Strong yeshiva in Eretz yisroel run by Chofetz Chaim Musmach needs support!
There’s something special happening in Yerushalayim… Yeshiva Tiferes HaTorah opened its doors only one and a half years ago, and has already attracted dozens of students from across Yerushalayim. Pare
Від ben harzahav · #499083 ·
Emergency Campaign Save a Girl From Suicide Please share on your status, WhatsApp, group etc.
Від ben harzahav · #498782 ·
Selling Sheitel
Selling my brown, shoulder-length Renaissance sheitel in great condition for 800 dollars. Medium sized cap. I'm located in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens. Please text Elisheva at 2153563545.
Від ben harzahav · #498330 ·
ISO Shaitel macher
Looking for a Shaitel macher to cut a Shaitel for tznius purposes free of charge. I know they have people who do this in Lakewood. Looking for someone more local. Tizku l'mitzvos!
Від ben harzahav · #498212 ·
For Sale: Sheitel
Selling my brown, shoulder-length Renaissance sheitel in great condition for 800 dollars. I'm located in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens. Please text Elisheva at 2153563545.
Від ben harzahav · #498153 ·
Hachnassas Kallah opportunity
There's a Rav of a shul who has 10 children and is about to marry one of them off. He has had financial difficulties before, and now the pressure is literally robbing him of sleep. I'm trying to raise
Від ben harzahav · #498057 ·
ISO wide dresser
If anyone has a wide dresser to give away, a desk, bookshelf, and/or a small kitchen table please respond to this email. Thank you!
Від ben harzahav · #498008 ·
Klal Yisroel Needs your Help!
This is not just another organization reaching out. This is something that affects you, me, and —the entire Klal Yisroel. As of April 1, Israel’s Supreme Court froze all funding for bochurim and yunge
Від ben harzahav · #497845 ·
Gedolei Hador Issue Urgent Call to All World Jewry
The visit of six senior roshei yeshiva to the U.S. last week ignited an extraordinary display of Kavod Hatorah, with tens of thousands turning out to welcome the gedolim to their towns and show suppor
Від ben harzahav · #497685 ·
Deadline is TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PDT!! Grand Prize: $30,000! 2nd Prize: 4 Round-Trip Tickets to Eretz Yisroel! 3rd Prize: $1,000 Amazon Gift Card!
Від ben harzahav · #497673 ·
Job Seek: Computer Programming
Frum Woman with 3 years of experience seeking Computer programming job in Queens/Five Towns area or remote. Leads appreciated. Tizku l'mitzvos!
Від ben harzahav · #497443 ·
Job Seek
Looking for a remote job, ideally with benefits and no degree required. Please reply to this email with any leads. Thank you and tizku l'mitzvos.
Від ben harzahav · #497407 ·
Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim raffle
Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim/Rabbinical Seminary of America is currently running their annual sweepstakes campaign. It's a great way to help support a local yeshiva and also have a chance to win some great p
Від ben harzahav · #497385 ·
spot available in girls apartment
Looking for a roommate in a girls' apartment in KGH, Queens. 2 bedroom, washer and dryer, and full kitchen. You would get your own bedroom. Asking $950. Call/text Ahuva 773-358-8463.
Від ben harzahav · #496829 ·
ISO roommate
Looking for a roommate in a girls' apartment in KGH, Queens. 2 bedroom, washer and dryer, and full kitchen. You would get your own bedroom. Asking $950. Call/text Ahuva 773-358-8463.
Від ben harzahav · #496761 ·
Golden Treasures Auction is LIVE!!!! Free $10 Coupon!!!!
Support Kollel Ner Dovid of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim Win over 80 prizes in this incredible auction!! Use link to purchase tickets. Plus use coupon code Free10 to recieve a f
Від ben harzahav · #496715 ·
ISO female chiropractor who takes insurance
Can anyone recommend a female chiropractor that takes insurance? Please respond to this email?
Від ben harzahav · #496620 ·
Eis laasos program to help klal yisrael!
It’s still an Eis Laasos - Join our new program! Thank you so much for your participation in our previous Eis Laasos learning program. Your learning undoubtedly made a major impact. We are starting an
Від ben harzahav · #496600 ·
CHESSEDNEED: high priority collection for wedding of orphan
There's a big Talmid Chacham from Eretz Yisrael who's 36 year old son is engaged to a yesoma and needs 10,000 dollars for the wedding expenses. This is a high priority Tzeddaka because it is to help a
Від ben harzahav · #495933 ·
FORSALE: Selling city mini gt stroller price drop!
Selling City Mini GT single stroller used in Great Condition. Comes with: cooler attachment, in new condition Manito single stroller cover with 99% UV protection in new condition Pushes very smoothly!
Від ben harzahav · #495469 ·