Re: Autotransformer deep questions!
1: I know, but .meas at ½ cycle let me read the voltages easily.
2: I’ll try that; good suggestion!
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2024 2:04 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [LTspice]
Bell, Dave
Re: Autotransformer deep questions!
Inductance is proportional to N², but voltage is proportional to N.
You must redo your inductance calculation.
Jerry Lee Marcel
Re: Autotransformer deep questions!
Two things I notice instantly:
Primary voltage should be 311V. Voltages in SPICE are peak.
You don't run a 50Hz transient for only 10ms.
Jerry Lee Marcel
Re: File /Temp/
Late night modelling certainly didn’t help!
OK, replaced SQRT() with x**2
Tap-to-tap differences and voltages are slightly better.
18VAC winding is a bit worse, though.
Still blows up with
Bell, Dave
Autotransformer deep questions!
Inductance is proportional to turns squared, not square root. Start with a simpler winding with one tap, and look at the directions of current flow. In an autotransformer, the 'secondary' current
John Woodgate
Autotransformer deep questions!
Please see my recent upload,
I need some tutorials regarding autotransformer modelling!
I was intrigued by Hassan's AC Stabilizer and tried to model TR1
The model differed from my
Bell, Dave
Re: Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
LTspice has a few kinds of "ideal" models. I used both kinds.
If you used any "real" diode (one with a part number), there's chances of a few factors that could affect results.
The ideal diode "D"
Andy I
Re: Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
I didn't use the "ideal" diode so even the minuscule capacitance was causing issues. The LTspice ideal diode is very similar to the XSPICE simple diode code model.
Re: Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
I thought that did something different (shutting off the current source as the voltage approaches zero). Is there a different explanation? Can it throttle the current when the terminal voltage
Andy I
Re: Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
Did you try enabling "This is an active load" in the current source properties?
Tony Casey
Re: Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
I would think that a non-Op-Amp would be needed in that case, perhaps a diff amp with a preset gain of 1 or 2.
What is meant by the word "true" in "'true' Fully-Differential OpAmp"? Is there
Andy I
Re: Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
I uploaded Voltage-Clamped-Current-Source.asc which has four five ( three four, really) examples of adding a voltage clamp to an ideal current source. It is not an algorithmic approach, but it does
Andy I
Re: Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
Yes there are multiple types of "Fully-Differential Amplifiers". There is no set minimum requirements. For the case of feeding a differential ADC, a "true" Fully-Differential OpAmp is generally
Need Current Source with User selectable current and voltage compliance
Having issues making a current source with limited voltage compliance for an ideal charge pump in a PLL circuit. The methods of clamping the Source max Vc using a diode and voltage source or Zener
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
4 boost, 1 in-out, 1 buck
boost_1, Ne/Nb: RL1 NC, RL2 NC, RL3 NC
boost_1, Ne/Nb: RL1 NC, RL2 NO, RL3 NC
boost_2, Ne/Nc: RL1 NO, RL2 NC, RL3 NC
boost_3, Nd/Nb: RL1 NC, RL2 NC, RL3 NO
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Off topic
When I started designing and producing mains stabilizers for the local consumers, around 4 decades ago, I used LM324 with trimmers to activate the relays properly (much like the one
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Almost, but not quite. One of the pins is the common, leaving you with 4 pins for choosing the input:output transformation.
A is the common. The input voltage may be applied between pin A and:
Andy I
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
The boost/buck question depends completely upon the taps of TR1.
I believe there were 5 taps in the drawing, labelled A … E.
If C was defined to be the 220VAC (Phase) input, then there would be two
Bell, Dave
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Am autotransformer is modelled as several inductors in series, paying attention to the “start” marker.
Once the inductors are lined up, write one “K” directive, to define the coupling among
Re: LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
I might be wrong, but it looks to me like this circuit best provides a voltage boost. I guess there is one choice for voltage reduction. So, it might not be a good choice for handling an
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