Re: Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Nizar, memory slot 0 is always used at startup. Just save whatever you want to start up with into slot 0.
Від Stan Dye · #38918 ·
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi All I just have my New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII , i calibrate it on different spans and empty memory's, all seems working fine, but it does not save the latest recalled calibration memory , at
Від Team-SIM SIM-Mode · #38917 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
i figured it had, such an obvious thing to have. Now, if you want .sNp files, you'll have to do some monkeying around. And if you want S11, you'd need a resistor in series with the source, and an
Від Jim Lux · #38916 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
This is very good. Ing. Patricio A. Greco Laboratorio de Calibración ISO 17025 AREA: RF/MW Gral. Martín Rodríguez 2159 San Miguel (1663) Buenos Aires T: +5411-4455-2557 F:
Від Patricio A. Greco · #38915 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
    Already done:     73, Mark Jordan PY3SS
Від Mark Jordan · #38914 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
Totally a reasonable idea. You’ll only get S21. If you want S11 and S21, then you need a stereo interface, and some series resistors
Від Jim Lux · #38913 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
what about sweeping with a soundcard?? it should be possible to use line out and line in (or mic in) and use a soundcard like the nanovna (just ab idea from a dumb nut) sg9bfc sigi Am 13.12.2024
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38912 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
Dave, Not sure I'm on the right idea but have you tried the "Spectrum" program? (I have a nice HP-3561A I use to use years ago, I guess I ought to get it out and dust it off) Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38911 ·
Re: windows 10 allow NanoVNA saver to start without warning
I just tried it again and it opened without the warning. Apparently it took a time or two of selecting open anyway to bypass the warning. It's all good now.
Від JimLS · #38910 ·
Re: windows 10 allow NanoVNA saver to start without warning
What is the warning given - in detail?> wrote: -- Tate Belden A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
Від WyoHam · #38909 ·
windows 10 allow NanoVNA saver to start without warning
I installed NanoVNAsaver (really just putting the .exe from the zip file from github on my PC). It works but gives a security warning each time it is started. I looked at file properties and didn't
Від JimLS · #38908 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
Yes, my first "knee-jerk" reaction would have been an audio oscillator and an o'scope. But the noise gen. and SA will give better results in a single plot on the screen. I have run across online
Від W0LEV · #38907 ·
Re: Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
JimLS, Did you get what you need from all the posts on this topic? Roger
Від Roger Need · #38906 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
Dave: I understand. A nanovna is not a good idea for AF, note the frequency steps of internal generator, its impossible to use it. May you use an audio oscillator and scope. Depends on your available
Від Patricio A. Greco · #38905 ·
Re: Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
I don´t build an optimized coil I just a made a coil. The idea was a very simple setup to show basic measurements (L, Q , Cp). I talked a cap of one isopropyl spray I made 4 holes and I wound a
Від Patricio A. Greco · #38904 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
Cheap? Not on my retirement income! Nominally $ 1.5k. I looked it up on both epay and "refurbished". Dave -
Від W0LEV · #38903 ·
Re: Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
The calculated inductance value includes self-capacitance. Some people call this effective inductance, but I just call it inductance since that's what you would measure with an instrument. Internally
Від Brian Beezley · #38902 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
You can usa an HP8903A audio analyzer… is cheap and works very good. You can sweep up to 100KHz Ing. Patricio A. Greco Laboratorio de Calibración ISO 17025 AREA: RF/MW Gral. Martín Rodríguez
Від Patricio A. Greco · #38901 ·
Re: Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
Biran : I downloaded the program and I entered the values of my measured inductor Leq= 21.2 michoH , this is very good result. I suppose the Resistance would be computed via skin effect. For any
Від Patricio A. Greco · #38900 ·
Re: Measuring Attenuators
You could (in theory) put the DUT between two mixers and a shared oscillator to heterodyne the passband up into a more useful range for the VNA. (Please don't consider this a serious suggestion, since
Від ww6x · #38899 ·