Mac version
3 повідомлення
Thank you, it works!
Installing LTSpiceXVII (windows version) under macOS
4 повідомлення
Tony, Andy, thanks for your comments. I got it straighted out now and everything’s fine again (almost, despite of library search paths). Someone helped me bundling the Windows LTSpiceVII.exe into a ma
No icons
6 повідомлення
All of these messages are helpful. Thanks again.
Fred McCoy
LTspice for MacOS new asc file format
72 повідомлення
you are correct regarding both the variety of issues (op labels and "asc" file formats). But there is a connection, at least in my case. When using the Windows version the editing of labels was cumber
simulation using multi threads on a Mac
7 повідомлення
Conversely, to find out if multi-threading is still working, duplicate the circuit a few times on the same schematic (this can be a bit tricky given node labels). With LTspice the number of active CPU
Pausing a transient sim on a Mac
3 повідомлення
Thanks Andy; I’ll try to find that hook to get the “Pause” button. What I wanted to do was to run a second simulation to test out what I have already altered. I tried to run just the sub-component I h
Paul Martin
.ac analysis on Mac computer
6 повідомлення
I'm glad to hear it's working. I use both the native macOS LTspice and the Windows LTspice under Crossover Mac (a commercial version of the free WINE Windows emulator) on both M1 and Intel based Macs.
Another new MacOS version of LTspice XVII
12 повідомлення
Thank you, I appreciate the inputs. I will give it a try. Warren
Warren Glotzbach
new LTspice user - Mac user - need help with adding models
13 повідомлення
Hi Jon, This Application Note is freely available on onsemi web site. Sure, you can share it or share the link to it. Best regards, Didier.
LTSpice XVII Mac High Sierra installation problems
12 повідомлення
I received a confirmation email from ADI today saying that version 17.0.39 does indeed correct the missing library bug for older versions of macOS. HTH
diode models update on Mac
3 повідомлення
Mea culpa! I had “exited” LTspice and started it “fresh” rom the Mac Finder menu … BUT… when I opened the “force process quit” window it was still there!! Killing it with a stake through the heart did
Paul Martin
adding a diode to old LTspice
6 повідомлення
Google shows that 1N9114 apparently did exist - but there is precious little about it known to Google. You'd think that with a higher-numbered part like "9114", it might be a newer part, relatively sp
Andy I
How could I install new components in LTSpice for Mac?
34 повідомлення
Andy Yeah. following Goran's instructions allowed me to make the library visible. then following Dennis and your instructions allowed me to add the lib and use the components in DigitalLogic. Thank Yo
Alexis Mendoza
found what causes crash when trying to place a symbol
27 повідомлення
In MacOS, there is no default name for documents. That is defined by the application. MacOS uses “untitled” for new directories created by the OS so, I think, that has also been adopted by many applic
Jim Wagner
How to add 74hct file to ltspice on mac
5 повідомлення
I just downloaded and ran the test file from the site Andy linked to above on my macOS LTspice. Unsurprisingly It runs correctly. A couple of gotchas that I noticed when creating my o
MacOS 11.14 displays "Trouble opening file /Users/xxx/Documents/LTspice/xxx.log" when I try to rotate a component to the left using Ctrl-L
13 повідомлення
Stephen, don't forget, we are all learning, and it is definitely true that some things either are not intuitive, or don't work the same way across the board! That's one of the reasons why this group i
Andy I
How to change default font size on a Mac?
2 повідомлення
Hello Tim I don't have Mac so I can't say anything abou the GUI, but maybe you can see the differences between the LTspiceXVII.ini in Windows and the one in Mac, and change accordingly?
Mac FFT displays only one waveform
5 повідомлення
I have PC version running on Mac under Parallels in Windows 10 and FFT works like it supposed to as described in your email. This is not the case on Mac. In Mac version if I want to add a waveform it
Copy plot to Clipboard doesn't work with 17.0.35 on macOS
3 повідомлення
trivial alternative : Menu / File / Print (the .PLT view/-window) → // allows to save as multiple output formats extra to pdf
LTSpice on Mac M1 - Big Sur
9 повідомлення
I just updated two Macs, and Intel Mac and an M1 Mac to Big Sur 11.4. I then attempted to update LTSpice to the latest 06/2/21 version of LTSpice. The M1 Mac Software update asks you to "reload" which
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