FREE moving boxes and packing paper
We have at least 20 moving boxes of various sizes and a lot of packing paper free to anyone who would like it. Pick up near intersection of Connecticut Ave and Woodley Rd. Let me know if you'd like so
Rachel Sassoon
ISO Moving Boxes and Moving Supplies
Hello! If anyone has moving boxes and moving supplies (e.g., packing paper, packing tape, etc.) that you are looking to unload, please let me know. Thanks so much! Dheeraj 202-596-5584
ISO Moving boxes/supplies
I'm preparing for a move in a few weeks. Happy to pick up any boxes, plastic tubs, etc. (in good condition) that you would like to part with. MJ Greene Porter St. NW mj_greene@...
ISO moving boxes
Do you have any moving boxes or packing materials you're looking to recycle? I'm happy to take them off your hands - socially distanced, of course! Thank you! Amy B. Saltzman amy.bluestein @ gmail dot
Amy B. Saltzman
ISO moving boxes
We are in need of moving boxes for our upcoming move. If anyone moved recently and has some boxes they'd like to recycle, please let me know. Many thanks, Sanja sa3nja @ yahoo dot com
ISO: Moving Boxes & Moving Supplies
Hello! If anyone has moving boxes and moving supplies (e.g., packing paper, packing tape, etc.) that you are looking to unload, please let me know. Thanks so much! Dheeraj 202-596-5584 dheeraj.k.agarw
ISO Moving boxes and supplies
I am in search of moving boxes and supplies. Happy to make a contactless pick up. Thank you! Kathy Okun Ordway Street kathyaokun @ gmail dot com
Kathy Okun
Free: Moving Boxes / Paper / Wardrobes
Gently used moving supplies available. Alison alison.b.garrett @ gmail dot com
Alison Garrett
Free moving boxes
I have moving boxes available. Banker, garment boxes, random boxes and packing supplies
Jennifer Knoll
Moving boxes available
Hi Neighbors, Anyone need moving boxes? We have many to give away. Susie spunkyzoo @ yahoo dot com
Moving Boxes Available
Dear List Serv Members: I have moving boxes available. Large, small and one big wardrobe box. Please let me know if you are interested michowen50 at gmail dot com James Owen 36 St and Ellicott
James Owen
Free: Moving boxes available
Hi Neighbors, We have moving boxes available to give away. They still have a lot of life left and we’d love to put them to good use rather than discarding them. Let me know if you’re interested! Susie
Free Moving Boxes
If anyone is in search of moving boxes, we have a large pile of assorted sized Banker's Box-style boxes and lids available in Tenleytown. Shoot me an email - matt.spence @ gmail dot com - before they
Matt Spence
Free Moving Boxes, Corner of Macomb Street and Ross Place
Hi CPListserv - Ten moving boxes are available for pick up by the stop sign at the intersection of Macomb Street and Ross Place. They will be available until recycling pick up early Thursday morning.
Jon C
Moving boxes for pick up Monday evening or Tuesday
Hello neighbors, I will have an assortment of moving boxes sizes small/medium/small for donation. Please drop me a line for pick up details. Should have enough boxes for a one bedroom or bedroom plus
(More) Free Moving Boxes
Are you looking for free moving boxes? We have 20+ moving boxes, range of sizes, available at Ross Place (off Macomb Street), first driveway on the right side of the street. Available anytime before r
Jon C
Moving boxes available
We have a ton of moving boxes (large, medium, small), as well as packing paper from our recent move. Please let me know if you are interested (email is below), and we will put it out for pick up. Than
Free Boxes for Moving - need to go today
We have 6-8 medium and large boxes. Please text me if you can get them today (and I'll give you contactless pickup info). Near Connecticut and Davenport. Very careful, COVID free home. 301-456-4038 Ka
Katrina Brandon
Free: 6 moving type boxes
I have 6 moving type boxes that arrived with lightweight lights in them today. They are a standard Amazon shipping box. 5 of them are about 12”x15”x18” and one is about 18”x18”x24”. The boxes are in v
Laura Grace Gamse
FREE Moving Supplies
FREE boxes and packing paper available. Message me if interested - avra.siegel@.... Pick up in Barnaby Woods. Avra Siegel
Avra Siegel
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