Re: Topics in Home Automation - New Article in Residential Tech Today
I'm so glad I can provide amusement for the group🙂 Jay
Від jbasen · #255558 ·
Re: Topics in Home Automation - New Article in Residential Tech Today
Rumor has is, the same guys are going to release SmartBalls next year :D
Від ZS · #255557 ·
Re: TSW-1060 Weather Application v2 and weather widget work on my bench but not at client's site?
I've had this happen. I don't know why, but I did stumble on a kind of "fix" last time. When I selected the location zip code and set as default, things started working again. On a few TSWs, I had to
Від Jonathan Troutman · #255556 ·
Re: Topics in Home Automation - New Article in Residential Tech Today
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that there's a product called "MeatStick"!! Get Outlook for Android<> ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, December 18,
Від Gary Miller · #255555 ·
Topics in Home Automation - New Article in Residential Tech Today
The idea for the MeatStick grilling thermometer was hatched when a group of friends became distracted at an afternoon barbecue and overcooked their steaks.  I've written several articles about the
Від jbasen · #255554 ·
Re: TSW-1060 Weather Application v2 and weather widget work on my bench but not at client's site?
I'm no expert, but my gut and my troubleshooting rules ask: what IS different? -CAT cables all good? -addreses/IP table(s) -controller model? -controller FW? -is it a managed switch? SOMETHING must
Від Jim · #255553 ·
Re: TSW-x70 button press responsiveness
I've seen it on a CH5 webpage where holding a button will give a momentary press. Rinse, repeat and it will then show my holding the button down> wrote:
Від BruteForceIsUnderRated · #255552 ·
Re: Crestron Go on iOS, any way to keep connection active
Just for big picture perspective, since Crestron fully supports talking TCP/UDP over the network, nothing stops anyone from leveraging that capability to just talk to Crestron by developing native iOS
Від Michael Caldwell-Waller · #255551 ·
TSW-1060 Weather Application v2 and weather widget work on my bench but not at client's site?
What would explain why the same VTP project on two different TSW1060 panels of the same firmware ( 3.002.1061) works in one location and not the other? At both locations they pass
Від spannertech@... · #255550 ·
Re: Crestron Go on iOS, any way to keep connection active
Regarding the play/pause FOR RESI...the older Crestron app for Android (not Go) supported notification widget buttons. It was so convinient there, I had play/pause, prev/next and volume contol, 6
Від ZS · #255549 ·
Re: Crestron Go on iOS, any way to keep connection active
Do you have the iPad set to go to sleep? Did you try turning off the sleep and leave the screen on and make the customer manually turn it off when done? Yea not great for battery life but the device
Від @johnmax · #255548 ·
Re: TSW-x70 button press responsiveness
I notice this specifically with CH5 but I notice it more on the x60 series, especially the 1060.  My theory is that the same hardware drives a larger screen at higher resolution, but maybe it's my
Від Erik Brown · #255547 ·
Re: Crestron Go on iOS, any way to keep connection active
We desperately need to have a fix for this connection times are getting slower and slower. many customers now increasingly frustrated with connection times by the time they wake the app up to pause
Від @Stujrob · #255546 ·
Re: 4-Series Processors, SSL, and VPN connection
Thank you for all the suggestions, everyone. The two processors and touchpanel are all on DHCP, plugged into the same switch. Their gateway/subnet mask information are all received from the DHCP
Від VVDubs23 · #255545 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
Thanks John. I solved the problem this morning. I’ve been using the Alexa app on my iPad. This morning I had to recharge my iPad so I switched to my phone. Suddenly there was a message to relink
Від jbasen · #255544 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
Jay have you tried a processor reboot? Any site where Alexa stops working that I have seen a processor reboot fixes it. Seems to be necessary after a long period of time like a year or more.
Від @johnmax · #255543 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
The light bulb at the bottom to go-to the lights page. Then it just pops up at the top.
Від Eric Luckart · #255542 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
Hi Eric, Which light bulb in the Alexa app? When I look at my Crestron devices in the Alexa app they say "device is unresponsive".  If I try turning a light on/off it says "server is
Від jbasen · #255541 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
When my system disconnects, if I launch the Alexa app and select the light bulb, if not immediately then after a few moments it will say "Crestron is unlinked, do you want to relink" at the top of
Від Eric Luckart · #255540 ·
Re: Alexa Voice Commands Not Working
Thanks Gary.  That would be great! There are three key voice commands we're really missing.  I'm going to move those to the hubitat.  The rest can wait until Thursday. Thanks again Jay
Від jbasen · #255539 ·