
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Parallels or another VM on your Mac? (ducking for cover)
Від Jim Lux · #34436 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Mainly that app is pretty functional on windows and I know roughly how to use it. Saver on windows looks very unfinished (the python program).
Від Paul - AI7JR · #34435 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
I think OP is looking for Mac osx Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S®6 active, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
Від Jim Lux · #34433 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
try this https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-App/tree/main/Win32/Release dg9bfc sigi Am 19.10.2023 um 19:45 schrieb Paul - AI7JR:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #34431 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
They pretty much do similar things. I think the -App does firmware up/down loads. Saver does not (at least not on the versions I use) Is there a specific capability you need?
Від Jim Lux · #34430 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Thanks-- That gets me NanoVNASaver (which is a step forward!) but not NanoVNA-App. These two programs don't seem to have the same capability, or do I just need to look harder? ;-) Paul
Від Paul - AI7JR · #34429 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Paul, try it this link: https://ports.macports.org/port/NanoVNASaver/
Від HA3HZ · #34428 ·
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Is there a version of NanoVNA-App for OSX? The link here (https://nanovna.com/?page_id=141) for a precompiled app does not work. :-( TIA for any help! Paul -- AI7JR
Від Paul - AI7JR · #34361 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the pro
Від Ho-Ro · #33777 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I have made some progress. I wanted to be able to extract the FW from my device for backup. I can't seem to find FW that matches mine online. This (https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-D/releases/tag/v1
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33776 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I am doing something wrong. I uploaded bin file of memory to my computer (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00FromVanoVNA.bin). If I compare what I saved to my computer to memory, I get a match. I then downlodaed from d
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33755 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I think I have finally gotten something installed to flash new FW on my NanoVNA-H. I installed STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS Ventura. I tried, unsuccessfully, on Windows 11 under VMWare Fusion. In addi
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33745 ·
NanoVNA-Saver installation macos.
I feel your pain - the nanovna-saver.py needs a bunch of libraries, which may or may not have been installed, and in a place where they can be found. I'd start with checking if you have Python3... sam
Від Jim Lux · #24141 ·
NanoVNA-Saver installation macos.
I am having the same frustration as David. I got nanoVNAsaver.macos.zip.webloc on my MAC (running Mojave) from Github and can do nothing else. In Terminal, nothing suggested returns anything other tha
Від ... · #24140 ·
#macos NanoVNASaver will not start up
I am also getting exactly the same problem as Brian Vind Borgstrom with NanoVNASaver 0.3.8 and have searched multiple NanoVna groups and tried all the fixes and advice. Still broken :-( Running Big Su
Від antsp10@... · #19943 ·
#macos NanoVNASaver will not start up
Thanks - got it :-)
Від Brian Vind Borgstrøm · #19922 ·
#macos NanoVNASaver will not start up
Once again folks, please try the forum's SEARCH feature https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/wiki/21626 I used: macos AND saver as a search term and got a pile of messages on getting Saver to work under
Від Larry Rothman · #19856 ·
#macos NanoVNASaver will not start up
Hi Just downloaded the latest version and executed it (I have taken care of the initial steps). This is the console output: ------------------------------------------- NanoVNASaver 0.3.8 Copyright (C)
Від ... · #19855 ·
NanoVNA-H4 firmware update using Windows virtual machine with macOS
Thank Bill for this post. I just managed to update my H4 successfully following your procedure. In my case I installed Homebrew natively to my Mac, followed by the installation of Dfu-Util. I then ins
Від Jacques - ZS1PL · #19321 ·
NanoVNA-H4 firmware update using Windows virtual machine with macOS
Excellent! Loaded it up and I really like the GUI improvements.
Від Bill Cody · #16938 ·