Measuring Attenuators
what about sweeping with a soundcard?? it should be possible to use line out and line in (or mic in) and use a soundcard like the nanovna (just ab idea from a dumb nut) sg9bfc sigi Am 13.12.2024 18:33
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38912 ·
USB isolator suggestions?
to surpress ground current just turn the usb cable a few turns around a ferrite core (bigger donut shape) that should work well enough dg9bfc sigi Am 03.12.2024 07:55 schrieb "Ismo Väänänen OH2FTG via
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38853 ·
What nanoVNA and from Where
up to 900 is third harmonic and up to 1.5 gig us fifth ... v1 only have one clock up to 300mhz so grab a V2 Dg9bfc sigi Am 01.12.2024 09:21 schrieb "Willi, DK6DT" <foeckeler@...>:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38828 ·
Where to bye a good quality and accurate 50 Ohm SMA Load ?
a sidenote.. best results are with using two 100 ohm resistors.. from centre pin to left and right .. better as using a single 50 ohm Dg9bfc sigi Am 01.12.2024 10:45 schrieb "tom Kawala via"
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38827 ·
What nanoVNA and from Where
I would go for a litevna64 or the saa2n (eBay, banggood or AliExpress) depending if you want 3.5 or 6 GHz max frequ
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38803 ·
NanoVNA Sorts Unknown Ferrite Suppression Beads by Fair-Rite Products Corp.
and you can relabel fake transistors with them...grin Dg9bfc sigi Am 25.11.2024 08:35 schrieb "Dan KE6PO via" <dazlin@...>:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38758 ·
"Fake" NanoVNAs?
they are all clones, cousins, brothers and sisters boosting the high end performance (lower noise) can be made with adding a few caps on the power rails (main noise is from the display rattling on the
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38757 ·
"Fake" NanoVNAs?
i would buy an saa2n instead your find is an older version with a clock up to 300megs and 900meg and 1.,5g is made with 3rd and 5th harmonic (with way lower dynamic range) newer v2 (like the saa2n) ha
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38753 ·
Measure transformers, inductors and trap filters
use nanovna_app instead :-) dg9bfc sigi Am 22.11.2024 um 16:49 schrieb Antoine (F4LVL) via
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38729 ·
measuring gain of multi band vertival antenna (GAP Titan DX)
its just several dipoles in parallel on the higher bands fed on the gap (almost similar to a fan dipole) except on 10m where it is 3 quarterwave ... on 40m it is a quarterwave against bent radial (the
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38616 ·
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
some rigs are not that happy with 1:2 SWR dg9bfc sigi Am 12.11.2024 16:10 schrieb "Warren Allgyer via" <allgyer@...>:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38586 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
the h4 (or other "older" nanovna models) have a clock up to 300 megs and up to 900megs or 1.5ghz is done with third or fifth harmonics the newer V2, saa2n etc.. are made with a clock up to 4.4ghz or a
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #38508 ·
Latest version NanoVNA SAA-2N by Zeenko
hi ken i sent greg the fw in direct mail (two versions .. with and without sd card support) dg9bfc sigi ps i also use the nanovna app here ... best software ever for the nano v2 (and all of its clones
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37696 ·
NANOVNA-H Firmware update
maybe in dfu mode comport number changed .. so try a reconnect but with comport number of the dfu device DG9BFC Sigi Am 03.08.2024 16:33 schrieb "kq4by via" <kq4by@...>:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37672 ·
140 ft end fed looks decent on 3 lower hf bands for digi
just a guess the antenna "thinks" it is a quarterwave (and maybe uses your coax as other half??) dg9bfc sigi Am 21.07.2024 um 14:01 schrieb Barry K3EUI:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37561 ·
140 ft end fed looks decent on 3 lower hf bands for digi
seems to be a bit long when looking your swr sweeps dg9bfc sigi Am 20.07.2024 um 18:50 schrieb Barry K3EUI:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37546 ·
DiSlord firmware alteration request
try this one dislordlive@... become a member of the nanovna betatest group and you get a direct contact (and newest firmwares) dg9bfc sigi ps here newes "H"
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37449 ·
Turn on new unit - white screen
maybe the case is touching the touch of the screen and firmware things you press finger on screen... try with open case .... another option is a loose screen connector try resetting it ..... what LEDs
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37429 ·
Purchasing a new. H4 or F
depends on where you buy but .. in fact near ALL OF THEM are clones, brothers, sisters, cousins etc etc some are a bit more noisy on the upper end (that can be solved by adding a few caps here and the
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37379 ·
Can the Nanovna 3.6 version be upgraded
yes Am 23.06.2024 um 18:35 schrieb David Poulson:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #37378 ·