Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml



I looked at your upload from last June.  

The SML path speed to LM394 is Restricted.  This is caused by the manual addition of LT18/Thrown.  This makes the SML diverging and the speed of the diverging leg for LT18 is Global Restricting.

If LT18 is removed, the SML path speed changes to Medium. This is caused by the Medium block speed for YD-LT59.

If the block speed is changed to Normal, then the semaphore displays Clear for several LM394 aspects including Advanced Approach.  Note:  I have a modified appearance file from May 2023.

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: Dave Sand <ds@...>
Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 9:08 PM


I suspect the SML path speed for signal mast pair is not Normal.  Normal should give you a Clear.

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: "Ken Heywood via" <>
Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 8:45 PM

Ken C.
That's the semaphore.
I uploaded the xml for the triple searchlight.
Semaphore protects a turnout and approaches the triple.
There are only 3 aspects for the semaphore.
LM59R1 to LM394 pair.

NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken H,


I’m off to bed for my night. But I think the aspect.xml also matters here since it says that a given aspect is valid for a speed, speed2, or route modifier. This is where I’m not so sure of how they work together in the same signal system let alone how they impact when you have two different signal systems. Like which one is used for which mast. May have time in the morning to look into it.


-Ken Cameron, Member JMRI Dev Team



Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml



I suspect the SML path speed for signal mast pair is not Normal.  Normal should give you a Clear.

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: "Ken Heywood via" <>
Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 8:45 PM

Ken C.
That's the semaphore.
I uploaded the xml for the triple searchlight.
Semaphore protects a turnout and approaches the triple.
There are only 3 aspects for the semaphore.
LM59R1 to LM394 pair.

NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken C.
That's the semaphore.
I uploaded the xml for the triple searchlight.
Semaphore protects a turnout and approaches the triple.
There are only 3 aspects for the semaphore.
LM59R1 to LM394 pair.
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken H,


Is the uploaded file the advance signal or the home signal? And which rules for which signal?


The file appearance-Semaphore-1Arm.xml only knows Clear-Approach-Stop and Proceed.


I would also say that I’d order the mappings so all of the home aspect clear is together, then all the ones giving Approach, and finally those that give Stop and Proceed. I’d also clean up the whitespace to be consistent, but that’s more for looks and easy reading. That shouldn’t make a difference for the xml.


-Ken Cameron, Member JMRI Dev Team



Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken C,
Semaphore xml in "Problems"
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken H,


PS: The usual problem is that the rules for this mast needs to have every aspect from the advance signal showing as an <advanceAspect> entry followed by what this mast should do. If one of those combos are missing, you don’t see what you wanted to see.


-Ken Cameron, Member JMRI Dev Team




Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Key H,


As a test, add more aspects to <ourAspect> list. Also double check the space in the other signal. I’ve seen a number of rules that would put them into one word like AdvanceApproach instead.


Are you having success with other signal combos or was this the first one? If you’ve edited them, could you post or upload those exact files so we might see them? The slightest differences will matter.


-Ken Cameron, Member JMRI Dev Team



Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Thanks Ken
When I copied B&O semaphore, I made sure all the aspects matched exactly and set the expected result for each.
Obviously, I had to add some AAR aspects that B&O didn't have in their rule book.
I do get stop and advance.
In this instance, the only choice is "Clear" for next signal "Advance Approach".
I assume the semaphore is dropping to a more restrictive aspect.
I'm trying to figure out why.
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Independent LogixNG Conditionals executing the same Module


I'm looking at creating a Module that may be called by different Conditionals but I want the Module not to act on any subsequent calls during a period of time - First In First Served.
If I'm correct a called Module can have multiple, independent and simultaneous executions (?)
Does the calling Conditional wait for the 'its' module to compete or does it continue?
H.O. Australia (Layout in Progress)
Digikeijs DR5000 LocoNet
JMRI v5.8 DecoderPro/Warrants/CPE/SML/LogixNG
Windows 10

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Ken H,


Think of the aspect mapping this way, it might not be perfect but it is close.


The <advancedAspect> is what the next signal is displaying.


The <ourAspect> is the list of different aspects our mast could display. It has multiples to cover the issue of when we have mixes of simple signals, like three aspects and other masts that might have five or six aspects to choose from. Remember as mast might be configured to only show some of the possible aspects. It starts at the top of the list and tries to match them one by one. If they don’t match, it goes to the next in the list, etc… and eventually if nothing else matched, it uses the <danger> aspect. That’s generally why you end up with stop if something didn’t match right on something else in the aspects.


When mixing two different signal systems, it is still matching exact text of one and the other. Capitalization, spaces, punctuation, spelling, they all matter.


On top of that you start adding things like route for diverging or not or speed limits into the mix. But key is the logic is trying to match exact text of the aspects.


