
#coils #nanovna-saver #newbie #nanovna-f
Great, that is helpful. Now what we are seeing is that it is averaging the values rather than tracking and recording distinct values on the trace that we have selected on the nanoVNA. Ideally we would
Від ... · #23860 ·
#coils #nanovna-saver #newbie #nanovna-f
NanoVNA-Saver works with most of the NanoVNA variants. Yes, you could use it to capture the .s1p files for a series of measurements. (or make plots and export them) There's also nanovna.py which provi
Від Jim Lux · #23683 ·
#coils #nanovna-saver #newbie #nanovna-f
Hi, new here and looking for help. Does anyone know if the NanoVNASaver program can be used with the NanoVNA-F? If so, is it able to be used to record and export the log magnitude of the reflection co
Від ... · #23661 ·
Brief NanoVNA-H vs NanoVNA_F comparison
Can someone please tell me if the case dimensions are different on the F model than the H model ? I have to arrange a case for both and want to know if I can use my H model case on my f model NANO.
Від Charlie M. · #14799 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
Ah, Wiki, Sorry I did not check that. Will do. Thank you!
Від Edward · #14497 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
Agree 100%Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Від RandMental · #14496 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
nanoVNA in general is an open source, open hardware project so should be all its derivatives. The nanoVNA-F is a 'fork' of the original nanoVNA that is not open hardware (at least from what is shown s
Від Aristarchus · #14495 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
Missed this one: https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/topic/71984705?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,71984705
Від Larry Rothman · #14494 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
BTW, All I used was the search term "comparison" and this popped-up: https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/message/12353 Note - the H and H4 units have had a lot of firmware enhancements by several devs w
Від Larry Rothman · #14492 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
Edward, Have you referred to the forum's WIKI?? All the info is listed there - and has also been mentioned in a number of message threads. Links to WIKI and FILES areas are at the end of every forum e
Від Larry Rothman · #14491 ·
Comparison between #nanovna-f and
I looked but did not see this question asked yet. I decided I want the 4" screen. It seems both the NanoVNA-F and NanoVNA-H4 have a 4" screen and have similar frequency range, but I'm having a hard ti
Від Edward · #14490 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
Thank you to all for the replies. I have purchased a NanoVNA-H4 from Gigaparts. It seems to be a pretty nice unit. It came in a deluxe box with three loads, two USB-C cables, two short SMA-terminated
Від Russell C. Nixon · #13545 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
I agree with Mike. Many of the others are knock-offs and may not be supported. ⁣___ Sent from my two way wrist watch 73 de W3AB/GEO​
Від GEO BADGER · #13528 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
Yes herb. You are correct that none of them are "official". I guess my point was that if you get the NanoVNA-F from the aliexpress / Deepelec store you will be guaranteed to get the actual BH5HNU unit
Від Michael Docy · #13527 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 10:19 AM, Michael Docy wrote: ... I did some research. The only official NanoVNA-F is from developer BH5HNU at Deepelec. He has not released the pcb to the public ... =========
Від hwalker · #13521 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
I had the same question as Russell C. Nixon and I did some research. The only official NanoVNA-F is from developer BH5HNU at Deepelec. He has not released the pcb to the public so every other NanoVNA-
Від Michael Docy · #13518 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
Don't know anything about Hugen, but the GigaParts "-H" is a good one. Comes with all the accessories, including installed battery. $69 USD I think. *Bob Kircher, K7QXY* Tigard, OR (503) 789-3983 (cel
Від Bob Kircher · #13394 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
Nano vna F4 https://m.aliexpress.ru/item/10000072651808.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&spm=a2g0n.store_home.allProducts_1000003985114.10000072651808
Від ... · #13389 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
Wow, Gigaparts is carrying the new one? Is that the actual Hugen built unit?? or just a good knockoff....? or? Thanks
Від Chris K2STP · #13388 ·
#buying #nanovna-f
I just bought the "H" from Gigaparts. Bonus: no long wait for shipping from China!
Від Russell C. Nixon · #13372 ·