
NanoVNASaver.win.x64 could be better
with the version screen cap
Від Jim Lux · #33774 ·
NanoVNASaver.win.x64 could be better
Yeah, I do it by a screen cap of the window (attached, MacOS-X). The calibration files do have the frequency range: # Calibration data for NanoVNA-Saver ! SOL Calibration ! 27-30Mhz 101 Points # Hz Sh
Від Jim Lux · #33773 ·
NanoVNASaver.win.x64 could be better
And of course, the software should remember where it was when it was stopped, so that it would start from there next time.
Від Leif M · #33768 ·
NanoVNASaver.win.x64 could be better
After some use I noticed a couple things which could be better in NanoVNASaver.win.x64 software. First, I posted this also to https://groups.io/g/NanoVNAV2 but after a couple of days it has not appear
Від Leif M · #33767 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
You most likely had a weird chip and firmware combo too. Take it as a learning experience. - know your hardware - make backups of firmware (ideally 2x & crc) - check if updates are compatible with you
Від John Simons · #31255 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
that is still an older fw .. but at least you have a working unit with a working bootloader (so your pc should find it) dislord sure has a newer fw for it ... 17th (19th) of june 2020 is VERY old! (wh
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31253 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
20200617-1a9a11d Jun 19 2020
Від ... · #31252 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
With DisLord's help I was able to unbrick it !!!!
Від ... · #31250 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
GOTCHA! :-) what fw do you now have on what unit?? dg9bfc sigi Am 31.01.2023 um 02:38 schrieb Ray WW0AW via groups.io:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31249 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
U N B R I C K E D !!! The problem was the STM32CubeProgrammer I got is buggy, so I switched to the older STLINK Utility and it worked like a charm. Thank you my friend.!!!
Від ... · #31248 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
The dfu tool and STMCube are interchangeable - Cube just has a lot more features (and runs on a lot more platforms). I have had zero issues using them interchangeable on my -H4 . . .
Від Tim Dawson · #31239 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
This gave me an idea. Does the reverse apply? If the manufacturer used STMCube, could I have successfully loaded an old NanoVNA dfu with DfuSE-Demo which ran with anomalies but then when I tried to lo
Від Al Waschka · #31238 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
This is great !!! Thank you my friend, for the files with full dump of GS-400 which is just what I needed. You're right, I destroyed the bootloader so I cannot use either NanoVNA-App or QTbut I alread
Від ... · #31237 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
Read better.... You use STM-Cube, so you destroy bootloader (need use NanoVNA-App or QT for update in bootload mode) Upload this in 0x08000000 address as before 4-inch-GD32F303CCT6-20200619 FULL.bin
Від DiSlord · #31232 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
One of user made full dump for GS-400 I cut remove bootloader and data, try upload it (hold right button and power on, connect to PC, and use NanoVNA-App or QT for update) If not help you can try flas
Від DiSlord · #31231 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
dislord maybe can help .... (best firmware modder ever hi hi) dg9bfc sigi Am 29.01.2023 um 17:51 schrieb Ray WW0AW via groups.io:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31227 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
Now I realize I should've saved the original firmware before updating but it's too late for that now,
Від ... · #31226 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
Yes it is a GD32 - I can read it right on the chip. However ..... The STM32CubeProgrammer Target information tab says : STM32F101/F103 High Density Sevice ID 0x414 Flash size 256KB CPU Cortex-M3 Bootl
Від ... · #31225 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
I feel your pain.. I had a similar occurrence with an alleged NanoVNA from an apparently Chinese vendor but shipped from stock in US. Although it was sold as a NanoVNA it was delivered with a NanoVNA-
Від Al Waschka · #31209 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
is it an stm32 or a gd32??? dg9bfc sigi Am 28.01.2023 um 17:18 schrieb Ray WW0AW via groups.io:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31207 ·