#av4 #cp3 #cp4 #cp4r #mc4 #mc4-r #rmc3 #rmc4 #tst902 #tsw #tsw-1060 #tsw1070 #tsw-760
9 повідомлення
I am unable to change the Android version. Once it is changed, the functionality remains the same as TSW. Eric Luckart via groups.io <eluckart@...> 于2024年12月8日周日 13:55写道:
james yan
Crestron Cp3 Processor WebPages & Mobility Projects
Hello Senior's , i am facing a big problem , i have bunch of cp3 in my work place which is connected to xpanel , i try to connect the tool box and searching for devices ,connected to Cp3 i click the W
#cp3 #crestron #programming #simplwindows
5 повідомлення
I think the Cresnet port -IS- available on a 3-series processor in Slave mode. Answer ID 5232 describes it, and I'm fairly certain I've done it before.
Tony Golden
Problems with Simpl+ TCP Client to Simpl TCP Server through XSIG
2 повідомлення
Hello again all! I figured it out, mostly by finding another thread on here: https://groups.io/g/crestron/topic/udp_socket_stumped/35800731?p= As Kool Aid-Drinker in that thread said: "Looks like the
Convert 2-series (spz) to compatible with 3-series controller (re-use)?
3 повідомлення
Hello Lincoln, good deal, just needed this piece of info to stop the eager to dig deep, thanks alot!
NVX Crashing Processor
4 повідомлення
Yes, that is an important article. When troubleshooting it's often helpful to start at the device's Answer Index. https://support.crestron.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1001202 Please remember that OLH
Dave H - Crestron True Blue Tech Support Engineer Since 2014
10 повідомлення
You always had to reboot after sending hydrogenenable off. Have you rebooted?
10 повідомлення
Here is documentation on the http protocol. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616
Natalie Jackman
XML Deserialization/Serialization
5 повідомлення
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of Crestron.SimplSharp.CrestronXmlLinq. I was able to finally get the deserialization/serialization working haha.
Zach Ellis
3-series, where is the nv stored?
3 повідомлення
It will by default prepend the program ID tag with the filename, if you want it to be in the root NVRAM folder without the program ID you have to change the command to the shared version. IE. nFileHan
Matt Rasmussen
#simplwindows #cp3 Bosch DCN CCU
3 повідомлення
Yes I did the same steps. I have no issue sending Bosch command, however the return in simpl debugger "from device" are in pieces , not in one row. I have tested with CP3 and AV2, when i used AV2 the
jully Wei
Dolby IMS3000 With Crestron CP3
Hello, you have to create a RAW in the Dolby device manager. If you would like to contact me, I have developed a full module which will give you total control over the IMS including selecting the SPL,
Michael Block
Control Processor Error Log (CP3)
5 повідомлення
Ohh, sometimes when I try to open the crestron app in the iPad it gives the errors in the control processors error log, I get the first two errors mentioned above.
Sharan Suvarna
System Schedule accordingly Day
11 повідомлення
I'm getting a few requests for this, so I am just going to put a link up. The panel screenshot that is included in the zip should answer some questions on how the module should function. I never docum
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