho did the extractions thought that they cause cancer is a small minority of root canals.


Eugene Prizer

Hi All,
I hope I am not too late to clarify a detail and also hope I am not "beating a dead horse." In Mexico there is a saying, 'Cuentas claras, amistades largas' a liberal translation of which is, 'Mutual understanding leads to lasting friendship'
Elliot maintains that evolution is logically untenable (impossible?) and that leads me to ask one question. My understanding of logic is that it is based on syllogisms comprised of major and minor premises which lead to a conclusion.
My question to Elliot is simply, what are his premises? 'Common sense' is not acceptable.

Gene Prizer
Guadalajara, Mexico


Eugene Prizer

When I strain the yoghurt, which is made with raw milk, in 24 hours it has the consistency of cottage cheese except that it is smooth. It seems to me that the proportion of that yoghurt to FO should not be 6:1 but 2:1, just like CC. (?) Any comments?

Gene Prizer

Flaxseed Oil

Eugene Prizer

Hi All, I live in Mexico, about an hour south of Guadalajara. I order 6 qts of oil from Barlean's on Monday, they press it on Tuesday, (the date is on the bottle) and invariably it arrives at my door on Thursday. This has been my routine for the past 3 years. I understand that they ship world-wide. I have had no reason to doubt its freshness.

Gene Prizer

Re: Dr Budwig's books

Eugene Prizer

I'll sign. GenePrizer

----- Original Message -----
From: "esred sez myrna" <notes4mld@...>
To: <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Dr Budwig's books

Great Idea. When the petition is ready I would certainly sign it.


Catherine Coy <catherinecoy@...> wrote:
I add my name to the petition.

Denzil, would you be in charge of forwarding the petition to Barlean's?

----- Original Message -----
From: Denzil Goodhead
To: FlaxSeedOil
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] Dr Budwig's books

We are all referring to Dr Budwig's books especially the two translated
to English in 1994. It seems to me about time something was done to
translate another book. To decide which one we would have to be guided by
those who can read the German originals.
Both the English versions advertise Barleans flaxseed oil. What about an
email petition by members of this group to Barleans asking them to sponsor
the next translation?

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eat something raw every day


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Re: Help Guadalajara

Eugene Prizer

Hi, I live in Ajijic which is about 25 miles south of Guadalajara.
Flaxseed is available in most markets at about 10 pesos/kilo. The coffee
mill to grind it would probably found at Walmart in Guadalajara.
I also order my flaxseed oil from Barleans which takes 3 days for delivery
to my door by UPS. If the interested party wants to call me, my phone
number is: (376) 766 1526.

Gene Prizer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cliff Beckwith" <cliffb865@...>
To: "Flax/Seed Oil2" <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 6:21 PM
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] Help Guadalajara


I am not sure of sources in Guadalajara. If any of you in Mexico can
help me answer this please reply to: cliffb865@... or on
the Flaxseed Oil2 list and I will forward the message.


Dear Mr. Beckwith,

My husband just had a biopsy of a very small tumor in his stomach, and
it is
cancerous. He just found out today. I know that this type of cancer is
always fatal. He will have more tests to see if it has spread or
not. he
was having a routine checkup, no symptoms of cancer, just
indigestion. We
are Mexican and live in Guadalajara.

Do you know if we can get fresh flax oil here? Cottage cheese is no
problem. Also, how effective is this flax treatment on stomach
cancers? I
didn't read many testimonials relating to stomach cancer.

I would appreciate any of help you can give us with locating a source
flax oil.

Jodie Navarro


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intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Always consult your doctor about
the diagnosis and treatment of health problems.
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Re: Kale ledgends

Eugene Prizer

Hi All, The late Dr Max Gerson recommended a two-stage juicer and the only
one I know of is the NORWALK, which was invented and named after Dr Norman
Walker. They are extremenly expensive but will last a lifetime I'm sure. I
found a 20-year old used one here in Mexico for $500 (and there were some
cheaper ones available in the US but shipping and customs are always factors
to consider) Check their website. Gene Prizer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Catherine Coy" <catherinecoy@...>
To: <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Kale ledgends

Bill said: Centrifugal juicers leave almost 1/2 the juice in the pulp. A
masticating gear juicer gets all the juice. The extruded pulp is almost dry
by comparison. The centrifugal juicer admits oxygen because the juice is
splattered against a basket and of course this is not nice to enzymes.

