COM Port wird nicht erkannt / COM port is not recognized N1MM+
Hallo, ich habe das Problem das mein NanoVNA als USB Gerät erkannt wird und ich habe kein zugewiesenen COM Port. Somit kann ich mit der App auch nicht drauf zugreifen. Welchen Treiber muss ich für Win
NanoVna h4 newbie
29 повідомлення
I have a spreadsheet I wrote to calculate and design low noise amplifiers and power amplifiers with microwave FET's. It uses s-parameters. Some of the equations are huge. They involve adding and subtr
Zack Widup
read SD card
Hi all, found a Python library - but unfortunately this one can not read all/selected files from the SD card inside the nanoVNA-H and H4. Anyone has a link to su
Wolfgang OE1MWW
My Win 11 machine does not recognize the Nanovna H4 in DFU mode.
6 повідомлення
Hello You can install the driver on win 11 if you disable core isolation, you are putting your computer at risk of being hacked due to kernel level exploits, although for the amount of time it takes t
NanoVNA hangs, when left connected to USB?
9 повідомлення
My earlier thought that it was resolved was wrong. Easily reproduces over night. Symptoms reported here, very much like mine. Rebooting the host computer (which I would think would reset the USB stuff
Paul - AI7JR
NanoVNA-H4 12kHz noise
3 повідомлення
No, 12k is IF used in measure. So not possible measure on this frequency or it harmonics PS in H4 possible change IF in config-expert settings menu
Dead NanoVNA-H4 troubleshooting?
4 повідомлення
Thanks, I did some more checks: power supplies on the pins of the various devices were ok, clocks were also present (except the 32 kHz, I guess it's used maybe only for the RTC during power down?) but
DFU mode not working
5 повідомлення
Back to this original statement of the problem: For SWR measurement, the 1.1.01 software build should work fine, so you may not need to upgrade. There are lots of new features in the newer versions, b
Stan Dye
Whats the best way to test your NanoVNA H4
5 повідомлення
Yes, I suppose I do, no pin so open(no contact). Lesson learned! Thank you again, Muggs KC3UDZ
Muggs KC3UDZ
Update from 1.2.20 to 1.2.21, do you need to recalibrate?
2 повідомлення
to be sure just connect open, short and load (with the cables/adaptors etc) that was used for calibration ... does it show a dot left right centre?? then calibration is fine and can be used ... ifg no
Siegfried Jackstien
Can't recall saved calibrations from SD card.
3 повідомлення
Thanks for the reply and information. I did recalibrate and saved them to SD. But the RECALL FROM SD menu item isn't there in 1.2.14. I rolled back to 1.2.0 for now. Regards
U.FL/MMC tools Re: [nanovna-users] RF Demo Kit for NanoVNA H4?
3 повідомлення
The additional sticker shock is (always) Sparkfun's shipping costs unless you spend 100 bucks with them. That alone keeps me from hardly ever ordering from them. I do enough work with u.fl's that I de
RF Demo Kit for NanoVNA H4?
19 повідомлення
Not exactly cheap if you pull the UF-L socket off of your computer or radio motherboard. 73, Don N2VGU
Donald S Brant Jr
NanoVNA H4 OSL calibration question (newbie)
9 повідомлення
Good point as well.
#nanovna-h4 Display-> Bandwidth settings
4 повідомлення
Read this
#nanovna-h4 SD Card write problem solved
Tom Thompson (W0IVJ) shorted out R93, a 10 0hm resistor next to the SD Card socket, to get his unit to write to the Micro SD Card. I tried this fix also and now the unit works perfectly. Thanks to all
SD Problem
4 повідомлення
If r93 is a 10 ohm resistor, try shorting r93.
#nanovna-h4 #firmware #flashing
5 повідомлення
Great, I had a similar experience while attempting my first H4 upgrade. As you say you must first CHOOSE the new firmware file to load the file into the DFU Demo program. Then select UPGRADE to actual
Chris Gardner
NANOVNA-H4 hangs after bot.
6 повідомлення
So, this gets weirder. This morning, without doing anything but leaving it off all night (plugged in, so charging as well), it came up just fine. I powered it off, let it sit, powered it back on and a
Brian Keahl
FS: NanoVNA-H4
3 повідомлення
Please PM me. HOGALLEN aka Gary A. Smith 2150 East 575 North St. George Utah 84790 435 272-7077
Gary Smith
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