
Question about Music Education Afterschool partner with LAUSD
WYO would like to offer music education to students. Afterschool or summer / spring break opportunity. Can you share your expertise? Andrea Ravard Alatorre Nov 18 #30476 WYO would like to offer music
Від Andrea Ravard Alatorre ·
In Memoriam Art Exhibition Opens 12/1
The Long Beach Creative Group is proud to present Full Creative Vision: An In Memoriam to Marka and Mic Burns, a tribute to their artistic legacies, whose creative contributions have left an indelible
Від Sander Wolff ·
Do you need to promote your Holiday Show or Event?
Promote your holiday show or event at the Melrose Trading Post! Greenway Arts Alliance's weekly community market, the Melrose Trading Post, see an average of 5,000 visitors every Sunday from 10AM-5PM.
Від natalie@... ·
Hiring a temporary Outreach and Marketing Assistant
Hi Everyone! MARIKEL Production is a purpose-driven, multidisciplinary producing and consulting firm. We are committed to a healing and inclusive workplace where everyone feels supported and has the o
Від internationaleyela@... ·
GRANT OPPORTUNITY: City of Burbank Community Arts Grant Program is Now Accepting Applications
The Burbank Parks and Recreation Department, in collaboration with the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission, is pleased to announce the second year of the Community Arts Grant Program designed to support
Від Christie Lesinski ·
Open Call to Volunteers For SPARC
Are you passionate about the arts and eager to make a difference in your community? Join us at SPARC as a volunteer and help us bring creativity and inspiration to our diverse community. We are seekin
Від Shervin ·
MY WHITE HUSBAND starts previews this week at Moving Arts,
Los Angeles folkx! Check out Moving Arts's upcoming production of MY WHITE HUSBAND, by Leviticus Jelks, directed by Melissa Coleman-Reed. Excitement soon turns to doubt — and modern reality blurs into
Від Jonathan Josephson ·
Call for Armenian and Indigenous Artists
Language, Symbolism, and Unsettling Acts of De-Erasure Global Call for Armenian and Indigenous Artists “Language, Symbolism, and Unsettling Acts of De-Erasure” is the title of a new global-scale, year
Від Creative Action Coalition ·
WYO presents Our Spring Concert 5/19 @6p
WYO Presents our Spring Concert SUN | May 19th| 6pm | CULVER CITY VETS MEMORIAL | Tickets $10 | Children $5 Westside Youth Orchestra (WYO) and the new Westside Youth Orchestra Juniors Orchestra (WYOjr
Від Andrea Ravard Alatorre ·
The Arroyo Arts Collective presents Aperire::April at The Los Angeles Makery
Arroyo Arts Collective Presents Aperire :: April / Aperire :: Abril The AAC invites you to experience an assembly of 48 artists, ranging from emerging to well established. ElAAC los invita a experimen
Від Heather Hoggan ·
The Arroyo Arts Collective invites artists to participate in Aperire :: April, a juried multi-disciplinary exhibition comprised of wall mounted works.
Aperire :: April to open, uncover, awaken, reveal Call for Entry https://arroyoartscollective.org/call-for-art-aperire-april/ The Arroyo Arts Collective invites artists to participate in Aperire :: Ap
Від Heather Hoggan ·
GRANT OPP: City of Burbank Announces Pilot Community Arts Grant Program
The Burbank Parks and Recreation Department, in collaboration with the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission, is pleased to announce a pilot arts grant program designed to support local artists and non-pro
Від Christie Lesinski ·
Arts Education Symposium Saturday 8/5 FREE!
2023 Virtual Creative Classroom Symposium: Navigating The Teaching Artistry Landscape Saturday, Aug 05, 2023 1 pm–5 pm ET 12 pm–4 pm CT 10am–2 pm PT Are you interested in knowing the difference a Teac
Від Debra Arviso ·
Afro-Latinx Festival: Call for Artists
We are looking for experienced art makers of varying disciplines of the Afro-Latinx diaspora, to create and submit art for a lead-up show installation August 5th, 2023 (visual art, design, mixed media
Від esperanzachc ·
Deadline Extended! Needing all VAPA youth programs represented!
Greetings! The Expanded Learning Alliance (ExpandLA), Claremont Evaluation Center (CEC) at Claremont Graduate University, the Greater LA Education Foundation (GLA) and the LA STEM Collective are condu
Від GreaterLAEducationFund ·
RFQ for 3D Artists at Murdoch Center – Southside Park, Flagstaff, AZ
RFQ for 3D Artists at Murdoch Center – Southside Park The City of Flagstaff is seeking applications from qualified artists to create 3D Artwork at a new park adjacent to the Southside's historic Murdo
Від Susan D. Hardiman ·
All Providers please take our Expanded Learning Landscape Survey!!
Greetings! The Expanded Learning Alliance (ExpandLA), Claremont Evaluation Center (CEC) at Claremont Graduate University, the Greater LA Education Foundation (GLA) and the LA STEM Collective are condu
Від GreaterLAEducationFund ·
AGCC is seeking Curatorial Proposals by May 21 – Zoom Info Session on March 21st –
Angels Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro, California is seeking curatorial proposals for exhibitions in 2024 and 2025. Applications are due May 21st, 2023. Curators with unique curatorial perspectives
Від Cecelia Koger ·
New Well-Being Programs at UCLArts & Healing
As a response to the mental health priorities noted during Nonprofit Day in LA, including Investment and Implementation of Nonprofit Staff Mental Health, Wellness and Well-Being, UCLArts & Healing is
Від krista@... ·
#youthopportunity #creatives #callforproposals #artinthecommunity #arts
Call for Artists! Watts Rising, in collaboration with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Watts Towers Arts Center Campus
Від Guillermo Aviles ·