settings for spectrum analyzer use? (I understand it has serious limits)
A few years ago, I have tried to use my VNA-H as a spectrum analyzer. For sure there are many design ands hardware caveats dealing to limited relevant results. However, below are some interesting resu
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #38846 ·
NanoVNA-App Smith Chart view
Plotted Smith chart and bottom left side values (point values, be careful not mouse values) remains relevant, whatever choosen zoom factor. Zoom function can be seen as a facility for selecting easily
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #37383 ·
nanoVNA H4 FW v1.2.20 issue with setting Reference Position
Recently, DiSlord has proposed version v1.2.26 (beta) with new features. A smart one, is now the possible entry of direct values for the TOP and the BOTTOM of the vertical SCALE (see example below). E
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #35368 ·
NanoVNA-APP chart options question
Hi Mark, Roger, For NanoVNA-App (DiSlord version) these informations are calculated, but not plotted. They are displayed on the Info Panel (info button must be turned on), right side at the lower part
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #34024 ·
NanoVNA with bigger screen
Pedro, You write "I have a nanoVNA S-A-A-2 which is useless because it doesn't measure Rs orXs independently in S21 mode, only measures impedance complex." Recent firmwares from DisLord provide what y
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #33327 ·
2 frequency adapter
Hi François, When you do matching HP and LP calculations, you get perfect results at targeted frequencies. That's ok, but don't forget that at 7,1 MHz, you are not in the flat transfer part for HP net
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32935 ·
Smith chart view in NanoVNA-App
Thank Roger for the on-line translation job. I don't know if you have done manual corrections, but the result is quite good. Jean-Roger
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32520 ·
Smith chart view in NanoVNA-App
François, Recently I have written a document about NanoVNA-App which is more a small summary, than a real user manual (see enclosed file). It's just enough for my needs (nanoVNA-H4 and V2), and I use
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32511 ·
Smith chart view in NanoVNA-App
Thank you Roger for your explanations and your links about use description. I didn't know about the identified bugs for Smith chart view. As it is, it remains an excellent choice of software. However
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32493 ·
Smith chart view in NanoVNA-App
Hi François, NanoVNA-App is a beautiful piece of software, but if I'm not wrong, there is no user manual. However its use remains intuitive. For my needs I prefer NanoVNA-App to Saver. Jean-Roger
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32487 ·
Smith chart view in NanoVNA-App
Hello to all readers, When opening an external snp file with NanoVNA-App, it is possible to choose Start and Stop frequencies in order to display a limited part of measurements. Of course these freque
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #32479 ·
Read polar impedance (Ohms and phase) directly?
Two years ago I have built the enclosed spreadsheet in ODS format (Libre Office) for education purpose. Maybe it can helpful, and also be easily modified or adapted. Blue fields are input ones. The ma
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #28998 ·
nanoVNA Output Definitions
DELAY has to be understood here as "Group Delay". It highlights the transit time of a signal through a DUT (Device Under Test) versus frequency. It is usually currently related to transmission measure
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #24704 ·
Basic Output Definitions
Andy, Below is a copy /paste of my answer to another old thread. It could be of interest for your question 3. REAL and IMAG parameters are not the samething as RESISTANCE and REACTANCE parameters. REA
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #24668 ·
NanoVNA-H4 Hints and Kinks
It seems that for hint 2, a reference to the excellent software NanoVNA-App, developped by OneOfEleven is missing. It has extra advantages, such as to be a good alternative at DfuSe Demo for firmware
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #24288 ·
Erased text from screen
I have seen this kind of behavior after pushing a new firmware version. Doing a CLEARCONFIG1234 command has solved the issue. Jean-Roger / F6EGK
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #21812 ·
Issue with NanoVNA-App s1p and s2p files
Thank you DiSlord for your answer. You are right. If I change this locale setting in Win7/10, it works correctly now. I don't know why the other applications such as Saver, Partner or Sharp are not se
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #19655 ·
Issue with NanoVNA-App s1p and s2p files
First, great thanks to OneOfEleven for introducing SOLT calibration functions in the recent versions of NanoVNA-App. I use it successfully with my H and V2 NanoVNAs. The following comment is about 1.1
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #19631 ·
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
RESISTANCE IN YOUR COAXIAL CABLE STUB Your antenna has R = 0 Ω. The R+jX (Ω) chart allows for positive and negative R values. 1) What is the significance of R = 0 Ω in your “antenna”; Is there an “RR-
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #18591 ·
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
REAL and IMAG parameters are quite different from RESISTANCE and REACTANCE parameters. REAL and IMAG apply to reflection coefficient Γ, in its complex form (a+j.b). That's why values are always in the
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger · #18445 ·