Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Hasan, Also, the range of voltages over which the circuit can give a stabilized output, is not known, unless you know the specifications of that transformer, TR1.  The relays in the circuit select
Від Andy I · #157043 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
I might be wrong, but it looks to me like this circuit best provides a voltage boost.  I guess there is one choice for voltage reduction.  So, it might not be a good choice for handling an
Від Andy I · #157042 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Am autotransformer is modelled as several inductors in series, paying attention to the “start” marker. Once the inductors are lined up, write one “K” directive, to define the coupling among
Від Bell, Dave · #157041 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Andy,Thank you to come up some good advice and suggestions. I do believe that if I start drawing  circuit in LTspice, may be others can help me for bug fixing, After a time it will be doable.I saw
Від MD MUBDIUL HASAN · #157040 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
The simple answer to your question is this: * Draw it in LTspice. * Press RUN. LTspice is quite capable of simulating electronic circuits such as this.  It is one of the most capable simulators for
Від Andy I · #157039 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Unless I misunderstand, it surprizes me, considering LTspice started in 1991 as SwitcherCAD, clearly oriented towards switching regulators. At least, that's what I undersood.
Від Jerry Lee Marcel · #157038 ·
Re: Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
In general, G (current) sources are preferred over E (voltage) sources.  Current sources tend to result in fewer problems. Have you thought about why?  What would make it work apparently OK with
Від Andy I · #157037 ·
Re: Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
It takes 3 sources to make a DI/DO amp with CM ref. I tested both E and G sources. Oddly if the 4 feedback resistors are all equal you can swap the output connections and the circuit still works.
Від Tom · #157036 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
There is nothing in the imaged circuit that cannot, in principle, be modelled in LTspice. The most obscure part is transformer TR1. The main winding (taps A … E) is most likely a specific,
Від Bell, Dave · #157035 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
A modern stabilized AC supply would use quite different, probably high-frequency switching, techniques, and LTspice is not the right simulator for such circuits. I will try to simulate it in another
Від MD MUBDIUL HASAN · #157034 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Difficulty number 4. I don't know of anything similar, and I would say that it's very old technology. A modern stabilized AC supply would use quite different, probably high-frequency switching,
Від John Woodgate · #157033 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
John, Thank you for the reply. What kind of difficulties you can find?  For example  1. Impossible to make transformers function?2. Relays are Impossible to control?3. The circuit is big enough and
Від MD MUBDIUL HASAN · #157032 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Quite apart from that, it's impossible to simulate that complex circuit without the full specification of every component. This is undoubtedly impracticable.
Від John Woodgate · #157031 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Why would a ZIP file be unsuitable? Unfortunately, most users of Groups.IO will insist on the common .ZIP compression, only. Dave Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 12:08 PM To:
Від Bell, Dave · #157030 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Zip file is also not suitable.
Від MD MUBDIUL HASAN · #157029 ·
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
This being an LTspice group the starting point would be you posting your LTspice files. Not a picture of a schematic. -- David Schultz
Від David Schultz · #157028 ·
LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Dear All,I wanted to build up a voltage stabilizer to study its performance.Kindly help me to simulate the attached circuit file,
Від MD MUBDIUL HASAN · #157027 ·
Re: Ferromagnetic core modeling.
You are right, dropping Character Map would be a dumb idea. When I still used Windows years ago, it was a useful tool to me. I used it often to copy/insert non-standard chars into documents. Change
Від Abes · #157026 ·
Re: Confused, adding a pin to an existing Symbol and .cir
There is no record that you ever uploaded a corrected file, until now. I'm guessing that you uploaded it to a different group and later downloaded it from that other group.  Or maybe you imagined
Від Andy I · #157025 ·
Re: Confused, adding a pin to an existing Symbol and .cir
But I see that the one I had was quite different from the one you uploaded in August. Seems to work, and has the same calling structure (A B W Vpct vs. 1 2 3 Vpct), so def related. Sent: Monday,
Від Bell, Dave · #157024 ·