Introduction to VNA Calibration Techniques
Learn the basics of how vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration techniques correct measurement errors.
Wolfgang OE1MWW
· #35954
Understanding the 12-Term Error Model and SOLT Calibration Method for VNA Measurements
in case someone can't fall asleep in bed at night and needs a simple read
Wolfgang OE1MWW
· #35953
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Hi Bill , at first you can look at the kiwi section of the groups. There are many informations and links on the subsection Of course Keysigth , Nat
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #35217
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Keysite, R&S, and Advantest (Tek) all have general tutorials addressing vector network analyzers. Once you become familiar with the basics, you should be able to use any similar instrument. Dave - WØL
· #35212
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
I'd be interested in those too!
Mike Charters VA6PLC
· #35211
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Copper Mountain and Keysight/Agilent/HP both have lots of tutorial material for VNAs. The other possible source is the syllabus from a class at University of Alberta - during COVID, they sent out a pa
Jim Lux
· #35210
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Where can I find detailed analysis, interpretations, insights, and teachings of case studies and examples of scan outputs from various test experiments, so I can learn how to interpret the output and
· #35209
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
Thanks for all the great advise. I really appreciate it. I'm still in the process of ordering everthing I need to install my antenna. It involves drilling holes in exterior wall, installing interior a
Peter N0PGM #3460
· #33656
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
Not if the transformer has continuity between inner and outer conductors, but it only takes a second, cultivates a good habit and will do no harm. 73, Don N2VGU
Donald S Brant Jr
· #33644
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
Hi Don, I agree – always a good practice to short center conductor and shield together before connecting to an instrument. Even better is to short them together and connect the shorted junction to an
Ken Sejkora
· #33641
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
This is good practice before connecting any cable to any instrument. I usually short the inner and outer conductors against the outer conductor of the connector to which it will be attached; I wouldn'
Donald S Brant Jr
· #33639
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
The coax cable capacitance stores up a charge and if you short the ends of the coax together you discharge it. When shorted you can also touch the terminals to ground of you want to be really cautious
Roger Need
· #33635
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group?
Hello, I own the "Upgraded AURSINC NanoVNA-H4 V4.3 Vector Network Analyzer 10KHz-1.5GHz HF VHF UHF 4''" (purchase link is here
Peter N0PGM #3460
· #33633
Insanely slow sweep speed on H4
I got a nanoVNA H4 that goes 10kHz to 1.5Ghz. I noticed that it freezes the drawing after a few seconds after startup. The UI is fast and has good respond. The thing is that it just stops refresh the
· #32051
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
It's probably not worth putting too much effort into the curve fitting algorithm below a few MHz because I think this is the region where the dielectric losses can begin to cause an increase in ESR wi
· #29903
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
Using Excel for curve fitting is a good start, but you need to specify a mathematical curve equation to get the ball rolling. The graphing function of Excel can provide an idea of whether the relation
Ken Sejkora
· #29899
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
I don't measure ultra-high Q inductors very often, but my favoured method is to use three ATC 800B porcelain caps in parallel to make up the resonating capacitance. Air spaced caps are generally infer
· #29892
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
Thanks for checking, but as far as I can tell, none of the individual posts are archived It has also captured the "didn't pay" These are after it went South. I think is trying to sell th
· #29828
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
Mike, the *Internet Archive *seems to have captured /The Radioboard/, to be found at*/ Wait for a calendar to show, and then the Ar
G8DQX list
· #29826
Measuring Air Capacitor losses
OK, no problem. Anyone that wants to email me about my last post, please do. Thanks for the info about measuring Q of a cap, I'm building a circuit between forum exchanges, when I get that working I'l
· #29822
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