-Ken Cameron, Member JMRI Dev Team



Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


Understood billybob,
My implementation was a quick and dirty job.
I copied the B&O to my local resources and modified it to match the aspects of the AAR system.
It's B&O in name only.
I planned to add a semaphore definition to a local copy of AAR later.
There's pros and cons to that: only B&O needs a local copy leaving AAR part of the distribution.
If I add a semaphore to AAR, then it needs to be local and doesn't benefit as part of the distribution.
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


On 12/30/2024 5:30 PM, Ken Heywood via wrote:

The triple searchlight displays:
<Your image not included here.>

You have the advanced signal, "IF$VSM:AAR-1946:SL-3-high($0029)".

Based on that, I'd expect "clear", but:
<Again, image not included here.>

Here, you have the targeted signal, "IF$dsm:B&O-1980:Semaphore-1Armwi..."

And _that_ is the problem: mixing AAR-1946 and B&O-1980. In general, JMRI does not "mix" signal systems!

There are "tricks" that you can do, but, generally, if you _need_ to have one "signal system" protect a _different_ system, you will _need_ to "convert" to that other system, via Logix or LogixNG or Jython...

But it would be FAR better to define the "semaphore" signals _in the same signaling system_. That way you do not need to convert between signaling systems.

Or, possibly, one can "cheat" by defining a SML signal that "implements" a "searchlight mast" but realizes it via something that _can_ control a semaphore, like the a dual-turnout that you have apparently used for your semaphore.

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


The turnout is closed as are the next two turnouts.
The speed looks like 100.
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml



In the SML definition, what is the path speed and is any turnout thrown?

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: "Ken Heywood via" <>
Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 4:30 PM

I've been trying to understand in general, the logic in determining the displayed aspect.
In particular, I have a semaphore and the next signal a triple searchlight.
The semaphore aspect map is:
      <advancedAspect>Advance Approach</advancedAspect>
The triple searchlight displays:

Based on that, I'd expect "clear", but:

The path between has two blocks, the turnout and the track.
The turnout is "medium" and the track is "global".
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


I've been trying to understand in general, the logic in determining the displayed aspect.
In particular, I have a semaphore and the next signal a triple searchlight.
The semaphore aspect map is:
      <advancedAspect>Advance Approach</advancedAspect>
The triple searchlight displays:
Based on that, I'd expect "clear", but:
The path between has two blocks, the turnout and the track.
The turnout is "medium" and the track is "global".
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml


On 12/30/2024 3:51 PM, Ken Heywood via wrote:
Oh I wish we had "edit" on these ...
I have a mast entry:
      <advancedAspect>Advance Approach</advancedAspect>
However, the <advancedAspect> presented "Advance Approach" but <ourAspect> presents "Approach".
Trying to understand.
I would have expected that you would _only_ get "Clear" or (the most-restricting aspect, defined in JMRI as the <specificappearance> "<danger>").

It makes me wonder if the "mis-behaving" mast is actually using the appearance file you reference...

Are you trying to create your own signal system? Have you kept a signal system name that is one that is defined in JMRI's signaling system definitions? I have had problems overriding am existing signaling system...

And, is this mast being controlled by SML? If _not_ then the signaling system and its "aspectMapping" doesn't really matter!

(FYI, changes to the signal system files _generally_ do not take effect unless you quit and restart JMRI...)

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml



Where do you see this mast entry?

What is the path speed between the signal mast pair?

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: "Ken Heywood via" <>
Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 2:51 PM

Oh I wish we had "edit" on these ...
I have a mast entry:
      <advancedAspect>Advance Approach</advancedAspect>
However, the <advancedAspect> presented "Advance Approach" but <ourAspect> presents "Approach".
Trying to understand.
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #sml



The aspect selection is based on the "path speed" for the signal mast pair and whether the "route" is Normal, Diverging or Either.

For example, if the next aspect is Clear, the possible aspects are:

Clear :: Normal/Normal
Limited Clear :: Limited/Diverging
Medium Clear :: Medium/Diverging
Slow Clear :: Slow/Diverging

The signal mast logic looks for a "best match".

Dave Sand

----- Original message -----
From: "Ken Heywood via" <>
Subject: [jmriusers] Multiple <ourAspect> Entries in Signal Mast Mapping #signalmasts
Date: Monday, December 30, 2024 2:44 PM

I'm trying to understand a mast response to the <advancedAspect>.
In AAR1946, 3 high searchlight, there are multiple <ourAspect> responses.
What determines the aspect to display for the presented next mast aspect?
NYNH&H, Old Colony Division, Cape Cod Branch (1949-1959)
Loconet * JMRI 5.11.1 * OSX,Win10,Ubuntu
Youtube: Ken's Channel

Re: Help with Sensors and Signals


On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 02:18 PM, Bill Rutherford wrote:
could you elaborate a bit please?
Disregard (post deleted).
H.O. Australia (Layout in Progress)
Digikeijs DR5000 LocoNet
JMRI v5.8 DecoderPro/Warrants/CPE/SML/LogixNG
Windows 10