making quark from goat milk
Hi Julie, Thank you so much for letting us know. Sending out a prayer and good thoughts for Sandra to heal up quickly. Jenny
Від Jenny McCarthy · #148041 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Lindsley, I agree with everything everyone has been kind enough to put forward. I am so hoping he does the Budwig protocol. I know his daughter has spoken to him about it so I am keeping everything
Від Jenny McCarthy · #148008 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Mary, That is so wonderful to hear!😊
Від Jenny McCarthy · #148004 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Gabi! I’m so happy for you! I too wish she was around to say thank you!! This group is just an amazing support system. So glad to make the connections! Thank you for sharing! I am passing on everyo
Від Jenny McCarthy · #148001 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Julie! Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147998 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Diana, Thank you for your response. It’s so uplifting to hear things like this. I will pass this on to his family. 😊 Jenny
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147996 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Sara, Thank you for your kind words and wisdom. I also wanted to make a correction to part of what I mentioned in his story. He did not lose 65 pounds in two months time. It took about nine months
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147994 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years. I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147991 ·
Tooth Infection
Hello! I have not tried the castor oil. I actually have a big bottle in my cabinet. I will definitely be trying that this week. Thank you so much for the information. :-) Jenny
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147854 ·
Tooth Infection
Hello there! I do appreciate your opinion. But it is not off the Internet that I got the information from. I actually do it any time that I get pain starting in a tooth in my mouth.. It has worked out
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147852 ·
Tooth Infection
You can also do oil pulling (it’s amazing at getting rid of infection in the gums). I do it regularly with coconut oil. It stops the pain also.
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147810 ·
ACV Now Digestive Enzymes
Hi Zacc, Years ago when this all happened with my dad, I was scrambling to try and find different supplements and diet to help him. Before I was able to talk the doctor into letting me make his G-tube
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147629 ·
Hello, Back in 1998 my dad had a subdural hematoma by his ear after surgery for a brain tumor. It was very large and actually distorted his ear. He had a G-tube and we use digestive enzymes to try and
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147621 ·
Latest success stories/To Sarah Weisel
Hi Joost, I believe Rod means that the misconception of the Budwig Diet is that it KiLLS cancer when the actual methodology would seem to help the body deal with the cancer on a more equal footing and
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147519 ·
Connecting with survivors
Ps. There wasn’t a feeding tube bag. It was a g-tube that went into him directly and they would use a bollus? (Syringe type piece that fit the g-tube end perfectly to slowly push the “Budwig diet ingr
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147128 ·
Connecting with survivors
Hi Jane, I am not sure about the 20 minutes for getting it into your husband. My dad had a G-tube and they used to be able to pour the FOCC shake down by adding a little water to thin it down for his
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147116 ·
Connecting with survivors
Hello Stringa! Absolutely wonderful advice! Thank you…:) Jenny ❤️
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147115 ·
JoAnne Shott
So sorry for your loss…:( Jenny
Від Jenny McCarthy · #147097 ·
Essiac tea
Hi Jean, I sometimes do Floressence tea which is the Essiac tea made by the Flora company. The best place to get it I think is at Jenny
Від Jenny McCarthy · #146896 ·
New Question for Sandra Olson
Hi Rod and Ron, I only used the digestive enzymes to try and get this golf ball size hematoma above his ear to go down. Way back then I had heard if you were given them on an empty stomach it gets rid
Від Jenny McCarthy · #146887 ·