Posts continually going into spam folder of a member with a Yahoo! email address
2 повідомлення
Yahoo is one of the email providers that often has this problem. One thing that seems to help many people is to add the group to the whitelist in their email account. Additional information can be fou
#addmembers #invitation #yahoo
6 повідомлення
I recently moved a notification-only group from Yahoo. I established it in 2005 with no restrictions on who could join, and it now has about 250 members. After setting up a new group here I sent invit
Bill Burns
Digests being sent to Junk folder by
3 повідомлення
If she marks in as Not Spam yahoo mail should automatically move it to their in-box. As I have a yahoo e-mail account which I use for only certain mail: Ex from family or from my doctor's and at first
Deleting old Yahoogroup?
4 повідомлення
That'll work if she has a cell phone number associated with her account so she can get a code. If she doesn't, she may not be able to log in since she can't access her original email anymore.
Pete Cook
transfer of files from yahoo
8 повідомлення
Elizabeth, What Frances and Donald said. Another possibility is if you or a group member requested a Get My Data download from Yahoo then the content of that download can be uploaded or imported to yo
Shal Farley
Still possible to get Yahoo Transfer of Message Archive?
22 повідомлення
Michael, You may know this already, but I didn't notice it mentioned: Most browsers have a default location where files download, and it may be an operating-system specific location. For Win10 that's
Shal Farley
Reinstating Easy Transfer (or paying for it) since Yahoo extended deadline?
4 повідомлення
Yes, we placed a support request via the support email. Mark got back to us on Jan. 6. I provided a zip of all the mbox files we obtained from Yahoo via "get my data" Jan. 7 by putting them on an FTP
Bryan Jones
old Yahoo group suddenly no longer moderated
3 повідомлення
Yes, see also here: Samuel
Samuel Murray
Message from Yahoo today
7 повідомлення
I meant downloading them yourself from the site. I think I mentioned it was possible to have Yahoo provide you with a download link to a file that has it all combined. wrote: -------------------------
Donald Hellen
Yahoo Group Description field on the ABOUT page [we've moved billboard]
6 повідомлення
SamiJo, I'm the OP on this thread. The trhead was created to HELP STOP folks from using the old Yahoo email and focus on GroupsIO. :) So, having the YG Description field with bold color text and even
Yahoo Groups shutdown commences
21 повідомлення
Well, I spoke too soon, or out of turn, or something. The messages download app does not work. This makes sense, since the online message archive is gone. The members list download still seems to func
Bruce Bowman
Yahoo group deadline extension
13 повідомлення
Don't know how long it will last, but as of December 15th at 3:15 PM CDT, all the files and data are still there. Dennis
Dennis Steckley
yahoo DLs + why my links didn't all migrate over here
2 повідомлення
Droxine, As a group owner/moderator yes. See the "Export Group Data" tab on your group's settings page. Shal
Shal Farley
transfers from yahoo groups - expected time to completion?
23 повідомлення
Dennis, Have you made it over to the PGO web forum to voice your concerns. Wilson literally gets informed when a posting hits there. In a few instances, he worked things out there via PMs with the lic
Yahoo has extended deadline for downloading to January 31, 2020 11:59 PST
7 повідомлення
Yahoo extending their deadline is like the Titanic throwing out a few more foam rings into the water. It's best to swim fast, and swim hard to get away at all costs. Thank goodness for Mark and GIO...
Did all messages migrate from Yahoo?
22 повідомлення
Droxine, Yes. The download includes all groups of which you are a member, mod or owner. It does not appear to contain complete content of Files, Photos, or Attachements (at least in my downloads) but
Shal Farley
Migrating from Yahoo Groups
4 повідомлення
I have a data download from Yahoo in October. I thought it included only my messages, but on further inspection it does look like the entire group’s messages are saved (in mboxrd). This is very encour
import of yahoo attachments
5 повідомлення
Chandra, I think the problem of not bringing the Attachments over has something to do with that at y!g the emails and the attachments somehow become detached and it then a manual process for
Tony Moody
Yahoo transfer 1 question
3 повідомлення
No, it will not. As long as you haven't yet given the go-ahead, you can change the destination yourself. Go to the transfer page at and click open the transfer you're w
Bruce Bowman
"" user disappeared from Yahoo membership list
3 повідомлення
Thanks, but I tried that. the user really isn't there.
Alan Watkins
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