
Calibration Standards Holder 2 повідомлення
Punch out the plastic and the pins to reduce the wear of the standards. <landrjoh@...> wrote:
Від Dragan Milivojevic ·
Introduction to VNA Calibration Techniques
Learn the basics of how vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration techniques correct measurement errors. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/introduction-to-vna-calibration-techniques/
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW ·
Understanding the 12-Term Error Model and SOLT Calibration Method for VNA Measurements
in case someone can't fall asleep in bed at night and needs a simple read https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/understanding-the-12-term-error-model-and-solt-calibration-method-for-vna-
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW ·
Nanovna-H problem 16 повідомлення
Many schematics can be found on Hugen's github repo - some as *.png or *.jpg, but you should be able to convert them to *.pdf yourself: https://github.com/hugen79/NanoVNA-H/tree/master/doc HTH Martin
Від Ho-Ro ·
Through calibration 65 повідомлення
Hello Just to make your life easier when I see you having to take pictures of your NanoVNA screen. Since you are in a workshop (in the house), if you connected your nanoVNA to a computer, for example
Від François ·
Copying cal files from SD card 4 повідомлення
On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 10:24 AM, Brian Garber wrote: I went through and carefully callibrated my H4 and then saved all of the cal files off to the SD card. I can see the *.cal files when I run sd_rea
Від hwalker ·
NanoVNA H4 - Absolute beginner questions 12 повідомлення
Thank you a lot! 🙂
Від Andrea I2UEA ·
Update from 1.2.20 to 1.2.21, do you need to recalibrate? 2 повідомлення
to be sure just connect open, short and load (with the cables/adaptors etc) that was used for calibration ... does it show a dot left right centre?? then calibration is fine and can be used ... ifg no
Від Siegfried Jackstien ·
A man with one cal-kit can calibrate with confidence ... A man with several ..... 10 повідомлення
@Dave - WØLEV Thank you for your answers to most of my questions. @Stan, Don & W4JDY Yor input is much appreciated. Carsten - OZ1FTG
Від Carsten F (OZ1FTG) ·
NanoVNA-App in app calibration problem (bug?) 42 повідомлення
I saw that, but didn't realize they were coming in late. I'd get a few, and it just seemed that list traffic was slow.
Від Jim Lux ·
Can't recall saved calibrations from SD card. 3 повідомлення
Thanks for the reply and information. I did recalibrate and saved them to SD. But the RECALL FROM SD menu item isn't there in 1.2.14. I rolled back to 1.2.0 for now. Regards
Від TheSpud ·
NanoVNA Crashes when calibrating NanoVNA H4 3 повідомлення
Hi Ian, Since NanoVNA-Saver v0.5.4 was released on January 1, 2023 and NanoVNA firmware 1.0.69 was released on June 24, 2021, you may have operational problems. The release of the firmware is followed
Від HA3HZ ·
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie) 9 повідомлення
Good point as well.
Від PDXer ·
Does calibration "drift?" How often do you need to re-do? 6 повідомлення
To amplify on my previous post, one application I have is routinely tuning an HF screwdriver antenna which I use on 80-10m. For this purpose, I so one 401 point calibration over that entire range, and
Від Lou W7HV ·
#calibration Calibrating tools for UFL or SWF? 3 повідомлення
Greetings, You may need a few adapters.MURATA MM126056 SWD / SWF TEST PROBE TO SMA FEMALE RF ADAPTOR fd5g59 | eBay | | | | £50.00 | | | | | | | MURATA MM126056 SWD / SWF TEST PROBE TO SMA FEMALE RF AD
Від Chris Gardner ·
Inconsistent VSWR readong 8 повідомлення
I normally use the NanoVNA without the computer connected, and it matches well with my MFJ analyzer. When connecting to the computer today, I saw a similar issue when measuring an HF multiband vertica
Від Stan Dye ·
Flaky Calibrations, Bad Procedure? 4 повідомлення
For my HF antenna work, I do a single 401 point calibration over 3-35 MHz. The nanoVNA interpolates between these so this works well for me over any smaller smaller range within that, like 401, 201 or
Від Lou W7HV ·
#calibration 5 повідомлення
You must calibrate what the radio will see, not what you want to see. i.e. If you connect the VNA directly to the antenna without coax, you will see an SWR of only the antenna and it's connector. But
Від Brian Donaldson ·
Is my 2020 NanoVNA-H bricked? 18 повідомлення
FYI, the drriver issue is Windows nonsense . . . Linux handles this with it's native USB subsystem, and no drivers need be loaded.
Від Tim Dawson ·
NanoVNA-H and -H4 failures with NanoVNA-App and NanoVNA Saver 3 повідомлення
1. NanoVNA Saver calibration occasionally fails and the program crashes. --- Well, that sorta limits the usefulness of using segmented sweeps, which I wanted to demo. Oh, well. 2 NanoVNA-app --- thank
Від Rich NE1EE ·