Software for Android
Well, first of all, Linux is only one OS out there, so it is not really a great reference. There are many other OS's out there, several of which I've worked on, from embedded systems to mainframes. Bu
Jerry Stuckle
· #38995
Software for Android
Tim, I've worked on multiple APIs in the 50+ years I've been programming (including as an IBM employee) on everything from MS-DOS 1.0 to mainframe operating systems like MVS. Yes, few applications int
Jerry Stuckle
· #38980
Software for Android
Rick, That's true to a certain point. However, the API is just an interface to the kernel and must be compatible with the kernel. Changes in the kernel often require changes in the API. Perhaps not in
Jerry Stuckle
· #38967
Software for Android
Peter, It looks like you have an older version of the kernel, which could explain why you can download it and I can't. 73, Jerry, AI0K
Jerry Stuckle
· #38960
Software for Android
`That's interesting, Peter. I couldn't get it on my Samsung S23 Ultra. My kernel version is 5.15.148 from December 3rd (it just updated itself recently. I wonder if that's the problem. 73, Jerry, AI0K
Jerry Stuckle
· #38953
Software for Android
I suspect it's a setting in the Google Play Store. I'm downloading it form the US store; perhaps the European store has a different setting. Jerry, AI0K
Jerry Stuckle
· #38950
Software for Android
I get the same message. Android 14.
Jerry Stuckle
· #38941
NanoVNA-H4 turns off after one second
One thing you might try - most cell phone cameras will see down into the near infrared (I can see the flashes from my TV remote on my camera). You could try that. I would recommend doing it in a dark
Jerry Stuckle
· #38494
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
There was an article in QST around 50 years ago about a wide band 80 meter dipole. It was constructed just like this something like 8 wires separated by around 6" with spreaders (similar to homebrew l
Jerry Stuckle
· #38286
SWR vs. Resonance
You can say the coil just added 1/8 wavelength but it's not a radiating element of the antenna. Its actual purpose is to convert the impedance from a+bj to 50+0j ohms. The antenna itself is still not
Jerry Stuckle
· #38140
SWR vs. Resonance
I disagree here. One of the most popular vhf/uhf mobile antennas (at least on this side of the pond) is the 5/8 wave antenna. It's not resonant but it has a low angle of radiation so it's more effecti
Jerry Stuckle
· #38127
Is this a good choice?
Does this one support Dislord's firmware updates? I have an H4 but I'm thinking of getting another one as a spare. They're cheap enough and that gives me one I can loan out. Or, if I drop it it's no b
Jerry Stuckle
· #37967
VNA Boot Camp
Here's another item I got in my email. It's a boot camp especially good for those just learning how to use a VNA but experienced users should get something out of it, too. https://coppermountaintech.c
Jerry Stuckle
· #37406
Smith Charts Tutorial
It might be easier to remember that the chart on the NanoVNAi is basically a stack of paper charts (transparencies would be better), each with a slightly different frequency being displayed. Static ch
Jerry Stuckle
· #37226
Smith Charts Tutorial
Hi, all, I got a reference to this in my email today. It's a great description of how a Smith Chart works and how to use it for various measurements. If you're not familiar with complex numbers as app
Jerry Stuckle
· #37213
Strange results
It's looking more like a heat problem. I shut it off for a while and tried again - not changing anything (even the pigtail with the load was still connected). The 440-450 scan worked perfectly. The 14
Jerry Stuckle
· #30049
Strange results
It's beginning to look like I have a heat problem here. I finally got some time to spend on it this morning. I plugged the calibration units directly into the CH0 and calibrated 143.5-148.5Mhz and 435
Jerry Stuckle
· #30046
Strange results
I took the cover off today. The SMA connector is solidly soldered to the top of the board. However, it also looks like its pins go through the board and may be soldered on the back side. But there's a
Jerry Stuckle
· #29918
Strange results
Hi, Jim, Yes, that's always possible even though I've been very careful in inserting into the jack - to the point I even use a female-male SMA adapter to protect the one on the NanoVNA. But that's no
Jerry Stuckle
· #29917
Strange results
Hi again, Dave, That's possible with the pigtails I have but I would think the open/short/load connectors that came with the device would work. Of course, there's always the other problem that one of
Jerry Stuckle
· #29916
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