Hmmm...I wonder why Dr. Mercola recommends a centrifugal juicer? Bill, do
you have a link for a comparison study of juicers and perhaps their pricing,

I just bought an Omega 1000, which HAS to be better than the lame-ass
Waring Pro I initially bought, but I'll be graduating to wheat grass next
(procrastinating because I don't like the taste) and wondering if the Omega
can handle it. You seem to be a pro at juicing so I'm sure you can give me
additional guidance. Thanks.

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Re: Kefir


Lactose-intolerant people can very easy solve that problem as just about
every store sells dairy or pills for that problem. To alter the mix of such
(((proven???))long time history seems short sighted.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Miller" <smiller@...>
To: <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Kefir

My RealAge tip of the day that just came in said,

If your stomach doesn't react well to milk products, kefir might be
for you.

A recent small study revealed that many lactose-intolerant people
may be able to digest kefir easily with little, if any, intestinal
distress. Kefir is a yogurt-like milk beverage with healthful bacteria
that can aid in the digestion of lactose. You can find it in health or
natural food stores.

I love Kefir and it would probably be a perfect thinning agent.

Mike & Jane wrote:

To All :

There has been alot of talk about thining agents and substitutions
regarding the different dairy products. As it has been pointed out, the
important thing to remember is the SULPHUR AMINO ACIDS. The active Sulphur
proteins are Methionine and Cystein.

For Example : Cottage Cheese provides these different amounts of Sulphur
and should be used as a target for sulphur use in the Budwig Protocol.

Cottage Cheese - 1% - 843mg Methionine 260 Cystein
Cottage Cheese - 2% - 933mg Methionine 287 Cystein

Nonfat Plain Yogurt - 384mg Methionine 118 Cystein (about 1/2 the total)

Whole Milk, 2% and 1% are all around - 210 Methionine 73 Cystein

If your choice is NOT to use dairy then make sure your supliment is
providing you with the equivalent amount of 11/1200mg of Sulphur Proteins.

Mike Martin
Flax Your Way to Better Health

The contents of the posts on FlaxSeedOil2 are purely educational and are
not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Always consult your doctor
about the diagnosis and treatment of health problems.

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The contents of the posts on FlaxSeedOil2 are purely educational and are
not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Always consult your doctor
about the diagnosis and treatment of health problems.

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Re: To Everyone


Mike great idea, also keep track of cancer experience. Have had bladder
cancer for many years, list I was on for many of those years grew into the
best by far of any I know about. Has been of real help for the new people in
bringing them to speed. Has saved many lives by having state of the art
information, real hand holding for the personal support. List grew from one
like this when a data bass was added. Now has support from medical people,
Input from top doctors in the field. Death rate is far below the average
because of information available.Good information is the name of the game.
Ran by woman named Wendy from houseboat on canal in Amsterdam. Sharp lady.
Have been trying to increase alternative info. their.

check it out
Post the list:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike & Jane" <yahoolists@...>
To: <FlaxSeedOil2@...>
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 8:38 PM
Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] To Everyone

Hi All,

I would just like to say how impressed I have been with the evolution of
the list over the past year and 1/2. Many solid contributors have joined the
list and expanded on many different areas. Wilhelm, Mike C, Gaylen etc..
have all brought valuable information to each and every member.

I would just like to say that I think its time we organize this
information into an easy to use web-based system. I will be in the process
of re-designing the website for Dietitian Jane in the months to come and I
would like to offer space on our file server to create a website for members
to browse. Within this website we could have explanations all the different
aspects of Dr. Budwigs protocol. We could have links to purchase her books,
flaxoil manufacturers and all sorts of related information.

Many new people join the list and I think it would be far easier to pass
them off a link to website rather then refer them to "search the achieves".
Wilhelm posted and excellent piece on homocystein and etc last week. Gaylen
posted a fascinating piece on what could be the real reason for sulphur
proteins. I would be willing to organize this for the sake of the group and
endure the expense in an effort to make a user-friendly research/information
area on Dr. Budwigs valuable work.

Any thoughts?

