How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I managed to get the hang with it, and carried on with the next few demo practices. The key thing to make it look similar to what the board is showing was, to manipulate with the frequency settings, b
Від PDXer · #31420 ·
Is this NanoVNA faulty with the menu shown like this?
It happens in certain selections in the menu. I cannot recall which selection it was now. I will make note of that, and update here next time when it happens. But it sounds like it is not some serious
Від PDXer · #31419 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Set it to LOGMAG. Freq. range was 1 - 100 Mhz.
Від PDXer · #31403 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I can tell it was wrong setting. It is showing resistance? I should have set it for LOGMAG? Will try again later.
Від PDXer · #31402 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
This is what I got.
Від PDXer · #31401 ·
Is this NanoVNA faulty with the menu shown like this?
The menu display containing k M G is cut off. It happens in certain occasions, not all the time. Is this faulty? Or is it because something else?
Від PDXer · #31400 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Do you set the frequency range say from 20 Mhz to 50 Mhz, and set the centre frequency to 30 Mhz, and then sweep the frequency to get the graph? What about SPAN and RBW (band width) - what do you set
Від PDXer · #31383 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I received the RF Demo kit for NanoVNA. The cables are indeed fiddly to attach on the pcb board, but I am getting used to it. Just hope that it will last for some long time rather than get mangled, an
Від PDXer · #31380 ·
RF Demo Kit for NanoVNA H4?
Від PDXer · #31264 ·
RF Demo Kit for NanoVNA H4?
I see RE Demo Kit for NanoVNA-F for demonstration. Would it also work for the H4? Is this a good kit for NanoVNA beginners for learning? Does it have any practical use than educational? I also read a
Від PDXer · #31263 ·
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie)
Good point as well.
Від PDXer · #31258 ·
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie)
Yeah, I think my set allows 6 or 7 setting savings, and can recall them I remember in the menu. It seems a great idea. Putting on the tiny Open Short Load bits unto the SMA port and taking them out ca
Від PDXer · #31242 ·
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie)
Great info & advice. Thanks.
Від PDXer · #31241 ·
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie)
Does it need new calibration every time when different frequency range is selected? Or is it enough just one initial full freq. calibration?
Від PDXer · #31233 ·