25% off The Olympian Affair

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Pre-order The Olympian Affair from Barnes & Noble April 26 – April 28 and get 25% off. Use coupon code PREORDER25 at checkout to receive the discount. 

Heroic Hearts on sale today only for $1.99

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The ebook edition of Heroic Hearts is on sale today. Get it on KindleNook, or Kobo. Heroic Hearts contains the Dresden short story “Little Things”.

The Olympian Affair Comes Out November 7th!


Jim is thrilled to announce that THE OLYMPIAN AFFAIR, book 2 in The Cinder Spires, will be published by Ace Books on November 7! If you need to catch up on the series, THE AERONAUT’S WINDLASS will be out in a new paperback on October 3. Learn more here:
THE OLYMPIAN AFFAIR: https://bit.ly/3owAU0u
THE AERONAUT’S WINDLASS: https://bit.ly/3MZzF4h

Jim Butcher - The Olympian Affair is done!


Tweet from Jim reading "Just sent The Olympian Affair off to my editor. :). First chapter of the next Dresden complete. ETA on writing time about 16-18 weeks."

Jim Butcher - Instinct paperback…

Group Integration

Instinct paperback…

By Angie

…and hardback are now available for purchase on Amazon! Sorry for the delay!

That is an affiliate link.

The post Instinct paperback… first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - For the Puppies!

Group Integration

For the Puppies!

By Angie

Save a puppy and read a book. Instinct is here today! The ebook is available for download now. If ebooks aren’t your style, you can purchase the physical book as well.

Read the new Dresden short story Fugitive and see Mouse being A Good Boy. The anthology includes stories from: Faith Hunter, Patricia Briggs, Seanan McGuire, L. E. Modesitt, Kelley Armstrong, L. J. Hachmeister, Sam Knight, Eliza Eveland, Hailey Edwards, D. J. Butler, Lucienne Diver, A. J. Hartley, Alex Erickson, John Hartness, R.R. Virdi, and Jennifer Blackstream.

Get it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play, and wherever books are sold. Book sale profits from this anthology will be donated to Lifeline Puppy Rescue.

Read it to your fuzzy family members!

Post contains affiliate links.

The post For the Puppies! first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Read Fugitive Next Week

Group Integration

Read Fugitive Next Week

By Angie

I showed him my teeth. “You,” I said quietly, “are a Bad Dog.”
The deadliest insult I knew hung in the air in perfect silence.

Fugitive is a new Dresden short story that will appear on March 7th, 2023 in Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology! It will be available as an ebook and a paperback. The ebook is available for pre-order for $4.99. On release day, the price will increase to $6.99. The paperback will be available on March 7th.

Save a puppy by getting this book! Book sale profits are donated to: Lifeline Puppy Rescue.

The post Read Fugitive Next Week first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - More from Fugitive…

Group Integration

More from Fugitive…

By Angie

And there was only so much heartbreak a man, even My Friend, could take.
And perhaps that was the point. This escape had been no accident, no quirk of fate.
It was an attack on My Friend.
Suddenly I felt like biting someone.

Fugitive is a new Dresden short story that will appear on March 7th, 2023 in Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology! It will be available as an ebook and a paperback. The ebook is available for pre-order for $4.99. On release day, the price will increase to $6.99.

Save a puppy by getting this book! Book sale profits are donated to: Lifeline Puppy Rescue.

The post More from Fugitive… first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - An excerpt from Fugitive…

Group Integration

An excerpt from Fugitive…

By Angie

Slowly, almost impossibly, a great beast emerged from the gateway.
Three huge canine heads arose from the red light, and enormous paws
thrust forth to drag the great beast into the dorm room. There was barely
room for it to fit, and I found myself nose to nose-nose-nose with an
absolute monster of a dog, one that radiated sheer metaphysical mass and
I leaned forward carefully, sniffing at the central head. Three heads
sniffed back, taking in my scent before they focused on me, and then a
deep, resonant voice sounded clearly in my mind.
“Please excuse my intrusion. I am here looking for Mouse Dresden,”
the beast said, politely enough.

Fugitive is a new Dresden short story that will appear on March 7th, 2023 in Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology! It will be available as an ebook and a paperback. The ebook is available for pre-order for $4.99. On release day, the price will increase to $6.99.

The anthology includes stories from: Faith Hunter, Patricia Briggs, Seanan McGuire, L. E. Modesitt, Kelley Armstrong, L. J. Hachmeister, Sam Knight, Eliza Eveland, Hailey Edwards, D. J. Butler, Lucienne Diver, A. J. Hartley, Alex Erickson, John Hartness, R.R. Virdi, and Jennifer Blackstream.

Save a puppy by getting this book! Book sale profits are donated to: Lifeline Puppy Rescue.

The post An excerpt from Fugitive… first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Storm Front is featured today on eBookDaily – $1.99

Group Integration

Jim Butcher - For The Puppies!

Group Integration

For The Puppies!

By Angie

Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology comes out March 7th. Don’t forget to pre-order so you can read the new Dresden short story “Fugitive” as soon as it’s released. Mouse teams up with Cerberus to contend with something that has escaped from Hades.

Instinct will be available as an ebook and a paperback. Paperbacks are not eligible for pre-order but will be available March 7th!

Book sale profits are donated to: Lifeline Puppy Rescue

This post contains affiliate links.

The post For The Puppies! first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Jim’s talk for the Guest Authors Series at Monterey Peninsula College

Group Integration

Jim’s talk for the Guest Authors Series at Monterey Peninsula College

By Angie

If you were not able to watch Jim’s talk live in November last year, the link to the recording is here!

The post Jim’s talk for the Guest Authors Series at Monterey Peninsula College first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - BookBub Deal on Furies of Calderon

Group Integration

Jim Butcher - Rescue a puppy with a new Dresden short story

Group Integration

Rescue a puppy with a new Dresden short story

By Angie

On March 7, 2023, read a brand new Dresden short story in Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology! In “Fugitive”, Mouse teams up with Cerberus because something has escaped from Hell.

Also featuring new stories by Faith Hunter, Patricia Briggs, Seanan McGuire, L. E. Modesitt, Kelley Armstrong, L. J. Hachmeister, Sam Knight, Eliza Eveland, Hailey Edwards, D. J. Butler, Lucienne Diver, A. J. Hartley, Alex Erickson, John Hartness, and R.R. Virdi!

Book sale profits from this anthology will be donated to Lifeline Puppy Rescue.

The post Rescue a puppy with a new Dresden short story first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - A reminder and some exciting news!

Group Integration

A reminder and some exciting news!

By Angie

Remember to watch Jim’s online author talk tomorrow for the Guest Authors Series at Monterey Peninsula College. The talk will be November 16 at 7PM PST/10PM EST. Email creativewriting@... for the registration link if you haven’t already. If you can’t attend, the talk will be available on the MPC YouTube page afterwards.

The cover of The Law. Harry Dresden stands behind a table, facing the viewer. there is a book open in front of him and his hat is hanging on a stand in the background.
Gold medallion on a black background. The medallion reads Voice Arts Awards Nominee.

The Law has been nominated for a SOVAS Award (Society of Voice Arts and Sciences) in the Author Performance – Best Voiceover Category! The winner will be announced Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 4:00PM in Los Angeles, CA. Way to go Jim!

The post A reminder and some exciting news! first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Dead Beat is featured on eBookDaily today!

Group Integration

Jim Butcher - Author Talk with Jim!

Group Integration

Author Talk with Jim!

By Angie

On Wednesday, November 16 at 7PM PST/10PM EST, Jim will be participating in an online Guest Authors Series at Monterey Peninsula College. He will discuss fiction writing in general and fantasy writing in particular and will take questions from those attending. Email creativewriting@... for the registration link. The talk will be available afterwards on MPC YouTube page.

The post Author Talk with Jim! first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Jim and James talk about James’ debut novel!

Group Integration

Jim and James talk about James’ debut novel!

By Angie

If you didn’t catch the conversation on October 26th with Jim and his son, James J. Butcher, about Dead Man’s Hand, James’ debut novel, the video is up on Powell’s YouTube page. Go check it out!

James J. Butcher presents Dead Man’s Hand in conversation with Jim Butcher
The post Jim and James talk about James’ debut novel! first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - Virtual Event with Father and Son

Group Integration

Virtual Event with Father and Son

By Angie

On October 26th at 8pm EDT/5pmPDT, James J. Butcher will be discussing his new book, Dead Man’s Hand, with Powell’s City of Books. He’ll be joined by Jim! Register for the event on Powell’s site.

The post Virtual Event with Father and Son first appeared on Jim Butcher.

Jim Butcher - James Butcher’s 1st book is out today!

Group Integration

James Butcher’s 1st book is out today!

By Angie

Go get it!

James is Jim’s son. You can buy the book at your favorite retailer. It’s available as a physical book, ebook, and audiobook.

The post James Butcher’s 1st book is out today! first appeared on Jim Butcher.