Welcome, and first-hour box opening experience (6/3/2019)
Welcome to nanovna-users. This group is intended as a discussion forum for users of nanovna small VNA devices. A co-moderator will be needed (please contact if you'd like to participate.)
My NanoVNA
David Feldman
Corrected group account misconfiguration (was "announcement group", set in error)
My configuration error has been corrected.
You should be able to post without error, however, your first two posts will require moderator approval, beyond which your posts will be unimpeded.
David Feldman
Re: Corrected group account misconfiguration (was "announcement group", set in error)
Why the first TWO posts?
Dave Daniel
Re: Corrected group account misconfiguration (was "announcement group", set in error)
That configuration error is now corrected - it's set as first (one) message only moderated.
73 Dave WB0GAZ wb0gaz@...
David Feldman
Re: Corrected group account misconfiguration (was "announcement group", set in error)
Happy some one made this Group the cost of nanoVNA really interested, but I do not buy it yet until I find the PC software really working
Anton Moehammad
Additional information on Nano VNA
I ordered one from Bangood, and am waiting for delivery. This is a link to some additional information for the Bangood model, I think they are all about the same. From there you can follow links to
DuWayne Schmidlkofer
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
Much appreciated!
FYI here's the (currently active) URL for direct file download should it be difficult for anyone to
David Feldman
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
so, how is your impression of this thing?
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
happy to hear PC software actually working no reason not to try it by myself
Pada Minggu, 9 Juni 2019 23.03.33 WIB, amirb <amir.borji@...> menulis:
so, how is your impression of this
Anton Moehammad
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
My initial posting at start of group had some impression about physical device and package, you can read it.
About the RAR file with software and documentation, that is new for me today, I have
David Feldman
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
I just received my Nano yesterday. Using it standalone in the 10-20 MHz region measuring the S11 of an antenna, I am pleased to find that the smith chart matches my HP 8752.
Much more testing to
Re: Additional information on Nano VNA
I had to remove the driver, and reinstall it. I was able to get it to load. I found NanoVNA v1,01. which works, but not stable.
Is there a way to tell what rev the firmware is? I got mine on Monday,
Frank S
Translated instructions
Is there a instruction that is not in Chinese? I asked the vendor for some info and got a Chinese PDF
Frank S
Re: Translated instructions
I found this set of instructions.
Any use?
My unit not yet arrived.
Clive F5VHS
Clive Redfern <semiochemic@...>
nano vna form ebay seller pincei-de
I won an auction on eBay for my NAno VNA from the eBay seller pincei-de.
According to his positive Reply he seems to be new.
They sent the item very fast via air mail.
But: instead of the VNA
Henning Weddig
Re: nano vna form ebay seller pincei-de
never seen such a thing before, sending a "gift" first and promising the item for a future shipping!
well, yeah I have been the victim of fraud where the guy sent me a spark plug for a GPIB-USB
Re: nano vna form ebay seller pincei-de
I think it is a tariff thing. I bought batteries for my drill , and they came with some white gloves
Frank S
NanoVNA software on windows 10 x64?
Hello to the group,
I am impatiently awaiting my NanoVNA. Meanwhile: has anyone successfully run software V1.01 on a PC running Windows 10 x64? Almost all my PCs are running under this operating
what does your NanoVNA circuit board look like?
I just received my NanoVNA yesterday and it was shipped without the battery. I noticed there are unused pads directly below the coil, one of which connects to VCC batt. There is also a spot for a TF
Larry Rothman
Re: what does your NanoVNA circuit board look like?
Mine looks the same.What does the front look like?Does it have a black or a white front with a gekko on it.The rear will have the old original github address.
Dom Baines M1KTA
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