Mike Martin
Flax Your Way to Better Health

The contents of the posts on FlaxSeedOil2 are purely educational and are
not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Always consult your doctor
about the diagnosis and treatment of health problems.

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Re: Discover card message when posting

=^. .^=

umm.....I'm not getting them .....

...*wondering if she should be feeling left out* ;p~~

I believe everyone gets them. Just delete them. They seem to be a harmless glitch in the system somewhere. I emailed Yahoo bout it. Hopefully they will get rid of it.


Why do I get this Discover Card message every time that I post of
flaxseedoil2? Is there something I can do about it to get rid of them?


Cliff Beckwith

This is a test to be sure that everything is working as it should.


New Flaxseed Oil Group


Thank you Cliff for setting up this new group.

Perhaps some of the problems experienced with the old Flaxseed OIl
group will be able to be more easily addressed and resolved here.

Perhaps we can also now post a few links in the "File" section for
newbies to get up to speed a bit so we don't have to start with
square one explaining Flaxseed Oil uses with each new person finding
this site. I'm sure it is very frustrating for newbies to learn the
basics just by reading archived messages.

Regards to all,

Flaxseed in the Eyes..

Miz Judy & Mel

Good Morning to everybody.. And Welcome to the New Flaxseed Oil Group
Question.. Cliff or anyone..
 Have you been noticing change in the eyes since using the flaxseed oil in them? Or maybe it is to soon to tell.
 I need to buy another bottle and wondering at this " If"  the L- enrich, or which would be best. I still want the Barlean brand if possible.
  And would I still need to take cottage cheese as often. ( even though I love cottage cheese, I have no idea if it is necessaryl if I'm cancer free, or is this a risk not to use the cottage cheese. ( Hope this isn't to much of a repeat,) but I need to know for sure to get on the right track.
And would it be best, when using in the eyes that we might try the oil in them at bedtime; for in this way we'd not notice the blurriness.. while it is working; and at the same time the eyes wouldn't be overworking as when awake.
I've used the oil in my eyes sometime ago, and I'm sure it made a difference. Randy ( my son) used it for foreign matter, that a doctor couldn't get out completely, and  the oil after a couple uses, washed it out. But he had the enriched L/in it. We left the oil settle and took only the oil off the top. Then we put some in the eye dropper bottle, and this became the eye-oil. I have an older bottle with some left in it, and think today I have no choice but to go ahead and use it,until we can get a new bottle.
Thanks Miz Judy

Re: Flaxseed in the Eyes..

oconnor michael

Now going on one week I have used the flax oil in my
left eye as it has same problem that Cliff wrote
about, it has caused no problems and I do have better
night vision, but I think a month is needed ...I'll
being seeing the eye Dr on the 25th , and I'll know
--- Miz Judy & Mel <mrjau@...> wrote:
Good Morning to everybody.. And Welcome to the New
Flaxseed Oil Group

Question.. Cliff or anyone..

Have you been noticing change in the eyes since
using the flaxseed oil in them? Or maybe it is to
soon to tell.
I need to buy another bottle and wondering at this
" If" the L- enrich, or which would be best. I
still want the Barlean brand if possible.

And would I still need to take cottage cheese as
often. ( even though I love cottage cheese, I have
no idea if it is necessaryl if I'm cancer free, or
is this a risk not to use the cottage cheese. ( Hope
this isn't to much of a repeat,) but I need to know
for sure to get on the right track.

And would it be best, when using in the eyes that we
might try the oil in them at bedtime; for in this
way we'd not notice the blurriness.. while it is
working; and at the same time the eyes wouldn't be
overworking as when awake.

I've used the oil in my eyes sometime ago, and I'm
sure it made a difference. Randy ( my son) used it
for foreign matter, that a doctor couldn't get out
completely, and the oil after a couple uses, washed
it out. But he had the enriched L/in it. We left the
oil settle and took only the oil off the top. Then
we put some in the eye dropper bottle, and this
became the eye-oil. I have an older bottle with some
left in it, and think today I have no choice but to
go ahead and use it,until we can get a new bottle.

Thanks Miz Judy

Nashville,Ohio Genealogy
Bereavement pf a Lost Love One
My Cancer Challenge Ordeal
Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@...
Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...

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