Help finding entire protocol
Hello All, it's been years since I've engaged in this group. I did the Budwig protocol as one of many treatments. Stage 4 melanoma I'm still here 12 years later. I would like to help a friend who rece
Ann Rothstein
· #148056
White Button Mushroom Queries
Hello All, As far as Queries/research on the internet goes... I've found that "google scholar," is a useful place to go for medical scientific papers. Best, Ann
Ann Rothstein
· #139123
Advice for Surgery
Hi Laurie, You sign a release form at the hospital. Make sure that you are signing a document that states clearly what you have agreed upon. This usually happens the day prior to surgery. my story...
Ann Rothstein
· #139043
Hyperthermia; was DietAgainstDiseases_Ep3_Cancer
Hi All, Both wholebody (WHBT) and loco regional (LRHT) Hyperthermia are available in Canada. Integrative Health Clinic in B.C. is where I went. In the USA Loco Regional is available but only in conjun
Ann Rothstein
· #138631
Mistletoe Injections
Hi, I used "Iscador" for the first two years because it was the only one available in the US/Canada. When my doc found out that "Helixor," had become available, he was very excited and suggested I swi
Ann Rothstein
· #137986
Mistletoe Injections
Hi, Chiming in on Mistletoe, Mistletoe is likely the most widely used cancer treatment outside of America. You need the one specific to your cancer. The injections are not the same as the Homeopathic
Ann Rothstein
· #137982
Mistletoe Injections
Hi, I don't know if Mistletoe is Budwig compliant or not, but it is a well known Anthroposophical cancer treatment in Europe. I have used Mistletoe for many years as recommended by my Naturopathic phy
Ann Rothstein
· #137903
Ron, shaking vigorously it is fine too... will give you a nice froth. Aloha, Ann
Ann Rothstein
· #137693
Hi Ron, It looks like Jane responded to the temperature question. Matcha is strong so I would start with 1/2 teaspoon, place in bowl, pour in maybe 1/4 cup of water, whisk it with a fork to get all of
Ann Rothstein
· #137665
was FOCC question: now Green Tea
Hi, Just chiming in on the Green Tea conversation. "Matcha" is a green tea powder made from the entire plant. It is known to have 3 x more of the active ingredient, ECGC, than a steeped green tea. To
Ann Rothstein
· #137637
Can Paw Paw Be Combined With BP?
When I was in Australia they called their papayas "Paw Paw." It was a larger and less sweet variety than what I am accustomed to. If it is this fruit it would be Budwig compatible. Best, Ann
Ann Rothstein
· #137382
New member : re recipes
Hi, Regarding thickeners, there is a product called "Irish Moss," which is a seaweed. It is opaque in color, relatively tasteless and when used raw it acts like a gelatin. Many Vegan restaurants use t
Ann Rothstein
· #134990
New member : re question about cheescake
This is a reprint of a favorite "cheesecake." Make the FO/CC and add a tsp of honey and 1/2-1 tsp. of pure vanilla extract. ... (personally I prefer Greek yogurt over cottage cheese) If you like the s
Ann Rothstein
· #134952
Was 'Horrible taste"... now "irresistible :-)"
Hello, I have a few ideas for you. FO/CC "cheesecake" Recipe: Make the FO/CC and add a tsp of honey and 1/2-1 tsp. tsp of pure vanilla extract. ... (personally I prefer Greek yogurt over cottage chees
Ann Rothstein
· #134389
Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy with Budwig Protocol
Hi, Cannabis crosses the blood/brain barrier which is why It can have some effect on brain tumors. If you would like to understand Cannabis more from people who advocate it, use it and have practical
Ann Rothstein
· #134369
Skin problem
Hello, If it is a non-melanoma, skin cancer then use "Curaderm." Available online... I think it's $140 for a little tube. Must have patience, weeks or months...applying 2-3x per day. It works. My part
Ann Rothstein
· #134270
Cannabis, wine, cheese, TNBC, coffee enemas, tumor breaking skin
Check out the web site 420magazine. Go to "Medical Marijuana" then scroll to "MMJ Treatment." I have found these people be compassionate and generous. Great info on making RSOoil too. Wishing you the
Ann Rothstein
· #133939
cacao powder
Hello, My family was looking into chocolate because we grow it. We were surprised to find that chocolate often showed high cadmium and high lead content. Upon further research we concluded that the ch
Ann Rothstein
· #132530
Gerson Therapy compared to Budwig?
Hello, The original Gerson Therapy that worked for many patients included raw liver. Gerson Therapy seems like a great cleanse, however, just like Budwig,to expect it to "work" by only doing a partial
Ann Rothstein
· #130105
My cost for Helixor is $160... my dose is very high though. Direct from pharmacy... doctor does not add on any profit. "Iscador" is fermented. "Helixor" is not. I've taken both. There is information a
Ann Rothstein
· #129804
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