R1b-M222 Haplogroup and Subclades r1b-m222haplogroupandsubclades@groups.io

This is a forum for discussion of haplogroup R1b-M222 and other genetic genealogy topics.  The main focus is R1b-M222 and its subclades. It is open to anyone interested in learning more about the large European Haplogroup defined by SNP M222.

Discussions are not restricted to testing and results; however, One of the main areas of discussion is advice on NGS Y-DNA testing (FTDNA Big Y-700 and FGC Y-Elite), or individual SNP testing (FTDNA and YSEQ.net). Through the sharing of results and analysis, we have made significant progress in discovering new subclades. Further progress in this field of research depends on the voluntary sharing of our DNA results. We encourage those with Big Y or FGC Y-Elite results to upload their data for our analytical review to https://ydna-warehouse.org/submit.php
Please read the privacy policy there, before uploading your data.

NOTE:  Please Do NOT post any DNA results to this discussion group!

Also, please do NOT refer to your DNA matches by their actual names.  Instead, use their initials or terms such as my closest STR match, or the descendant of [whatever ancestor they mention in the public display at the R1b-M222 and Subcldes Project] or a GD (whatever) STR match, or a made-up name such as DoeBuck.

Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Please keep topics and queries relevant to the interests of this group. The list moderators may e-mail you a reminder in the case of "topic drift" if the subjects do not pertain to our list topic.
2. When replying to messages, please trim unnecessary quotes from previous messages. It may also be helpful to change the subject line of the reply. Please change the "To:" line if you wish to reply to an individual; replying to someone off list may be more appropriate than sending a post to the entire list.
3. Politics, religion, profanity, rudeness, tit-for-tat argument, and trolling in general are not allowed or tolerated! Violators may be placed on moderation or removed from the group.
4. Do NOT forward or cross-post other people's messages into or out of the list WITHOUT their permission.

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  • 264 Члени
  • 128 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
  • Started on

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  • Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
  • Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь групі.
  • Підписки на цю групу не потребують схвалення модераторів.
  • Архів доступний лише для користувачів.
  • Вікі видима лише для учасників.
  • Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.

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