ISO: Bosh repair person
Does anybody know of a good and reliable repairman who can repair, and has experience with repairing à Bosh dishwasher? The nice person I used over the years seems to have his phone disconnected. Many
Від Farida Wozniak · #220980 ·
Seeking daytime sitter for this week
Hello Neighbors, My daughter is home for the holidays from California with her (almost) 4 and 1.5 year old daughters and is seeking a daytime sitter on Thursday (Jan 2) and Friday (Jan 3) from 9am-5pm
Від Farida Wozniak · #220973 ·
Amazon gift card tampering problem resolved by good customer service rep at Giant
This past Tuesday, I spent close to two and a half hours with a most helpful person at our local Giant’s customer service, who was trying to help me get a refund for the $500 I had spent a few days ea
Від Farida Wozniak · #220910 ·
Request fulfilled, thanks! (was: ISO two high chairs)
Thank you for all the offers. I am set and have received two high chairs yesterday. Farida
Від Farida Wozniak · #219067 ·
ISO a High Chair to Borrow
Hi, Would anybody have a high chair I could borrow for this week? Many thanks, Farida faridawozniak @ gmail dot com
Від Farida Wozniak · #218994 ·
ISO Babysitter
My daughter is coming to DC next week for a few days and we are looking for a babysitter who can look after her two little girls, ages 31/2 years and 18 months. We need somebody who can come on Wednes
Від Farida Wozniak · #218911 ·
ISO a good seamstress
ISO: I have a number of quality blazers that have large shoulder pads. I hate to part with and am looking for a good seamstress who can change the shoulders into a more modern look. Any recommendation
Від Farida Wozniak · #206243 ·
ISO: Double stroller
My daughter will be visiting me from California, 9/19-10/3, with her 4 month old baby and two and a half year old toddler. We would love to borrow a double stroller, ideally an Upperbaby Vista v2, sin
Від Farida Wozniak · #205225 ·
Target won't be able to stay in CP if thefts continue
I know this is not about the CP shoplifting issue, but I am currently visiting my daughter in San Francisco. I was at a Walgreens yesterday, waiting in line for at least 15 minutes to pay for my purch
Від Farida Wozniak · #203214 ·
ISO: garage opener repair
My automatic garage opener has broken down. Any recommendation for somebody who knows how to repair it? Many thanks, Farida Wozniak faridawozniak @ gmail dot com
Від Farida Wozniak · #202659 ·
ISO Missed delivered USPS package
Did anybody receive a package for Farida Wozniak at 3221 Macomb Street, by any chance? The contents is very time sensitive. I would truly appreciate it if you would contact me as soon as possible. Man
Від Farida Wozniak · #201492 ·
TAKEN: Zoo light tickets
Thank you all for your quick response. At this time all the tickets have been claimed. Have a wonderful day. Farida
Від Farida Wozniak · #196039 ·
Nine Zoo light Tickets available for Monday, Dec 19
Due to a family trip cancellation, I have nine tickets to Zoo Lights for Monday, December 20. They are free, of course. Please let me know asap if anybody is interested in any number of them. Thank yo
Від Farida Wozniak · #196034 ·
ISO Bartender - Urgent!
I urgently need a bartender for this coming Monday, November 14. Any recommendation? Many thanks, Farida faridawozniak@...
Від Farida Wozniak · #194583 ·
FS: Antique Bed Poster Bed - with picture of the bed in a format that works on the Listserv
Here is the picture of the bed. Farida Wozniak Cleveland Park [Editor's note: The original message had an attachment with a photo of the disassembled bed, but it was not compatible with the listserv's
Від Farida Wozniak · #192994 ·
FS: Antique Bed Poster Bed, 3-piece Crate & Barrel birchwood furniture set
Three-piece, Crate and Barrel, young person's room birch wood set. Bookshelf, desk with swivel chair, side table with drawer and shelf. $100 All in very good condition. Available for $100: Beautiful a
Від Farida Wozniak · #192988 ·
ISO Window Cleaners
Has anybody hired a good and reasonable window cleaner lately? I would appreciate some recommendations. Many thanks. Farida faridawozniak @ gmail dot com
Від Farida Wozniak · #192510 ·
ISO Swim instructor for toddler
Looking for a swim instructor in the month of June to teach my 2.5 year old grandson how to swim. Pool available on premises. Farida faridawozniak @ gmail dot com
Від Farida Wozniak · #187605 ·
ISO Someone to replace existing slate walkway
I am looking for a reliable and good stonemason to replace the slate leading up the the house. Any recommendations? Many thanks. Farida faridawozniak @ gmail dot com
Від Farida Wozniak · #186379 ·
ISO Experience with Uptown Vision Center
I have been going to Dr Schneid for many years and am totally satisfied. My annual examination is thorough, and I usually have my glasses upgraded to the new measurements at this place, too. - Farida
Від Farida Wozniak · #186274 ·