Jim Butcher - An announcement and some questions for Dresden fans!
By Angie
Jim’s son is also an author! James J. Butcher’s debut novel, Dead Man’s Hand, is coming out on October 11th! Don’t forget to pre-order it from your favorite bookseller or from the
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Jim’s talk with the City of Mountain View Public Library
By Angie
If you weren’t able to grab a spot for this talk, fear not! It was recorded and the link to it is below.
The post Jim’s talk with the City of Mountain View
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Back from Dragon Con
By Angie
Photo of Fenris on Jim's lap. ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/45EA5913-C0B5-43D4-9AE5-7C216211F1EB.jpeg ) Fenris is the true boss of the household. Photo of Brutus
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Virtual Talk with the City of Mountain View Library
By Angie
Join Jim on September 15th at 6:30PM PDT/9:30PM EDT as he talks about his latest books and his writing process with the City of Mountain View Library. Registration is required and seating is
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Dragon Con 2022!
By Angie
Jim will be at Dragon Con this weekend! His schedule is below but check the official Dragon Con app ( https://www.dragoncon.org/resources/digital-resources/ ) (iPhone, Android, and web) for
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Get a sneak peak into Dead Man’s Hand by James J. Butcher!
By Angie
The cover art for Dead Man's Hand advertising a sneak peak. ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Dead-Mans-Hand-Sneak-Peek.jpg
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Book Signing Today in Westminster, Colorado
By Angie
Jim will be signing books at the Barnes & Noble store in Westminster, Colorado today from 11am to 1pm. The address of the store is 9370 Sheridan Blvd, Westminster, CO, 80030. The store’s
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - The Law Release Day!
By Angie
The cover for the Audible version of The Law. Harry's standing at a desk, facing the viewer, with a book open in front of him. His hat is on a coat rack behind him. (
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Book Signing in Westminster Colorado July 10th
By Angie
Jim will be doing a signing at the Barnes & Noble Westminster location on July 10th from 11am to 1pm. This is a non-ticketed event so first come, first serve. The address is 9370 Sheridan
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - The Law is available for pre-order on Kindle!
By Angie
Many fans have asked for an ebook edition of The Law and it is now available for pre-order ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/store/?title=The%20Law ). Get it today! It will be a simultaneous
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Trailer for The Law!
By Angie
The post Trailer for The Law! ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2022/trailer-for-the-law ) first appeared on Jim Butcher ( https://www.jim-butcher.com ).
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Livestream with Jim Butcher and James Marsters!
By Angie
Poster announcing the livestream event with photos of Jim Butcher and James Marsters. ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/TheLawLivestream_1080x1080.jpg )
Tune in to
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Cover art for The Law revealed!
By Angie
( https://www.jim-butcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/v2_B17.5_The-Law-A-Dresden-Files-Novella_-Dresden-Files.jpg ) Cover art for The Law by Chris McGrath
The Law will be out on Audible
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Announcing “The Law” read by Jim himself!
By Angie
A new Dresden novella is coming to you July 5th! Set after the events of Battle Ground , Harry goes to court to protect some of Chicago’s most vulnerable children. The Law is an Audible (
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Conversation with Jim, Kerrie L. Hughes and the authors of Heroic Hearts tonight!
By Angie
The post Conversation with Jim, Kerrie L. Hughes and the authors of Heroic Hearts tonight! (
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Salutations
By Angie
Hi everyone! You may have noticed a new name on recent posts. I’m Angie, lovely to meet you. I’m a big fan of Jim’s work and I’m taking over managing content for Jim-Butcher.com and
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - “That’s my son :)” – Jim
By Angie
Jim’s son, James, is also an author and his debut novel will be out this year! Pre-order ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/store/?cat=4 ) James’ book so you’ll have it when it comes out
Group Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Are you ready for more Toot-Toot and Mister‽
By Angie
Announcing a brand new short story from the Dresden Files universe! What could be better than a team up between Toot-Toot and Mister? Harry doesn’t know that there’s a threat but
jimbutcher@groups.io Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Microfiction #6: The Good People
Microfiction #6: The Good People ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2020/microfiction-6-the-good-people
jimbutcher@groups.io Integration <jimbutcher@...>
Jim Butcher - Congratulations, Fanfic Winners!
Congratulations, Fanfic Winners! ( https://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2020/congratulations-fanfic-winners
jimbutcher@groups.io Integration <jimbutcher@...>
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