Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
You also need 1 more little kit (about $15 on Amazon) with a 50 ohm load stub and extra F-F barrel connector. The VNA only comes with 1 of each and you need 2 for the LOAD calibration in order to do
Matthew Rapaport
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Don: I think his main concern was about how to turn it on and align it, set
freq range and see SWR, for starters.
I'm sure that the HP and others allow the user to calculate the "solution
to the
William Schrader
Re: Software for Android
Download this APK file from my Google drive and install it on your Android phone.
It worked on my Android 13
Re: Software for Android
The program I use on my Android phone, tablet or computer running android, is available on the Play Store.
It is called, StmDfuUsb. It will load bin, dfu and hex versions of FW.
I use it
Clyde Lambert
Re: Software for Android
I too see the nanovna web app in the store, but it won't let me download it
as it tells me it is for an older device.> wrote:
Greg Parsons
Re: Software for Android
I have "NANOVNA Web App" showing up on my phone, got it in the google play store...
Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
Software for Android
Hello to the group and a very happy holiday to all,
I am trying to find an app that will work on my android phone or tablet,
the software in the wiki claims it is for an older version of the
Greg Parsons
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
HP/Agilent/Keysight still have the best application notes on network analysis and spectrum analysis, both for beginners and for others who want to dig in further. I still have paper copies of many of
Donald S Brant Jr
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Yes. G4WNC Mike Richards published a book that is called NanoVNA H4
I bought the Kindle edition from Amazon.
It's just what you (transl.: "me") need.
That flow chart table they pack with
William Schrader
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Once you learn one VNA, no matter whose or which one, you will be able to
use them all. The basics of the instrument aren't that different from the
NANOVNA to the very expensive professional units.
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
They are all "close enough". 90% overlap.
Matthew Rapaport
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
What confused me is I have found guides/videos but they are VNA-whatever version it is. Mine is an “H” model and wondered if it had a specific guide or are they all generic and all guides
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Once you learn how to use about any VNA well, you won't need an "Users
Guide". I learned many decades ago on the job using professional HP
equipment and have never looked back. The NANOVNAs came
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
YouTube is your friend! Start by looking up "nanoVNA calibration" and move on from there. There are dozens of videos on the nanoVNA. When you've had enough of those, there are also many videos
Matthew Rapaport
Re: New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Start here >>
You can read the Absolute Beginners Guide in the Files section of this group. Also read this group's wiki.
Roger Need
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Does a user guide exist for this model? It came with a flow chart but am looking for something more expansive on its functions etc..
Am a newbie at this device,
Re: Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi Dislord
Thank you very much, version 1.2.40 already installed and tested : works great as expected , Really advanced functions .
saving latest memory slot also tested and it work OK.
Thanks ,
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
Re: Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
By default at startup always load 0 calibration slot
But if select config->expert settings->remember state (and save config, config->save) NanoVNA store several settings in backup registers and use it
Re: Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
V1.2.27 is an excellent firmware version, so you are good with it. There are newer versions which add some features. You can read the release notes to see if any of these are important for your use
Stan Dye
Re: Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi Stan
Thank you, i read firmware version 1.2.27 already installed on my new H4 , did I need to upgrade it for newer version ??
Thanks , 73's Nizar .
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
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