TSW-1060 Weather Application v2 and weather widget work on my bench but not at client's site?
I'm no expert, but my gut and my troubleshooting rules ask: what IS different? -CAT cables all good? -addreses/IP table(s) -controller model? -controller FW? -is it a managed switch? SOMETHING must be
Від Jim · #255553 ·
Fun, way off topic project. Traffic lights.
Don’t know if you’re determined to do this with Crestron/programming or not, but I did find this (and others) on Amazon. It might be just what you/she needs. https://www.amazon.com/Armor-All-Advanced-
Від Jim · #255043 ·
MPC-M5 control ethernet devices?
OK. After re-Compiling the original, re-saving and compiling, and after many tries, the modules are there, but the latest issue was getting an X-panel to connect. Finally got that, but changing the pr
Від Jim · #255002 ·
MPC-M5 control ethernet devices?
Thanks for responding Chris. 1. It's a CP4N. (sorry) 2. That far back, huh? I guess that's why there's some leftovers in the warehouse to use. Understood. 3. I do see Slot7, but didn't notice the ENET
Від Jim · #255001 ·
MPC-M5 control ethernet devices?
I think I already know the answer to this one, but: Can I easily test my program for a CP4E in a MPC-M5? (it's the only thing I have handy, as the real one is already in use onsite and I want to test
Від Jim · #254999 ·
Touch panel signal type buttons
I didn't think of that work-around. I've been caught between mouse third-button scrolling (lots of scrolling) and moving/grabbing the slider button on the right, both of which get to be a pain. I just
Від Jim · #254989 ·
Touch panel signal type buttons
I have a newbie question, so please excuse me if you've heard this before. In SIMPL, on the detail view of my touch panel (in this case (TSW-1070), the three signal-type buttons at the top (Digital, A
Від Jim · #254985 ·
Controlling Projector through DM-RMC-4K-Scaler Ethernet port
I'm glad I found this before I sent my own question of this sort. I'll be doing more or less the same, and have seen it done before. I just never know if I had to configure anything in the DM-MD or wh
Від Jim · #254870 ·
Timeout to Start Login page.
Eventually, but it still wasn't working, so after a TB phone call we set up something that did the trick, even though it took 7 symbols to do it the way that I needed it. We did end up tying it to the
Від Jim · #254268 ·
Timeout to Start Login page.
OK. I tried that, and it looks nice, but like my other previous attempts, I can't seem to tie it in to the right thing to make it go to the Start Page. I even tied it to a hidden button w/ a Digital p
Від Jim · #254220 ·
Timeout to Start Login page.
Activity extender huh? I don’t remember seeing that, but I’ll check it out on Monday. Thanks much. Jim
Від Jim · #254213 ·
Timeout to Start Login page.
It’s for a job. Basically, I have a “Start Page” with a full page size button that takes you to the login. It works fine, but once logged in and using the system, I want it to exit back to the login p
Від Jim · #254211 ·
Timeout to Start Login page.
Being a newbie, I have to ask: can anyone steer me in the right direction on how to set a timer to drop out to the passworded login page? I can’t seem to figure this one put. jim
Від Jim · #254209 ·
RMC4 Slave mode
I’m coding for one of these right now (awaiting actual unit), so this caught my attention. Have you logged into its web browser and configured it or checked its settings? See this article: https://doc
Від Jim · #254037 ·
New X-Panel is zoomed in (sizing issue?)
Well, I finally tried that, but it didn't seem to matter. Thanks, though! jim
Від Jim · #254032 ·
New X-Panel is zoomed in (sizing issue?)
Thanks for all the replies! Just to note: I did notice that I have it to scale, but then noticed that it IS already sized to my TSW-1070 (1920x1200) and looks fine there. At least we can 'arrow' navig
Від Jim · #253921 ·
New X-Panel is zoomed in (sizing issue?)
When I launch the X-Panel from the new VTP with the 'Play' button, it not only activates my laptop screen's task bar at the bottom (and it won't auto-hide anymore if I leave it on that local screen),
Від Jim · #253912 ·
File /Aja Kumo.zip uploaded
for: Sopheap OUK <sopheap.ouk@...>: I finally figured out how to add the other 15 Inputs on the Analog Initialize (and get them to function), but occasionally when I'm re-loading for other reaso
Від Jim · #253691 ·
Recalling Presets on an Allen and Heath QU-16
I tried using this on an SQ-6 and it seems to be recalling presets. (change the last pair from 00 to 01 to change from Preset1 to Preset2, etc) Thanks a bunch!
Від Jim · #253600 ·
File /Aja Kumo.zip uploaded
I did get the AJA KUMO and CP in today, and after setting the IP and putting the proper info into the Analog Init's Parameter, it worked fine! I could check by looking at the CP's front buttons. Well
Від Jim · #253590 ·