#857D #cat #software Unable to use CHIRP
13 повідомлення
Have you tried FDBasicMMO software by G4HFQ (silent key) ?? It's free and should work with the Ft-857 https://www.m0lxq.com/g4hfq/download.html dwight
FT-857 menu settings for WSJTX
4 повідомлення
Hi, Brian I highly recommend you check out this document: https://www.sparc-club.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/SETUP_for_FLDIGI_and_WSJT-X_on_Windows-10_FT-857D_Sm-Mag-Loop_YT-100_2018-04-03.pdf It's
Bill Akins NT1N
2 повідомлення
Good morning. Just in case this is missing. You also need to have the clock on pc in sync. Usually, through a software time sync such as https://www.timesynctool.com/ What's the DIG MODE? I think USER
communication issues between Vara FM and FT 857
2 повідомлення
Hi Justin, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that is only for determining which method Vara uses to key the transmitter and does not control any other aspect of the radio. 73, Mark KC6UXQ/AG
Mark B
Wanted - software geeks to code "stuff"
3 повідомлення
Hullo poster-who-may-be-Anne, ISTFY https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ft857+bluetooth+cat 73, John VA7OTC - Have call sign, will ham I believe this is half of a parable providing examples of pessimism and opt
John D Erskine VE7MHI VA7OTC
CatRadio - Radio Control Software
9 повідомлення
Why is it that "download software" is buried somewhere ? At the bottom of the page,???? Actually more basic tech info is missing or not specifically highlighted . That would be really nice to know ope
Anne Ranch
Voice Audio
5 повідомлення
Thanks Jeff I will have him check that!
HRD and RIG control
4 повідомлення
I suggest that RF in the shack is the problem. Try some Ferrites on the USB cable and also some clamp ons on the antenna coax.
J.D. Barron
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