Repeater Builder
Into building repeaters?
Want to build your own repeater?
Repeater-Builder is a free technical group (free to you - we pay for a premium group plan) available to people seeking information on building ham radio, GMRS, or commercial repeater systems.
If you are a Spammer you'll not be able to post because all new members are moderated - so save yourself (and us) the time.
Discussion of amateur or commercial repeaters, duplexers, antennas, feedlines, controllers, linking, etc is encouraged. Email attachments are permitted and you as a member should protect yourself from viruses, as no protection is afforded by the group.
DO NOT post requests for Motorola radio programming software (RSS or CPS). Motorola's Legal Dept. polices many radio groups and we do not want to acquire their focused attention. Go ask on the Motorola_Software_Users group.
Casual For-Sale posts are okay. Please keep the FS subject matter on topic.
We do not profess to be the first group of this type, but we are certainly the largest. Many of our subscribers are well versed in all facets of radio and will provide quality answers to your questions. With over 5000 members subscribed, there is a very good information base to learn from.
This group is not for discussing FCC rules, proper operating practices, or brand loyalty (Motorola vs. GE) (HamVoIP vs. AllStar Link). It is here for providing quality technical information.
Copyright 1998 through today.
All Rights Reserved.
Repeater Builder is a Registered Trademark in the United States.
Additional moderation is provided by Matt Krick, Martin Flynn, Pierre Martel, Lloyd Mitchell, Phil Hebert, Jim Fortney, Brett Friermood, and Tom Gunderson. The owner and these moderators reserve the right to moderate any topic and remove and/or ban any person for any reason, even no reason at all. If you've come here to cause trouble, you will be removed and banned.
Інформація про групу
- 5 803 Члени
- 43,740 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
- Started on
- RSS стрічка
Адреси електронної пошти групи
- Запис:
- Підписатися:
- Відписатися:
- Власник групи:
- Допомога:
Налаштування групи
- Всі учасники можуть писати в групу.
- Дописи в цій групі не потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь групі.
- Підписки на цю групу не потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Архів доступний будь-кому.
- Вікі є видимою для всіх.
- Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.
- Користувачі можуть налаштувати підписку без електронної пошти.
Найпопулярніші хештеги [Переглянути всі]
- #file-notice 18 Теми
- #mmdvm 17 Теми
- #mtr2000 14 Теми
- #moto All things Motorola 10 Теми
- #tkr-750 7 Теми
- #cdm 6 Теми
- #photo-notice 6 Теми
- #cdm1250 6 Теми
- #rim-maxtrac 6 Теми
- #6881039e70 4 Теми