Jazz-Guitar / Jazz Guitar Discussion Group
Discussion group for Jazz Guitar and Jazz Guitarists. This is the Jazz Guitar Discussion Group that was formerly on Yahoo (YJGG). Topics such as chords, harmony, theory, practice methods, recordings, and equipment are welcome. The Group has been in existence since 1995.
3,935 Members, 28 303 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
This is a group dedicated to the Icom IC-7000 compact mobile IF-DSP HF/VHF/UHF transceiver. **Please note** A valid amateur radio license is a prerequisite for membership. Applicants are requested to state their name and callsign; this will speed up the approval process. ***ALL REQUESTS FOR MEMBERSHIP WILL BE DENIED IF A CALLSIGN IS NOT PROVIDED*** If your membership is denied, it is most likely...
3,927 Members, 18 323 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
tinysa / tinySA
tinySA and tinySA Ultra user support group For more info on the tinySA go to https://tinysa.org/wiki/ A lot of video's demonstration tinySA functions are available at YouTube Be sure not to buy an illegal copy product: https://tinysa.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Buying There will be no support for illegal copy products Please only post content related to the tinySA and avoid all content that co...
3 892 Члени, 2,300 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
TooFatLardies / TooFatLardies
A discussion forum for TooFatLardies Wargames Rules and related topics.
3,868 Members, 28,265 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
The New York Java Special Interest Group (NYJavaSIG) is based in New York City and attracts Java developers from the tri-state region. Through its regular monthly general meetings, bi-monthly specialty workgroup meetings, and its website, @nyjavasig Twitter handle and YouTube Channel, the NYJavaSIG brings together members of New York's Java community so they can share their tips, techniques, k...
3,857 Members, 267 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Please read this VERY important message before joining the list. Please click on the line above. There is a LOT more to know before to this group. List Mission Statement: This email list has been formed to provide a forum for these powerful teachings of reality creation, and so that you, too, can share the gifts Abraham offers with all subscribed to the list. List Description and Purpo...
3,855 Members, 66,158 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
goomics / Goomics
Group where new episodes of the "Goomics" cartoon series are posted.
3 852 Члени, 26 Topics, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
UI-View / UI-View32
Support & Discussion of G4IDE's UI-View Support and discussion of UI-View software by Roger G4IDE (SK). UI-View32 can be downloaded from http://www.ui-view.net. Posts should include your call sign. Please stay on topic. If you must post an off-topic message on other amateur radio related matters, please mark the posting OT and request direct replies. Sales messages should NOT be pos...
3,786 Members, 18,457 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Radios email list
3,780 Members, 33 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
HamApps / HamApps by VK3AMA
HamApps by VK3AMA Support JTAlert download from HamApps.com
3,750 Members, 12 683 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
For those interested in receiving and decoding digital transmissions from aircraft and plotting position reports contained in such messages. Specifically for users of the PlanePlotter decoder and tracking program, to share techniques, charts, unusual loggings, to report bugs, to request Ground Station validation and to request new features. The PlanePlotter Wiki can be found here : PlanePlot...
3,749 Members, 30 633 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
A-100 / A-100 & FSOA Passers
This is the successor group and new home to the popular “A-100 2002 and Later” Yahoo group. This group is for people who have passed the U.S. Foreign Service Officer Test and Oral Assessment or the Consular Fellow Orals Assessment. By connecting to this group, we hope to answer questions concerning the process of getting into the A-100 class and, then once in the A-100 class, we hope to hel...
3,735 Members, 17 162 Теми, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
BrotherBabyLockMultineedleMachines / Brother BabyLock Multi-needle Embroidery Machines
Discussion group for anyone who has an interest in Brother/BabyLock multi-needle embroidery machines. All members can post messages. All messages are moderated. Each message requires the member's signature. Prices of machines and related items are not allowed.
3,735 Members, 38,598 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
DU / The Disappearance of the Universe
Hello, I'm Gary Renard and welcome to the Disappearance of the Universe (“DU”) listserv established April 2003. This discussion group was started as a place to come and discuss my books "The Disappearance of the Universe ("DU"),” "Your Immortal Reality” ("YIR"), "Love Has Forgotten No One” (October 2013); The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other...
3 722 Члени, 28 462 Теми, Public Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
loopantennas / Loop Antennas
This is the Loop Antenna Group to Ask Your Questions, Get Answers and Information about Loop Antennas for improved your Radio Listening and Enjoyment. This is your "HOW TO" Loop Antenna Forum to : Get Information, Plan, Design and Build Loop Antennas for both Radio Reception and Transmission. Air loops, magnetic loops, ferrite loops, shielded, unshielded, SLF to any frequency you can m...
3,719 Members, 4 064 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
AbsolutelyEmbird / Absolutely Embird
A group where we can work and learn about Embird software together. All Embird software will be covered, learning all the tips and tricks Embird has to offer the embroidery world. Please keep the discussions related to Embird topics and keep off-topic discussions to a minimum. Please see the group guidelines for rules for posting to the group. Peggy Severt, the group owner, is an independent in...
3,713 Members, 23,356 Topics, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
felderownersgroup / Felder Owners Group
This is the new home of the Felder Owners Group, previously on Yahoo. We are an independent group from Felder and as such, open discussion is invited. Please use common sense and civility in posting in this group. Personal attacks, Politics, Spam, and any sort of troublesome activity are not allowed and will get you expelled from the group after a warning. Please note that for new members, you ar...
3 651 Учасник, 21 003 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
APRSISCE / APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
Welcome to the APRSISCE/32 Support Group Note: When requesting membership, you should receive a (nearly immediate) e-mail response requesting your name and callsign. This is our way of keeping spammers at bay. Please REPLY to this e-mail with your NAME and CALLSIGN and we'll get your membership approved! APRSISCE/32 is intended for licensed amateur radio operators only and that privilege ...
3 634 Члени, 7,835 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
Immigrant Legal Resource Center listservs for legal services providers to discuss immigration issues and share resources. Please subscribe to one or more subgroup for substantive discussions. No messages are posted to this group. Welcome to ILRC’s legal listserv. We created our legal listservs to advance our mission of educating the legal sector to build a democratic society that values diver...
3,630 Members, 2 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
n-scale / N Scale Model Railroading
Started in 1994 at Stanford University by Bill Barr, this is the internet's oldest and largest, email list dedicated to N Scale model railroading. It's a general information list so all topics (DCC, decals, trackwork, benchwork, painting, airbrushing, kit-bashing, scratch-building, prototype operations, detailing, etc.) are welcome. With thousands of messages in the archives, chances are g...
3,615 Members, 47,858 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення: