Help finding entire protocol
Hello Ann, I use skyr as a substitute for cottage cheese and quark. Skyr is a low-fat cultured dairy product with a high protein content. I have been using it for several years together with liquid fl
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #148061 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Hi Kyle. It's not a problem. The text is from Herlev Hospital in Denmark. Urology department. Jens.
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147906 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Heat Treatment of the Prostate Read about the process before, during, and after the treatment.About the Treatment Heat treatment is an outpatient procedure for an enlarged prostate. Using microwaves,
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147904 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC C Vitamin Hello Grace, I apologize, sometimes the autocorrect suggestions can be a bit too quick, and I don't catch all the errors. I hope I'm forgiven. The English translation is o
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147900 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Hello Grease . From homepage IV-C treatment, or high-dose intravenous vitamin C, is an example of immunotherapy specifically suited for treating cancer diseases. In high concentrations, vitami
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147899 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Hello Grace! I can see that Peter is giving a lecture at the Alternative Cancer Society "Tidslerne" in Odense here in 2024. Peter was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 60 in 2007, so he mus
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147898 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Peter says that his father and brother died of cancer. Therefore, he chose not to undergo chemotherapy because he had seen what it did to his relatives. Peter further explains that he decided to take
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147896 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Peter Køpke says he had prostate cancer in his hips, shoulder, back, and a few large tumors inside his body. He started the Budwig diet and felt much better after a year. Peter adds that Johanna Budwi
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147894 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC I am not aware if there is an English version available or if it is possible to add subtitles. Please contact Tidsl
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147891 ·
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Hello FlaxseedOil Peter Køpke had a psa level above 600 and metastatic prostate cancer. Peter hasn't been on any kind of treatment for prostate cancer, only FSCC. Peter has been cancer free since 2007
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #147888 ·
FOCC using No-Fat Cottage Cheese (or Greek Yogurt)
Hi Constant. Peter doesn't say anything about medical procedure or treatment for prostate cancer. In 2007 Peter vent to the hospital and got diagnosed with prostate cancer. The cancer was metastasized
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #146953 ·
FOCC using No-Fat Cottage Cheese (or Greek Yogurt)
Hi Group. In Denmark we have this alternative cancer association. Peter Købke had a psa level above 600, he has used the Budwig protokol ,for
Від Jens Dahl Christensen · #146950 ·