any working NTP servers
From an old-timer: … the CN2 series did have limited DTS availability, as in not all time zones were available, however these devices were pre internet so relied totally on the internal clock. The CNM
Від l_codd · #255533 ·
eDidio DMX Controller TLS Communication
Are you sending the strings as native bytes or ASCII equivalents? Most of what you have listed are just different forms of notation for the same thing. e.g. cd is equivalent to 205 or 11001101 in bina
Від l_codd · #255472 ·
ITC TS-0300M Delegate System Control
You appear to have debugger set to auto convert string characters to Mixed(HEX/ASCII), you need to set it to HEX so that you can more easily determine what data is being sent back in response to the i
Від l_codd · #255463 ·
Toolbox on a Macbook Pro via Parallels
I have been running Crestron software on Mac computers since 1990 using a variety on means. I've been using Parallels since Intel Macs and am now running it on an M3 MacBook Pro. USB is problematic, b
Від l_codd · #255313 ·
TCP/IP ISC Server-Client
Thanks Lincoln & Ahmad, yes I am using the Server/Client form, so no off-line or update management available. I did raise the issue with TB (ANZ version) but they just said use something else. I was h
Від l_codd · #255058 ·
TCP/IP ISC Server-Client
Interested in others' experience with these. I have a CP4 with servers and 3 AP4's with clients. If a client goes off-line and comes back again the server on the CP4 is not updated. I.e. I have an int
Від l_codd · #255048 ·
QM audio format
Video over QM was analog, and skew free cable was often used, but CRESCAT is not skew free, it is CAT5e. QM-RMCs had skew adjustment and could accommodate about 100m of cable compensation. As CRESCAT
Від l_codd · #250065 · Змінено
QM audio format
I think it would be an up hill battle to convert the the audio into a digital format suitable for QM. The best solution would be to obtain some QM transmitters to mount beside the RXs. You probably ha
Від l_codd · #250055 ·
Analog Newbie Question
Yes, has a customer call me because their electric screen was not coming down. I suggested they check the power before we investigate control. Sure enough, a contractor there for some other job had tu
Від l_codd · #249468 ·
Ghost Crestron Go App
I don't think it is you or I who are stupid, rather Crestron. As Dave said; "That often misunderstood option..." If it was more aptly named it would not cause confusion and misunderstanding. Lindsay
Від l_codd · #246945 ·
is it ok to use two GatherAsync() in function main?
I have an S+ module with 17 GatherAsync()s in Function Main() which works perfectly in a CP3. These GatherAsync()s interface with 17 other S+ modules in the same program to transfer data between the m
Від l_codd · #246936 ·
Bubble Sort with digital reference
While I'm a fan of using SIMPL where possible, this seems to be best handled in S+ as I assume you are doing your sort there. I assume that you have a table of names and associated data such that the
Від l_codd · #246694 ·
Master 2022, no virtual option? WTF
No just "half way around the nation", how about half way around the world!
Від l_codd · #245632 ·
Parallels Folder Structure
Yes, I use GoodSync. It allows my fellow programmers and me to backup what we are working on without any worrying about accidentally altering each others code.
Від l_codd · #245338 ·
Parallels Folder Structure
The DBs and apps are within windows, with the created program files (SIMPL S+ VTPro etc) on the Mac side. I use a one way sync to DropBox. Lindsay
Від l_codd · #245310 ·
Extracting part of a return string
There are ways to extract and match strings in SIMPL, especially if they are fixed length or if there is a fixed pattern, which your strings appear to have. However, the string example you present app
Від l_codd · #244849 ·
Simpl+ Analog_Input vs Long_Integer
If you need a value larger that 65535 in S+ you need to declare the variable as a Long_Integer. What you are seeing is the lower 16 bits of the value as the analog is automatically truncated. Be aware
Від l_codd · #244816 ·
NVX - TSW Streaming
Providing an unencrypted stream of any kind could violate HDCP. Therefore, Crestron have provided: "Image preview provides still images (thumbnails) that show the current video being received by an in
Від l_codd · #244649 ·
Versiport ?
Hi Chip, The logic is relatively easy, but we need to know some more details about this "variable resistor". What should happen if it's resistance is less than 6 ohms? What if it is say 20 ohms? Usual
Від l_codd · #244001 ·
RS232 "stops working"
What Phil said is valid, but because serial is reflected in debugger when you use a loopback on the DM-RMC this suggests there may be another problem. Check that you don't have any ground voltage diff
Від l_codd · #243931 ·