LMH6321 Buffer Not Working
Make sure your symbol pins are numbered in consecutive order: 1, 2, 3, 4 works, 1, 3, 4, 5 (or any other sequence with a missing number) doesn't, even though the number of pins is correct.
Від Craig Lambert · #156981 ·
Sim files for Capacitor Pulse Charging
Micromicrofarads, oft pronounced " mickeymikes". Craig Get BlueMail for Android On Sep 25, 2024, at 10:29 PM, "Bell, Dave via groups.io" <lmco.com@groups.io target=_blank>dave.bell@...>
Від Craig Lambert · #155648 ·
MMSD4148T1G spice model please
Also sometimes referred to as "jellybeans". Craig Get BlueMail for Android On Jul 24, 2024, at 10:28 AM, "John Woodgate via groups.io" <woodjohn.uk@groups.io target=_blank>jmw@...> w
Від Craig Lambert · #154742 ·
This is likely meaningless without a full transistor simulation, but simulating ground ripple is as important as supply ripple. Actually, if the ground moves with the supply, the ripple rejection woul
Від Craig Lambert · #154358 ·
In the IC industry, unless otherwise specified, PSRR measures the ratio of the change of something (input offset voltage of an op amp, for example) to a change in the power supply voltage. It's not an
Від Craig Lambert · #154356 ·
Why the equations that were used in the description of the component models by the simulator does not appear in the documentation/help file?
BRUCE108, SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) uses models that include physics-based parameters such as doping levels, junction depths and profiles, and many other process-rela
Від Craig Lambert · #151380 ·
Why the equations that were used in the description of the component models by the simulator does not appear in the documentation/help file?
Hi, Cornel, The equations used in modeling a MOSFET would fill a book, lierally. The book I used to study the BSIM3 models was "MOSFET Modeling & BSIM3 User's Guide" by Yuhua Cheng and Chenming Hu, pu
Від Craig Lambert · #151331 ·
Formatting lines from standard.dio231130
I started with vi in 1984 on an IBM compatible (mainframe) computer running National Semiconductor's version of Unix. Istill use vim on my linux systems. The editor commands I use frequently are all a
Від Craig Lambert · #150040 ·
Formatting lines from standard.dio231130
Wordstar was my word processor of choice for years on my CP/M computer in the early 80s. I still have the computer and the list of hacks to make Wordstar work as I wanted it to. Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #150036 ·
Amptek 250
Hi, jlballe, If your company can throw a quarter million dollars ( give or take a dime) at your project, you might consider one of the companies authorised by the US defense department to resurrect ol
Від Craig Lambert · #149237 ·
XKCD "Circuit Diagram"
Ah, yes. National's April Fool's Day Dark Emitting Diode article. Craig Get BlueMail for Android On Aug 22, 2023, at 9:37 PM, alan victor <avictor73@...> wrote:
Від Craig Lambert · #148208 ·
divergence of LTspice simulation when using di/dt in behavioral voltage source supplied with a trapezoidal voltage in .trans
.options method=gear Or set it in the Default Integration Method under the SPICE tab in the control panel. It's a "sticky" setting, so you'll have to change it back to your favorite integration method
Від Craig Lambert · #146975 ·
divergence of LTspice simulation when using di/dt in behavioral voltage source supplied with a trapezoidal voltage in .trans
Have you tried method=Gear? It has fewer problems with numerical oscillation. Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #146953 ·
Thanks, David, I found mine there, too. Now I just need to find a computer with Windows on it. Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #146844 ·
Books on SPICE or LTspice
Another now-open-source spice program is the previously proprietary wrspice from Whitely Research. The author writes very good documentation, so his source code could be well documented and might offe
Від Craig Lambert · #145958 ·
Модерується New Simulator Written by Mike Engelhardt
I'm deeply disappointed that QSPICEwill not run under WINE, for now, at least. Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #145929 ·
Модерується New Simulator Written by Mike Engelhardt
There might be some confusion about the Quite Unique Circuit Simulator (QUCS) and Mike's to-be-released Qspice. They are both circuit simulators, but they're not the same software. -- Craig Get BlueMa
Від Craig Lambert · #145538 ·
.op command and limiting the node voltage decimal points
And save the original file under another name first, just in case. Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #142272 ·
Simple current-limited voltage source
Hi, Dave, Would an op amp cofigured in a gain of +1 and with the current limit you want and fed by the voltage you want to supply do the trick? Craig
Від Craig Lambert · #140398 ·
Gain Linearity OP37 model
What Julio might be seeing on the bench is thermal gain, in which one output transistor is carrying more current (and dissipating more power as heat) than the other. This causes an output-voltage-depe
Від Craig Lambert · #140019 ·