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- BITX20
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Re: xBitX RPi questions
1. The pi on the zBitx does not come with a heatsink. We found that the Pi runs normally without one and we haven't faced any problems so far. As Farhan said earlier, none of our software is RAM intensive. Some modes like FT8 are CPU intensive but it is well within the capabilities of the Pi. The pi consumes about 250 mA of current, which at 5v is about 1.25 watts. 2. The Pi can run realVNC and other linux software just like our sBitx units as it's running raspbian. Our sBitx and the zBitx radios can be operated remotely from any browser by simply visiting sbitx.local or zbitx.local in any internet browser. That way, you don't have to setup any vnc software. Just open up your browser, type in the address and login key, and you are good to go! 3. The real time clock chip on the board does the timekeeping and allows users to work modes like FT8. The Pi is more than capable of handling the signal processing. The onboard WiFi can also be powered up to fetch the correct time from time servers. The radio does not need any special software. 4. Will wait for him to respond. 5. The Pi zero used in the zBitx will need a microusb OTG cable/adapter to connect to devices with a regular USB port as the pi comes with microusb connectors. Hope this answers your questions. 73 and a Happy New Year, Support@... |
Re: sBitX V3 Microphone input
Hi Charles, The tip goes to microphone element, ring to the PTT switch, and the sleeve to ground. When you ground the ring (PTT) to sleeve (ground), the radio goes into transmit. This is mentioned in Hope this helps. Happy New Year and 73, Ragav VU3VWR |
Re: Zbitx
Hi Steve,
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
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On Dec 30, 2024, at 17:03, bretnemeth via <bretnemeth@...> wrote:
1 Людина сподобалось це
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
I kept thinking that the software could also have a problem. So I flashed the 4.2 software and sure enough it works now.
At 50% drive on 20 meters I am getting 10 watts out with the mic set at 50. CW works great. Maybe the memory card had
a glitch. Thanks for your help Gordon but it looks good now. Guess I got lucky. 1 Людина сподобалось це
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
OK, so you’ve got some DC connectivity
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Do you have another receiver anywhere? Do you have a capacitor somewhere, anywhere between 100 pF and 0.1 Uf that is rated for 50 V or more? If you do, we can wire it in series with your AC voltmeter and start doing some tests. On Dec 30, 2024, at 15:54, bretnemeth via <bretnemeth@...> wrote:
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
I set the bias with my amp meter. That seemed to work. There is no output on the external swr meter. It doesn't show anything it the 2 watt mode.
I have a good volt meter. The cans do get warm. They are about 85F or more. The little circuit board that is close to a big cap and the red power switch wires gets about 100F. |
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
Great going Gordon , hope these lessons continue to it's logical conclusion. It'll surely help someone and me offcourse. de VU2UPX On Tue, 31 Dec, 2024, 1:47 am Gordon Gibby KX4Z via, <> wrote:
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
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1. I’m assuming you were able to adjust the idle current with the bias potentiometer and get expected results. If not, then there could be a DC disconnection somewhere in the power amplifier stage. 2. Those four metal cans to the left of the power amplifier stage are the driver stage. They should get pretty warm or even hot within 15 seconds if you put the radio into any single side band mode and key the microphone. Even if you don’t say anything. If they don’t, then there is some problem with the DC connections to the driver stage. 3. Do you have any other means to measure the output of the transmitter? A SWR meter or anything similar? If so, try to get some kind of a read on whether there’s any real power coming out even if it is only 100 Milli Watts or so. Do you hear anything in another receiver tune to the same frequency? Usually, you’ll hear something if there’s any real power out put 4. Do you have a voltmeter? On Dec 30, 2024, at 15:00, bretnemeth via <bretnemeth@...> wrote:
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
We all understand!! 1. Does it RECEIVE? If you put an antenna on it, do you HEAR recognizable signals? 2. What exactly does it do when you try to transmit (specify mode, and what you see on the screen; for example, if you tell it you are in CW and have a paddle, and press the mic button, you should see a string of dashes or dots flying past. Gordon
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
time to break out the oscilloscope or build an "rf probe" if you don't have one, so you can begin to diagnose with a simple $6 digital voltmeter. Lots of learning opportunities! There are some charts (Somewhere on all the amassed knowledge base) of typical signal levels and voltages, that will help you....... Took me MONTHS to solve a thorny problem with one of my units (which I might have been the cause of, so not blaming anyone else) Gordon KX4Z
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
One of the legs broke on one diode. So I ordered more. Only problem is I put everything back together and set the bias. Still no power out. Starting to think I blew another fet or maybe there is a software problem. I have read about some peoples radios not working due to software. |
Re: Capacitor on irf510 sbitx
On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 03:10 PM, bretnemeth wrote:
For what it's worth, they are right that standard diodes have some continuity measured in one direction and nothing in the other direction. TVS diodes like the ones used in the sBitx V3s don't show any continuity at all unless you apply more than 18.5V then they conduct, so if yours are not showing any continuity they are probably okay. It also doesn't matter what direction you install them, they are not polarity sensitive like a regular diode. If you have them I would install them, we can use all the protection we can get with the final MOSFETs. It wont hurt anything. Joel
sBitX V3 Microphone input
I’ve been trying different microphone combos with the microphone input and the thing is — I can’t figure out how to get the PTT on the mike line to work (running Dexx’s 4.2 btw).
The ring on the connector seems to trigger PTT when the signal floats, which I can get from just touching a wire connected to the ring. A normal PTT is a ground — what does this ring need to see? a specific voltage? is it sensing a resistance level? I note it seems to be running -2.4V…grounding doesn’t work… how can I trigger it from a button?
Or are there other ways to trigger PTT? With some mikes like my motorola, the PTT simply connects the audio circuit, so I’d like to be able to sense that and send a trigger to the PTT. |
Re: Operating FT8 from a different country
Yes you are right, changing settings by hand will seem to work, but it won’t send the packets correctly with such callsigns. I think ft8_lib is incomplete in this way, and I had a shot at trying to fix it one time: I didn’t succeed, and didn’t get back to it yet either. I had to operate with a prefix for the summer and fall until I got my Norwegian callsign, but it will come up again when traveling (and the zbitx will be handy for traveling). So there’s a starting point if someone else wants to help dig into it. |
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