making quark from goat milk
Hi Julie Thank you for the update. I thought there might have been a problem. It was unusual to not see any notes from Sandra, not just the guidelines email. Thank you again. I wish Sandra well and I
Todd St John
· #148040
making quark from goat milk
Hello Has anyone received the Budwig protocol email from Sandra Olson since June 2024? I have not received her email since that time. Todd
Todd St John
· #148032
skin cancer
Hello Tina I had stage 4 melanoma cancer and my father had basal cell skin cancer. I am curious what type of skin cancer your son has. Todd On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 05:25:03 AM EST, Svetlana M
Todd St John
· #146965
How do you take Linus-Rath formula?
Awesome news Wilson. Can you tell us the dosage and frequency of the IV vitamin C you received?
Todd St John
· #146482
Oil and Vitamin D
Hi Rahel For what it is worth, I take a liquid vitamin D with K2 daily supplement. As an example, Professional Supplement Center Vitamin D3 with K2 Liquid. I live in Michigan, so I take 2000 - 4000 IU
Todd St John
· #146362
The Budwig Protocol with "Biological Treatments"
Hi Rahel When you state "immunological" do you mean treatment with Immunotherapy drugs like Keytruda (an example of an immunotherapy drug) and targeted therapy? If yes, then those treatments are accep
Todd St John
· #146312
Here is the link for the protocol information that Rosebud identified. The is quite a bit of information available from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), including COVID-19 preve
Todd St John
· #146245
How much fruit juice per day?
Hi Darren Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. From what I understand over the last 3 years of my studying recommended foods from a anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer perspective, the fruit
Todd St John
· #145528
Help please
Hi Joan. I'm curious if you live in the US and if so, which state? It's crazy to say that any cancer testing of any sort is not an "essential" test. You are in good care with this group. In case you m
Todd St John
· #144920
Today, 10/28, Yahoo said all Groups need to chat by EMAIL only
Today I have seen a few emails from Sandra. As requested from Sandra, this is my reply to the group so we have an idea that this email approach is functional. Todd St John
Todd St John
· #144103
Fasting and the Budwig Protocol...
A note of caution. Fasting and the ketonic diet is not recommended for those of us who have metastasis melanoma. It has been discovered that the melanoma phenotype is fats. Having your body transition
Todd St John
· #143847
Skin cancer- squamous cell
I'm not sure that my previous email went through to the entire Yahoo Group, so I thought I should resend as this information was enlightening to my family. Todd St John
Todd St John
· #143846
Skin cancer- squamous cell
Just a comment on basal call skin cancer. Late last year, my dad was diagnosed with basal cell cancer on his right nostril. The dermatologist recommended Moh's surgery. Before he scheduled the surgery
Todd St John
· #143808
Friend Diagnosed with Liver Cancer, Step Father with Melanoma
Yes Gail, PRAISE GOD. There is no other way. This was my prayer when it all began: I would like to pray for a full recovery from the illness that is attaching itself to my lungs. The same Spirit that
Todd St John
· #142996
Friend Diagnosed with Liver Cancer, Step Father with Melanoma
Hi Lindsley In November 2017 I was diagnosed Stage 4 melanoma. It was in my brain, abdomen and both lungs. The radiologist identified the number of tumors in both lungs as "innumerable. I am cancer fr
Todd St John
· #142994
CBD oil
Hi Lauren My research last year has shown that the THC cannabinoid and CBD is necessary to help your body naturally kill the cancer cells. The higher the THC component you can tolerate is better. Some
Todd St John
· #140943
Starting my Dad on FOCC/Budwig Diet
Hi Stephanie I am wondering how your dad is doing and if anyone responded to your post. Todd St John
Todd St John
· #140934
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