DTMF generation during intercom on panels XX70
I've never had to do it, but I remember it being discussed before. Have you tried searching this Group, or Online Help, for "DTMF"? https://groups.io/g/crestron/topic/100523284
Від Tony Golden · #255579 · 12/23/24
Crestron CP4 and Lutron Athena through RS-232
Thanks for the follow-up.
Від Tony Golden · #255497 · 12/13/24
posting pictures to threads???
Attachments aren't allowed, but an HTML email can contain images.
Від Tony Golden · #255387 · 11/23/24
#av4 #cp3 #cp4 #cp4r #mc4 #mc4-r #rmc3 #rmc4 #tst902 #tsw #tsw-1060 #tsw1070 #tsw-760
What's the approximate cost, assuming there are no other issues with the panel? For a point of reference, what's the approximate cost to replace a screen? That seems to be very common. What are the ty
Від Tony Golden · #255297 · 11/14/24
TSW-x70 and Sonos App
Autonomic is also my preferred music player, but their new product announcement at CEDIA was quite a disappointment... A $7,000 high-end multi-output streamer, with matrix capabilities, and - wait for
Від Tony Golden · #255122 · 10/23/24
Fire TV IR Control
The IRUSB allows the Fire TV, Nvidia Shield, or similar devices to be controlled using IP or IR. I've never used it for IP control, but have worked on several systems using it for IR control. It was v
Від Tony Golden · #255083 · 10/18/24
GWEXER and Authentication
Yeah, I've never had to bother with it either, but I couldn't get one to authenticate with a processor and Online Help mentioned checking the clock. The time was wrong, and I was able to change that,
Від Tony Golden · #254971 · 10/07/24
GWEXER and Authentication
Does anyone know the command to set the Time Zone on the CEN-GWEXER? There isn't an option in System Info. I've tried the following in Text Console. TIMEDATE - shows the current time, but doesn't allo
Від Tony Golden · #254959 · 10/04/24
Can DM-NAX-8ZSA Player CRPC be served/emulated for a Smart Graphics Media Player Object
If I understand your question correctly, yes, "any" Simpl device symbol that uses the CRPC signals can be connected to the touchpanel's Media Player Application SmartObject, and it should work.
Від Tony Golden · #254931 · 10/01/24
TSR-310 - Comcast Driver
Can you send me a copy of that too? I have to do one in a few weeks, and would like to be as prepared as possible. I'm assuming it's possible to control multiple boxes from one remote? mrgolden at ear
Від Tony Golden · #254916 · 9/30/24
Toolbox works with SSH, but not SSL
The CTP/SCTP settings are disabled by default, and can't be enabled. That also should not affect SSL connections. It was working before and I'm fairly sure the settings are correct, but I'm waiting fo
Від Tony Golden · #254884 · 9/26/24
Toolbox works with SSH, but not SSL
No, I think it's the latest for the 3-series, 1.8001.5362.29861.
Від Tony Golden · #254883 · 9/26/24
Toolbox works with SSH, but not SSL
Yes, it's the same on both. SSL: On, Self Signed Only TLS1.2 is Supported
Від Tony Golden · #254880 · 9/26/24
Toolbox works with SSH, but not SSL
Does anyone know why I can connect to a CP3 with Toolbox using SSH, but not SSL? It has the latest firmware, Authentication is enabled, and SSL is On. I have two other identical processors that both c
Від Tony Golden · #254878 · 9/26/24
JVC NZ9 Control
I had a system with an NZ8 earlier this year, which required a "Network Password" to connect via IP. I also did another one last year that didn't require the password, so maybe the requirement was add
Від Tony Golden · #254776 · 9/15/24
Is there any third party control available for DirecTV Gemini Air?
I just uploaded a CEC module that allows the Address byte to be changed at runtime, e.g., while running Debugger, making it easier to test unknown devices. https://groups.io/g/crestron/files/Generic%2
Від Tony Golden · #254774 · 9/15/24
Interesting Smart Home Products at CEDIA?
That's a great question, Jay! I also wasn't able to go, so for those who did, what kind of cool stuff did you see? I'm sure there will be plenty of news articles soon, but first-hand accounts are bett
Від Tony Golden · #254741 · 9/10/24
DirecTV Stream
Well, it's technically not "my" driver :-) A technician at a remote project created it, and although I've used it in several projects, most of those were remote and I didn't actually test it in person
Від Tony Golden · #254674 · 9/02/24
Crestron Certified Drivers- Best Practices?
There should be no issue with multiple CCDs referencing the same dll or pkg file, but I always stagger the "Load Driver" inputs in addition to the Connects.
Від Tony Golden · #254535 · 8/16/24
Crestron Certified Drivers- Best Practices?
While that sounds good "in theory", it might not actually be that simple. The "User Attributes" and other signals are often different, and their values might need to be changed if the referenced dll o
Від Tony Golden · #254461 · 8/10/24